Mt Xia: Technical Consulting Group
Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery / High Availability Data Center Automation / Audit Response / Audit Compliance
#!/usr/bin/ksh93 ################################################################ #### Program: cut_k93 #### #### Description: Emulation of the Unix "cut" cutand #### #### Author: Dana French ( #### Copyright 2004 #### #### Date: 07/22/2004 #### ################################################################ function cut_k93 { typeset TRUE="0" typeset FALSE="1" typeset CUTCOLS="${FALSE}" typeset CUTFLDS="${FALSE}" typeset VERBOSE="${FALSE}" typeset VERYVERB="${FALSE}" typeset DELIM="${IFS}" typeset LINE typeset FLDS typeset COLS typeset BEGIN typeset END typeset IDX typeset NEWLINE typeset FNAME while getopts ":d:c:f:vV" OPTION do case "${OPTION}" in 'd') DELIM="${OPTARG}";; 'c') COLS="${OPTARG}" CUTCOLS="${TRUE}";; 'f') FLDS="${OPTARG}" CUTFLDS="${TRUE}";; 'v') VERBOSE="${TRUE}";; 'V') VERYVERB="${TRUE}";; '?') print "Syntax: cut_k93 [-d delim] [-c 0-9] [-f 0-9] file ..." && exit 1 ;; esac done shift $(( ${OPTIND} - 1 )) if (( CUTCOLS == TRUE && CUTFLDS == TRUE )) then print "ERROR: You may specify '-c' OR '-f' but not both." exit 4 fi typeset STDIN="${1:+${FALSE}}" STDIN="${STDIN:-${TRUE}}" #### Read in the data either from STDIN or one or more files if (( STDIN == TRUE )) then (( CUTCOLS == TRUE )) && cutcols_k93 "${COLS}" (( CUTFLDS == TRUE )) && cutflds_k93 "${FLDS}" "${DELIM}" else for FNAME in "${@}" do exec 0<"${FNAME}" (( CUTCOLS == TRUE )) && cutcols_k93 "${COLS}" (( CUTFLDS == TRUE )) && cutflds_k93 "${FLDS}" "${DELIM}" exec 0<&- done fi return 0 } ################################################################ function cutcols_k93 { typeset COLS="${1}" typeset LINE typeset COLS typeset BEGIN typeset END while read -r -- LINE do IFS="${IFS}," for CUT in ${COLS} do BEGIN="${CUT}" END="1" [[ "${CUT//-/_}" = *_* ]] && BEGIN="${CUT%%-*}" && END="${CUT##*-}" [[ "${CUT//-/_}" = *_* ]] && (( END = END - BEGIN + 1 )) (( BEGIN-- )) print -r -n -- "${LINE:BEGIN:END}" done print done } ################################################################ function cutflds_k93 { typeset FLDS="${1}" typeset DELIM="${2}" typeset TRUE="0" typeset FALSE="1" typeset NEWLINE="${TRUE}" typeset LINE typeset FLDS typeset BEGIN typeset END typeset IDX while IFS="${DELIM}" read -r -A -- LINE do IFS=$', \t\n' for CUT in ${FLDS} do BEGIN="${CUT}" END="${BEGIN}" [[ "${CUT//-/_}" = *_* ]] && BEGIN="${CUT%%-*}" && END="${CUT##*-}" (( BEGIN-- )) (( END-- )) for (( IDX=BEGIN; IDX<=END; ++IDX )) do (( NEWLINE == FALSE )) && print -r -n -- "${DELIM:0:1}" print -r -n -- "${LINE[${IDX}]}" NEWLINE="${FALSE}" done done print NEWLINE="${TRUE}" unset LINE done } ################################################################ cut_k93 "${@}"