Slide List
BC Storage Home
0: Title Slide
1: Introduction
2: Scope
3: Storage Concepts
4: Storage Redundancy
5: Storage High Availability
6: Storage Disaster Recovery
7: Storage Topology
8: Storage - Internal SCSI Disks
9: Storage - External RAID
10: Storage - External SSA
11: Storage - NFS
12: Storage - SAN
13: Storage - NAS
14: Storage - Virtual
15: HDS Utilities
16: HDS Utilities (cont)
17: dlnkmgr Help
18: dlnkmgr Output
19: DLM Command Utilities
20: Storage Policies
21: Storage Guidelines
22: Storage Procedures
23: Helpful Links
24: Q&A
Storage Design for Business Continuity
Storage - External SSA
SSA is direct attached storage and is currently utilized only in Non-HA environments.
SSA is utilized in development as well as production environments.
SSA provides multiple paths to an SSA disk and provides redundant loops to an SSA drawer to provide a Highly Available Disk subsystem.
SSA is currently not the desired direction of Mt Xia for its storage solutions and will be phased out as time passes.
There are currently only about 6 SSA drawers utilized within the Mt Xia environments.
For assistance with designing, implementing, and supporting
your storage systems in a business continuity design structure,
please contact Mt Xia.
Slide ID:MXSTG-10