Mt Xia: Technical Consulting Group

Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery / High Availability
Data Center Automation / Audit Response / Audit Compliance

Slide List

BIA Home
0: Business Impact Analysis
1: Objectives
2: DRP for the Enterprise
3: Business Impact Analysis
4: Purpose of BIA
5: The BIA Process
6: Business Impact Analysis
7: Membership of BIA Team
8: Who Contributes to BIA
9: BIA Detailed and Local Knowledge
10: Business Impact Analysis
11: Gathering BIA Data
12: BIA Questionnaires
13: BIA Interviews
14: BIA Workshops
15: Business Impact Analysis
16: Business Perspective of BIA
17: IT Perspective of BIA
18: Recovery Plan Document
19: Business Impact Analysis
21: Application Categories
22: Summary

Business Impact Analysis Outline

First Previous Next Last

BIA Questionnaires

  • Designing and using questionnaires

    • Make it easy for targets to respond
    • Convenient
    • Don't have to get all players together at one time
    • Results need sanity checking
    • Time-consuming to achieve good results
    • Can precede workshop (to set the agenda, for example)
  • Need skill and care to prepare effective questionnaire and avoid pitfalls

    • Leading the audience toward an answer
    • Danger of poorly considered response – completed in a hurry
    • Poor response rates – or not completed at all
    • Frequently need to contact respondents to clarify answers
    • Easy for recipients to avoid hard or unpleasant concerns
    • Inability to elicit full, frank information
    • “You didn't ask that”

For assistance with conducting your business impact analysis, please contact Mt Xia.

Slide 12

BIA Outline
Slide 11
Slide 13

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