Slide List
BIA Home
0: Business Impact Analysis
1: Objectives
2: DRP for the Enterprise
3: Business Impact Analysis
4: Purpose of BIA
5: The BIA Process
6: Business Impact Analysis
7: Membership of BIA Team
8: Who Contributes to BIA
9: BIA Detailed and Local Knowledge
10: Business Impact Analysis
11: Gathering BIA Data
12: BIA Questionnaires
13: BIA Interviews
14: BIA Workshops
15: Business Impact Analysis
16: Business Perspective of BIA
17: IT Perspective of BIA
18: Recovery Plan Document
19: Business Impact Analysis
20: Application Categories
21: Summary
Business Impact Analysis
Purpose and Process
Who is Involved?
How to Gather Data
Business and IT Perspectives
Categorizing Applications
For assistance with conducting your business impact
analysis, please contact
Mt Xia.
Slide ID:MXBIA-15