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7.4 Command Structure and File Naming Conventions
VMS is not case-sensitive in its interpretation of commands. It doesn't distinguish between upper and lower case characters. This is not true in UNIX, however. Commands must be entered in lower case characters only. The Shell will not understand characters that are in uppercase. Filenames are also case sensitive in UNIX. The file named MYFILE.DAT and the file myfile.dat refer to different files. One advantage of this is that you can have a much larger variety of filenames with fewer characters. Especially good if you don't like to type. This also has advantage over the filename conventions used by VMS. Directories and subdirectories are pointer files in both operating systems. When a subdirectory is created in VMS it is given the extension name .DIR automatically. UNIX files on the other hand do not distinguish between ordinary files and directories. Many VMS users have adopted a practice of naming new subdirectories in UNIX with all capital letters or the first letter being capitalized. This is not, however, standard UNIX practice. VMS Sample Session: $CREATE/DIRECTORY [.TEST] $DIRECTORY UNIX Shell Sample Session: $mkdir Test $ls Test It is possible in UNIX to maintain the same filename conventions that you used in VMS. The period (.) is a legal character in a UNIX filename. Some VMS users like to continue the practice of naming files using the same . extensions from VMS. Problems occur when default extensions are different between the two systems. For example, object files use the extension .OBJ in VMS but .o in UNIX. Another example is FORTRAN source code in UNIX the extension is .f and VMS uses .FOR. Note that .o and .f are UNIX conventions to facilitate file recognition and that UNIX commands do not assume file extensions as VMS does. Here is a list of commonly used extensions for both operating systems.
VMS UNIX Definition |
UNIX example Meaning |