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vLPAR Slide List

0: vLPAR Introduction
1: What is vLPAR?
2: vLPAR Goals
3: vLPAR Features
4: BC Activities
5: SLA Structures
6: Tier 1: BC/HA/DR/HA
7: Tier 2: BC/HA/DR
8: Tier 3: BC/DR
9: Tier 4: BC/HA
10: Tier 5: BC
11: Dual VIO Server Design
12: High Availability
13: Disaster Recovery
14: DR (continued)
15: Tier 1: Frame View
16: Summary

vLPAR Introduction
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What is vLPAR?

  • vLPAR is the implementation of advanced business continuity, system administration, audit management, and security methodologies consolidated into an automated appliance.
  • The methodologies consist of
  • Policies
  • Guidelines
  • Standards
  • Procedures
  • Resource deployment
  • Organizational Structure
  • Many system administration methodologies miss the point of what they are intended to provide. The point of system administration is not to ensure the computers are running, the point is to ensure the business is running.
  • Business Continuity is not only an IT responsibility. Management must require an enterprise wide mentality of business continuity.

  • For assistance with Datacenter Automation, Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, High Availability, Virtualization, and Live Partition Mobility, please contact Mt Xia.

    Slide ID:MXVLP-1

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