Mt Xia: Technical Consulting Group

Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery / High Availability
Data Center Automation / Audit Response / Audit Compliance

Slide List

0: PLM - Install/Config
1: Introduction
2: Scope
3: CPU Resources
4: PLM Purpose
5: PLM is a normal AIX fileset
6: PLM is a "policy" based tool
7: Policy files
8: Each LPAR to be managed
9: Start a PLM instance
10: Questions?

Partition Load Manager

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PLM Commands

  • Start a PLM instance specifying a policy file:

  • PLMID="edsin701"

  • POLFILE="/etc/plm/policies/${PLMID}.policy"

  • LOGFILE="/var/opt/plm/${PLMID}.log"

  • /usr/sbin/xlplm -C "${POLFILE}"

  • /usr/sbin/xlplm -S -p "${POLFILE}" -l "${LOGFILE}" -o M ${PLMID}

  • Stop a PLM instance specifying a PLM instance ID:

  • PLMID="edsin701"

  • /usr/sbin/xlplm -K ${PLMID}

For assistance with designing, implementing, and supporting, your automated CPU and Memory allocation and deallocation using Partition Load Manager (PLM), please contact Mt Xia.

Slide 9

PLM Home
Slide 8
Slide 10

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