Mt Xia Inc.
Fortune Cookie Random Generator

Regenerate another random fortune from the current cookie file

bash | cookie | def_i | def_ii | fortunes | friends | humorous | kornshell | love | mw1 | people1 | people2 | people3 | platitudes | random | startrek | thoughts | wisdom |

Korn Shell 93 - Built-in Commands

alias [ -ptx ] [ name[ =value ] ] ...

alias with no arguments prints the list of aliases in the form
name=value on standard output. The -p option causes the word alias to
be inserted before each one. When one or more arguments are given, an
alias is defined for each name whose value is given. A trailing space
in value causes the next word to be checked for alias substitution. The
obsolete -t option is used to set and list tracked aliases. The value
of a tracked alias is the full pathname corresponding to the given name.
The value becomes undefined when the value of PATH is reset but the
alias remains tracked. Without the -t option, for each name in the
argument list for which no value is given, the name and value of the
alias is printed. The obsolete -x option has no effect. The exit
status is non-zero if a name is given, but no value, and no alias has
been defined for the name .

fortunes data file for Korn Shell 93
Version: 1.2
Provided by:

Mt Xia Inc.
Dana French, President
117 B 5th Avenue North
Franklin, TN 37064

Specializing in Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, AIX and HACMP

Regenerate another random fortune from the current cookie file

bash | cookie | def_i | def_ii | fortunes | friends | humorous | kornshell | love | mw1 | people1 | people2 | people3 | platitudes | random | startrek | thoughts | wisdom |

bashFortune - Copyright 2008: Mt Xia Inc., All Rights Reserved

Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery / High Availability
Data Center Automation / Audit Management / Virtualization / Consolidation