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The BourneShell is both a command-line interpreter and a high- level programming language. When it is acting as a command-line interpreter, it processes commands as you enter them at the command prompt. When you use it as a programming language, it processes commands that are stored in files known as BourneShell scripts. This course will show you how to create and execute BourneShell scripts. We will explore BourneShell programming including such features as variables, control structures, processes, and executable files. The BourneShell is one of three shells available on most UNIX systems. Bourne is the accepted standard for System V UNIX. The other shells are being used more and more. The other shells are the CShell and the KornShell. The CShell is BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) UNIX. BSD was developed at the University of California at Berkeley, California. Most of the features found in the BourneShell are also found in the other shells; there are differences, however. The CShell and KornShell are not standard on UNIX System V but are generally available. BourneShell scripts allow you to group command lines together and execute them by entering a single command at the command line. This allows complex functions to be completed by any user, and repetitive functions can be completed easily. Input and output can also be redirected from a BourneShell script.1.1 What is the BourneShell?
BourneShell is a high level programming language and a command line interpreter. The command to invoke the BourneShell is:
Command Format: sh [-acefhiknrstuvx] [args] (See Appendix A for a complete list of options etc) |
Command Format: sh [-acefhiknrstuvx] [args] See Appendix A for a complete list of options etc |