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html2tex.c C-Language Source Code

/* HTML2LaTeX -- Converting HTML files to LaTeX
   Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Frans Faase

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

GNU General Public License:

#define VERSION "2.7 of January 25, 2005."
#define WRITTEN_BY "F.J. Faase.  http://www.iwriteiam.nl/"

Status: Has been tested on my documents

To do:

Known bugs:
	- accept \t as space inside tag scanning
	- empty_item sometimes false when should be true
	- deal with "\end{verbatim}" inside verbatim??

Revision history:
    - Small fixes contributed by Dr. Nigel Brown
	- Made some corrections with respect to the LaTeX output
	  generated for some of the special characters. Thanks to
	  Ott Toomet for pointing out the problem.
	- Added define ASCII8 for preventing translation of characters 160 to 255
	- fixed some small bugs
	- Added minimal support for SCRIPT, FORM, INPUT and TEXTAREA tags.
	- Dynamically allocate memory for comments.
	- Added minimal support for FONT tag.
	- On popular demand, changed the command line processing, such that
	  a LaTeX file can be generated without having to create a template
	  file. If a HTML is given as input file, a LaTeX file is generated
	  from it. To check a HTML file, use the option '-c' or rename/link
	  the program to chkhtml.
	- (in norm_URL remove everything after question mark.) [DISABLED]
	- added error reporting for non-existing local files
	  other than HTML files, which were already reported.
	- allow latex-commands after latex-on
	- add option latex-fmt, which overrides format string. 
	  Only works for internal references now.
	- replaced all \hbox by \mbox
	- fix bug with generating footnotes in headers
	- added %p before \cite in f_cite(_n)
	- use \( and \) for math inside alltt
	- fixed `empty_line is sometimes false when it should be true' bug
	- added support for many more specials
	- added more tags
	- fixed usage of SUB and SUP tags outside math mode. Can be nested.
	- Experimental: generate `{\"u}' for `ü' in alltt mode.
	- remove tolower for processing options. Did not recognize f_URL
	- for opt_no_header print_sp was called with fout == NULL (twice)
	- the meta-tags l1 to l2 could not be redefined.
	- "not included" turned into info (instead of warning)
	- suppress "empty item" when inside no-copy part.
	- fixed problem with  inside .
	- fixed bug with 

combination. - added (some) support for and . Does not work for nested tags. - added -o option for specifying output file. - fixed bug with inside (not completely) (These four were reported/fixed by: Victor Volle ) - allow META tag inside HEAD, and ignore attributes of META tag. - fixed bug with

, which caused an \item[] to be generated afterwards. Added: no_item = FALSE. 960827 - -cr option was not recognized on the command line. - added error message for unknown document style. 960710 - bug-fix in alltt \ should be mapped to \(\backslash\) instead of \\ (reported by: Daniel Drotos ) 960708 - added error reporting about non-existing non-HTML files. 960703 - added code for parsing `\nl', must have been deleted accidentialy - fixed bug (skipping spaces) in process_option (Thanks to Chris Ritson for theses fixes) - added support for `report' style (= `book' style) 960626 - added empty_line = FALSE after echoing comment (bug-fix) - fixed wrong default value for latex open for H4. - changed default value for code into \tt. - chenged default value for quote into \em - added \nl after close quotation 960623 - removed recalculation of H1-H6 tagnr values. (a bug) 960614 - add options no_title, no_header and at_start - removed bug in -o processing - removed bug in process-definition (looked only at first option) - removed bug with wrong use of realloc 960530 - map character '\t' on 8 spaces. 960520 - add option at start. 960519 - rewrote print_str_ to deal with &special and >127. Does not report warnings. - rewrote level system, as -l options of latex-def. 960517 - rewrote &special; and added support for >127 characters. - recognize .htm as html extension - small bug-fixes from Michael Ritzert 960515 - bug-fix: no latex commands for special characters were generated. - missing file are only reported once. - bug-fix: unknown <..> gave last attribte name, instead of tag. - add checking of empty name and href tags. - give warnings for ignored attributes. 960514 - improved reference checking and reporting. 960512 - added -on option for switching copying on - added -igh option for ignoring headers. (Added to blockquote/bq; bug-fix) 960508 - changed "cf. " into "cf.\ ". 960506 - improved error messages for references. 960504 - bug-fix for -s (I accidenlty removed a call to find_file). - improved treatment of alternating and

, which caused stack overflows. 960503 - bug-fix generation of incorrect HREF's is suppressed. 960428 - add "\n" after "\quote" - fix generation for < and > in normal text 960422 - added more options. - prevent redefinitions of HTML tags in first pass. 960413 - Ignore external references if they are included in the anchor text 960410 - add code for filling atext with text inside anchors - error message for ignored href moved from close-latex to open-latex 960409 - add function for splitting a URL 960407 - in alltt mode \, {, and } are now backslashed. - newlines are printed directly in alltt and verb mode, instead of being delayed through gen-newline. 960401 - warnings on not included but ignored file are suppressed. 960331 - made some modifications because of lclint. 960312 - Added some "empty_line = TRUE" statement, and some additional checking for tweede "gen_newline = TRUE". 960311 - Improved comment processing. Can process comments in any tag now. Give warning for non-standard comments, and comments that exceed maximum length of 10000 characters. 960309 - T_DIR markers also go through latex-open/close now - improved generation of newlines. (a
on an empty line is printed after the last non-empty line.) 960305: - added %html -i for ignoring files. - did something on math-mode and iim (ignore inside math) - Fixed LaTeX generation for latex-off/latex-on (has not been tested!) - bug-repear:

was being ignored. 960304: - Added some more special characters. (Many still missing.) 960301: - added link mapping (use: %html -l "from" "to") 960229: - Supress generation of LaTeX for HTML tags inside Tags with -off. (The latex_open part of tags with -off is ouyputted, the latex_close part not.) - '[' and ']' are now generated as '$[$' and '$]$' (was $\[$ and $\]$). (Thanks: Rejnold Byzio and Arno Schielke ) 960205: - adding switches for changing latex output. 960201: warwick@cs.uq.oz.au - fixed off-by-one error. - add 1mm space above hrules. - use abort() rather than div0 hack. (FF: slightly modified) - ignore HTML3 tables and meta (for now). - support Netscapism centering. - add -p (pendantic) option, without which is not insisted. - added "" which causes "..." to carry through to latex. - can add latex-only text - can mark text as html-only by using: ... (xcomment.sty is written by Timothy Van Zandt, tvz@Princeton.EDU) - IMG tags carried through as \\framebox{IMAGE: imagefilename} - note that filename does not have "_" escaped, in order to aid automated conversion (eg. via sed) of these tags to such constructs as \epsfbox{filename.eps}. - increased limits DRASTICALLY (especially comments, for the purpose of including large amounts of text via ) 960113: - extending error reporting in scan-a-file. - changed meaning of -i option. -w used to include -i, now -i includes -w - removed bug in "-r .." option processing. 960112: - adding `index.html' support. 960110: - improved the tag checking. 951111: - did some more hacking, to make it working again. 950811: - added corrections from Wolfgang Wander : - for br: \\\\\n -> \\newline\n - for hr: -> \n\n (not yet) - add processing for ^ - added some ideas found in htmllatex.pl from Jacob C. Kesinger : 950803: - added more syntax checking 950728: - added missing markings and comment processing - accept both NAME and HREF in anchor - \label generated after end of /H* 950706: - allow a single reference between

950608: - resolved bug in printing name part (starting with #) in footnote 950601: - removed useless call to find_file in print_label that caused core dump 950530: - replaced names in labels with numbers 950502: - solved bug: took first argument as output file name. - references in
are omitted during output generation 950303: - solved bug in -s option. It now does a complete recursive search. - some extra parsing added. Still alot is missing. No compliance with the any standard. - the program can now also except a single html file as input. It does not generate any LaTeX output. */ #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #include const R_OK = 4; #define access _access #else #include #endif #include #include /*********** Basic definitions **************/ typedef int bool; #define TRUE (bool)1 #define FALSE (bool)0 typedef unsigned char byte; #define ALLOC(type) (type *)malloc(sizeof(type)) #define SALLOC(s) (char *)malloc(strlen(s)+1) #define NALLOC(type,n) (type *)malloc((n)*sizeof(type)) #define SREALLOC(d,s) (char *)realloc(d,strlen(s)+1) #define NREALLOC(d,type,n) (type *)realloc(d,(n)*sizeof(type)) /************ lclint macros ************/ #define streq(A,B) (strcmp(A,B) == 0) #define strneq(A,B,C) (strncmp(A,B,C) == 0) #define memeq(A,B,C) (memcmp(A,B,C) == 0) /*********** debug macros *********/ #define DYN_DEBUG #ifdef DEBUG #define DEBUG_PRINT(X) printf X #define DEBUG_P(X) printf(X) #define DEBUG_P1(X,A1) printf(X,A1) #define DEBUG_P2(X,A1,A2) printf(X,A1,A2) #define DEBUG_P3(X,A1,A2,A3) printf(X,A1,A2,A3) #define DEBUG_P4(X,A1,A2,A3,A4) printf(X,A1,A2,A3,A4) #define DEBUG_P5(X,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) printf(X,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) #define BREAK { int i = i/0; } /* sneaky trick to remain in debugger */ #else #ifdef DYN_DEBUG bool option_debug = FALSE; #define DEBUG_PRINT(X) if (option_debug) printf X #define DEBUG_P(X) if (option_debug) printf(X) #define DEBUG_P1(X,A1) if (option_debug) printf(X,A1) #define DEBUG_P2(X,A1,A2) if (option_debug) printf(X,A1,A2) #define DEBUG_P3(X,A1,A2,A3) if (option_debug) printf(X,A1,A2,A3) #define DEBUG_P4(X,A1,A2,A3,A4) if (option_debug) printf(X,A1,A2,A3,A4) #define DEBUG_P5(X,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) if (option_debug) printf(X,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) #define BREAK { int i = i/0; } /* sneaky trick to remain in debugger */ #else #define DEBUG_PRINT(X) #define DEBUG_P(X) #define DEBUG_P1(X,A1) #define DEBUG_P2(X,A1,A2) #define DEBUG_P3(X,A1,A2,A3) #define DEBUG_P4(X,A1,A2,A3,A4) #define DEBUG_P5(X,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5) #define BREAK { printf("\nInternal error, please report\n"); abort(); } #endif #endif #define DEBUG_GN(X) /* fputc(X, fout) */ #define DO_DEBUG_PRINT(X) printf X #define DO_DEBUG_P(X) printf(X) #define DO_DEBUG_P1(X,A1) printf(X,A1) #define DO_DEBUG_P2(X,A1,A2) printf(X,A1,A2) #define DO_DEBUG_P3(X,A1,A2,A3) printf(X,A1,A2,A3) #define DO_DEBUG_P4(X,A1,A2,A3,A4) printf(X,A1,A2,A3,A4) /************** ASCII-8 *****************/ #ifdef ASCII8 #define HIGHASCII 255 #else #define HIGHASCII 126 #endif /************** prototypes ***************/ char *rel_URL(char *from, char *to); /************** Program options stored in global variables *******/ bool option_info = FALSE, option_warn = FALSE, option_pedantic = FALSE, option_bibliography = FALSE, is_html_fn = FALSE; /************** Generation options *************/ #define OPT_NONE 0 #define OPT_FN 1 #define OPT_CFFN 2 #define OPT_NORMAL 3 #define OPT_KIND_STR 0 #define OPT_KIND_IN 1 #define OPT_KIND_BOOL 2 #define NR_OPTS 44 struct { char *name; char *str; int v; int kind; } allopt[NR_OPTS] = { { "citenr", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "cite", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "cite_n", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "f_cite", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "f_cite_n", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "filenr", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "label", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "label_n", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "cf", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "cf_n", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "f_cf", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "f_cf_n", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "f_news", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "f_mailto", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "f_ftp", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "f_ftp_d", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "f_ftp_f", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "f_ftp_df", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "f_URL", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "f_URL_n", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "b_news", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "b_mailto", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "b_ftp", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "b_ftp_d", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "b_ftp_f", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "b_ftp_df", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "b_URL", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "b_URL_n", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "t_img", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "t_img_r", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "t_href", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "s_math_open", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "s_math_close", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "empty_item", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "href", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_IN}, { "href_in_alltt", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_IN}, { "href_in_header", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_IN}, { "dni_email", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_BOOL}, { "dni_ftp", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_BOOL}, { "dni_news", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_BOOL}, { "dni_other", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_BOOL}, { "no_header", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "no_title", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, { "at_start", NULL, 0, OPT_KIND_STR}, }; #define opt_citenr allopt[ 0].str #define opt_cite allopt[ 1].str #define opt_cite_n allopt[ 2].str #define opt_f_cite allopt[ 3].str #define opt_f_cite_n allopt[ 4].str #define opt_filenr allopt[ 5].str #define opt_label allopt[ 6].str #define opt_label_n allopt[ 7].str #define opt_cf allopt[ 8].str #define opt_cf_n allopt[ 9].str #define opt_f_cf allopt[10].str #define opt_f_cf_n allopt[11].str #define opt_f_news allopt[12].str #define opt_f_mailto allopt[13].str #define opt_f_ftp allopt[14].str #define opt_f_ftp_d allopt[15].str #define opt_f_ftp_f allopt[16].str #define opt_f_ftp_df allopt[17].str #define opt_f_URL allopt[18].str #define opt_f_URL_n allopt[19].str #define opt_b_news allopt[20].str #define opt_b_mailto allopt[21].str #define opt_b_ftp allopt[22].str #define opt_b_ftp_d allopt[23].str #define opt_b_ftp_f allopt[24].str #define opt_b_ftp_df allopt[25].str #define opt_b_URL allopt[26].str #define opt_b_URL_n allopt[27].str #define opt_t_img allopt[28].str #define opt_t_img_r allopt[29].str #define opt_t_href allopt[30].str #define opt_s_math_open allopt[31].str #define opt_s_math_close allopt[32].str #define opt_empty_item allopt[33].str #define opt_href allopt[34].v #define opt_href_in_alltt allopt[35].v #define opt_href_in_header allopt[36].v #define opt_dni_email allopt[37].v #define opt_dni_ftp allopt[38].v #define opt_dni_news allopt[39].v #define opt_dni_other allopt[40].v #define opt_no_header allopt[41].str #define opt_no_title allopt[42].str #define opt_at_start allopt[43].str void assign_str(char **dest, char *src) { if (*dest == NULL) *dest = SALLOC(src); else *dest = SREALLOC(*dest, src); strcpy(*dest, src); } void init_opts() { assign_str(&opt_citenr , "b%d"); assign_str(&opt_cite , "%p\\cite{%c}"); assign_str(&opt_cite_n , "%p\\cite[%n]{%c}"); assign_str(&opt_f_cite , "%p%F{See %p\\cite{%c}}"); assign_str(&opt_f_cite_n , "%p%F{See %p\\cite[%n]{%c}}"); assign_str(&opt_filenr , "f%d"); assign_str(&opt_label , "%p\\label{%f}"); assign_str(&opt_label_n , "%p\\label{%f:%n}"); assign_str(&opt_cf , " (cf.\\ Section~%p\\ref{%f})"); assign_str(&opt_cf_n , " (cf.\\ Section~%p\\ref{%f:%n})"); assign_str(&opt_f_cf , "%p%F{See also Section~%p\\ref{%f}.}"); assign_str(&opt_f_cf_n , "%p%F{See also Section~%p\\ref{%f:%n}.}"); assign_str(&opt_f_news , "%p%F{See URL news:%n}"); assign_str(&opt_f_mailto , "%p%F{See URL mailto:%m}"); assign_str(&opt_f_ftp , "%p%F{See URL ftp://%s}"); assign_str(&opt_f_ftp_d , "%p%F{See URL ftp://%s/%d}"); assign_str(&opt_f_ftp_f , "%p%F{See URL ftp://%s/%f}"); assign_str(&opt_f_ftp_df , "%p%F{See URL ftp://%s/%d/%f}"); assign_str(&opt_f_URL , "%p%F{See URL %U}"); assign_str(&opt_f_URL_n , "%p%F{See URL %U\\#%n}"); assign_str(&opt_b_news , "news:%n"); assign_str(&opt_b_mailto , "mailto:%m"); assign_str(&opt_b_ftp , "ftp://%s"); assign_str(&opt_b_ftp_d , "ftp://%s/%d"); assign_str(&opt_b_ftp_f , "ftp://%s/%f"); assign_str(&opt_b_ftp_df , "ftp://%s/%d/%f"); assign_str(&opt_b_URL , "%U"); assign_str(&opt_b_URL_n , "%U\\#%n"); assign_str(&opt_t_img , "\\fbox{\\tt %n %mR}%tR"); assign_str(&opt_t_img_r , "%r"); assign_str(&opt_t_href , "%R"); assign_str(&opt_s_math_open , "\\("); assign_str(&opt_s_math_close , "\\)"); assign_str(&opt_empty_item , "\\item[] "); opt_href = OPT_NORMAL; opt_href_in_alltt = OPT_NONE; opt_href_in_header = OPT_NORMAL; opt_dni_email = TRUE; opt_dni_ftp = TRUE; opt_dni_news = TRUE; opt_dni_other = TRUE; assign_str(&opt_no_header , ""); assign_str(&opt_no_title , ""); assign_str(&opt_at_start , ""); } /********** HTML files and there references **********/ /* list of HREF's that reference a NAME: */ typedef struct ref_by_T { struct ref_by_T *next; char *file; /* HTML file that references this name */ int ln; /* ln number */ char *name; /* NAME after which the reference appears */ struct link_T *href; /* HREF following this name, which refers to this file/name */ } ref_by_t; /* struct for NAME: */ typedef struct { char *name; bool exists; bool repeated; bool referenced; /* set if referenced by HREF which is outputted to LaTeX. */ ref_by_t *ref_by; } name_t; /* struct for HREF: */ typedef struct { struct file_T *file; char *name; char *re_name; int status; int ln; } ref_t; /* coding for ref_t.status: */ #define S_CORRECT 0 #define S_E_FILE 1 /* HTML file does not exist */ #define S_U_FILE 2 /* HTML file name is an URL */ #define S_E_NAME 3 /* NAME in HTML file does not exist */ /* List of HREF and NAME in a HTML file */ typedef struct link_T { struct link_T *next; int kind; union { name_t name; ref_t ref; } info; bool copied; /* set if outputted in LaTeX */ } link_t; /* Coding for link_t.info */ #define A_NAME 0 #define A_HREF 1 /* Information of a file: */ typedef struct file_T { struct file_T *next; char *name; int nr; link_t *link; bool exists; /* exists == TRUE implies !is_URL(name) */ int read; bool ignore; /* do not generate reference to it */ int nr_refs; /* number of references to this file */ ref_by_t *ref_by; } file_t; /* Coding for file_t.read: */ #define R_UNREAD 0 #define R_READ 1 /* HTML file read, to check for consistency */ #define R_INCLUDED 2 /* HTML file included in LaTeX output */ /* List of all files: */ file_t *the_files = NULL; int nr_files = 0; /************ Procedures for storing reference information *******/ char *c_top = ":TOP"; char *norm_name(char *name) { return name == NULL ? c_top : name; } bool eq_name(char *a, char *b) { if (a == NULL || a == c_top || *a == '\0') return b == NULL || b == c_top || *b == '\0'; if (b == NULL || b == c_top || *b == '\0') return FALSE; return !strcmp(a, b); } bool is_URL(name) char *name; /* returns TRUE if name is an URL. */ { return memeq(name, "news:", 5) || memeq(name, "http:", 5) || memeq(name, "file:", 5) || memeq(name, "ftp:", 4) || memeq(name, "wais:", 5) || memeq(name, "gopher:", 7) || memeq(name, "mailto:", 7) || memeq(name, "telnet:", 7); } bool is_html(name) char *name; /* returns TRUE if name has .html extension */ { return streq(name + strlen(name) - 5, ".html") || streq(name + strlen(name) - 4, ".htm"); } file_t *find_file(file) char *file; /* Returns pointer to HTML file record with the name `file'. If such a record did not exist in the list, it is added alphabetically on the file name. */ { file_t **p_file = &the_files; while (*p_file != NULL && strcmp((*p_file)->name, file) < 0) p_file = &(*p_file)->next; if (*p_file == NULL || strcmp((*p_file)->name, file)) { file_t *n = ALLOC(file_t); DEBUG_PRINT(("FILEADDED\n")); n->next = *p_file; n->name = SALLOC(file); strcpy(n->name, file); n->nr = nr_files++; n->link = NULL; n->exists = access(file, R_OK) == 0; n->read = R_UNREAD; n->ref_by = NULL; n->ignore = FALSE; n->nr_refs = 0; *p_file = n; } return *p_file; } void add_name(file, name, copied) char *file; char *name; bool copied; /* Adds a NAME record for `name' at the end of the list of the HTML file `file'. Checks of the name is repeated. */ { file_t *tfile = find_file(file); link_t **p_link = &tfile->link; bool repeated = FALSE; DEBUG_PRINT(("add_name(%s,%s)\n", file, name)); for(;*p_link != NULL; p_link = &(*p_link)->next) if ( (*p_link)->kind == A_NAME && streq((*p_link)->info.name.name, name)) repeated = TRUE; { link_t *n = ALLOC(link_t); n->next = NULL; n->kind = A_NAME; n->info.name.name = SALLOC(name); strcpy(n->info.name.name, name); n->info.name.exists = TRUE; n->info.name.repeated = repeated; n->info.name.referenced = FALSE; n->info.name.ref_by = NULL; n->copied = copied; *p_link = n; } } link_t *last_ref = NULL; void add_ref(file, ln, to_file, name) char *file; int ln; char *to_file; char *name; /* Adds a HREF record at the end of the list of the HTML file `file' to HTML file `to_file' and (optional) NAME `name'. */ { file_t *tfile = find_file(file); link_t **p_link = &tfile->link; DEBUG_PRINT(("add_ref(%s,%d,%s,%s)\n", file, ln, to_file, name)); for(;*p_link != NULL; p_link = &(*p_link)->next); { link_t *n = ALLOC(link_t); n->next = NULL; n->kind = A_HREF; n->info.ref.ln = ln; n->info.ref.file = find_file(to_file); if (name == NULL) n->info.ref.name = NULL; else { n->info.ref.name = SALLOC(name); strcpy(n->info.ref.name, name); } n->info.ref.re_name = NULL; n->info.ref.status = S_CORRECT; /* temporary */ n->copied = TRUE; *p_link = n; } last_ref = *p_link; } /* Return values for find_ref */ #define REF_OKAY 0 #define REF_FILE_NOT_FOUND 1 /* HTML file does not exist */ #define REF_FILE_NOT_INC 2 /* HTML file not included in LaTeX */ #define REF_FILE_IGNORED 3 /* HTML file is ignored in output */ #define REF_NAME_NOT_FOUND 4 /* NAME not found in HTML file */ #define REF_NAME_NOT_INC 5 /* NAME not included in LaTeX, but referenced */ #define REF_ILL 6 /* Illegal (or too long) formed URL */ int find_ref(file, name) char *file, *name; /* Checks reference to HTML file `file' with (optional) NAME `name' and returns appropriate return value. */ { file_t *tfile = the_files; link_t *link; DEBUG_PRINT(("find_ref(%s, %s)\n", file, name)); if (is_URL(file)/* || !is_html(file)*/) return REF_OKAY; while (tfile != NULL && strcmp(tfile->name, file) < 0) tfile = tfile->next; if (tfile == NULL || strcmp(tfile->name, file)) return REF_FILE_NOT_FOUND; if (!tfile->exists) return REF_FILE_NOT_FOUND; if (tfile->ignore) return REF_FILE_IGNORED; if (!(tfile->read & R_INCLUDED)) return REF_FILE_NOT_INC; if (name[0] == '\0') return REF_OKAY; if (!is_html(file)) return name[0] == '\0' ? REF_NAME_NOT_FOUND : REF_OKAY; for (link = tfile->link; link != NULL; link = link->next) if (link->kind == A_NAME && streq(link->info.name.name, name)) return link->info.name.exists ? (link->copied ? REF_OKAY : REF_NAME_NOT_INC) : REF_NAME_NOT_FOUND; return REF_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } int name_repeated(file, name) char *file, *name; /* Checks reference to HTML file `file' with (optional) NAME `name' and returns appropriate return value. */ { file_t *tfile = the_files; link_t *link; DEBUG_PRINT(("name_repeated(%s, %s)\n", file, name)); while (tfile != NULL && strcmp(tfile->name, file) < 0) tfile = tfile->next; for (link = tfile->link; link != NULL; link = link->next) if (link->kind == A_NAME && streq(link->info.name.name, name)) return link->info.name.repeated; return FALSE; } int name_referenced(file, name) char *file, *name; /* Returns TRUE if NAME `name' in HTML file `file' is referenced, otherwise FALSE. */ { file_t *tfile = the_files; link_t *link; DEBUG_PRINT(("name_referenced(%s, %s)\n", file, name)); if (is_URL(file)) return FALSE; while (tfile != NULL && strcmp(tfile->name, file) < 0) tfile = tfile->next; if (tfile == NULL || strcmp(tfile->name, file)) return FALSE; if (!(tfile->read & R_INCLUDED)) return FALSE; if (name == NULL) return FALSE; link = tfile->link; while(link != NULL) if (link->kind == A_NAME && streq(link->info.name.name, name)) return link->info.name.referenced; else link = link->next; return FALSE; } /********** Procedures for making/checking cross references ***********/ int nstrcmp(str1, str2) char *str1, *str2; /* This procedure compares two strings, like strcmp, where the string pointers can be NULL. A NULL pointer comes before all other strings. */ { return (str1 == NULL) ? (str2 == NULL ? 0 : -1) : (str2 == NULL) ? 1 : strcmp(str1, str2); } void add_ref_by(p_ref_by, file, ln, name, href) ref_by_t **p_ref_by; char *file; int ln; char *name; link_t *href; /* This procedures adds HTML file `file' with (optional) name `name' to the list `p_ref_by' in alphabetic order. The value of `href' is assign to the field `href'. */ { int c; DEBUG_PRINT(("add_ref_by(,%s,%s)\n", file, name)); while( *p_ref_by != NULL && ( (c = strcmp((*p_ref_by)->file, file)) < 0 || ( c == 0 && (c = nstrcmp((*p_ref_by)->name, name)) < 0))) p_ref_by = &(*p_ref_by)->next; if (*p_ref_by == NULL || c != 0) { ref_by_t *n = ALLOC(ref_by_t); DEBUG_PRINT(("ADDED\n")); n->next = *p_ref_by; n->file = file; n->name = name; n->href = href; n->ln = ln; *p_ref_by = n; } } link_t *find_re_href(l, file, name) link_t *l; file_t *file; char *name; /* Returns name used in HREF to HTML file `file' in link list `l' either equal to `name' or the first, where a not NULL name is prefered above a NULL name (e.g. reference to the file). */ { link_t *first = NULL; for(;l != NULL; l = l->next) if (l->kind == A_HREF && l->info.ref.file == file) { if (eq_name(name, l->info.ref.name)) return l; if (first == NULL) first = l; } return first; } int check_ref(file_t *file, int ln, char *name, file_t *file_to, char *name_to, bool copied); int check_ref(file, ln, name, file_to, name_to, copied) file_t *file; int ln; char *name; file_t *file_to; char *name_to; bool copied; /* Returns the (error) status of a the reference to the HTML file `file' (occuring after name `name') to the HTML file `file_to' with the (optional) name `name'. */ { file_to->nr_refs++; DEBUG_PRINT(("check_ref(%s,%s,%s,%s) %d\n", file->name, name, file_to->name, name_to, file_to->nr_refs)); if (name_to == NULL) { add_ref_by(&file_to->ref_by, file->name, ln, name, find_re_href(file_to->link, file, name)); return file_to->exists ? S_CORRECT : is_URL(file_to->name) ? S_U_FILE : S_E_FILE; } else { link_t **p_link = &file_to->link; bool found = FALSE; /* Find NAME record with name `name_to' in list `file_to->link': */ while(*p_link != NULL && !found) if ( (*p_link)->kind == A_NAME && streq((*p_link)->info.name.name, name_to)) found = TRUE; else p_link = &(*p_link)->next; /* Add if not found: */ if (!found) { link_t *n = ALLOC(link_t); DEBUG_PRINT(("ADD `%s'\n", name_to)); n->next = NULL; n->kind = A_NAME; n->info.name.name = SALLOC(name_to); strcpy(n->info.name.name, name_to); n->info.name.exists = FALSE; n->info.name.repeated = FALSE; n->info.name.ref_by = NULL; *p_link = n; } /* Add `file' and `name' to reference list of NAME record where return name is looked in the remaining of the list of records. */ { ref_by_t **p_ref_by = &(*p_link)->info.name.ref_by; add_ref_by(p_ref_by, file->name, ln, name, find_re_href(*p_link, file, name)); if (copied) (*p_link)->info.name.referenced = TRUE; } return !file_to->exists ? (is_URL(file_to->name) ? S_U_FILE : S_E_FILE) : found ? S_CORRECT : S_E_NAME; } } void make_by_refs() /* This procedure fills all referenced-by fields of the NAME records in the links of the HTML files: */ { file_t *file; DEBUG_PRINT(("make_by_refs\n")); /* Scan all the files that exist: */ for (file = the_files; file != NULL; file = file->next) if (file->exists) { link_t *link; char *name = NULL; /* pointer to last found name in the link */ DEBUG_PRINT(("make_by_refs for `%s'\n", file->name)); /* Scan all the records: */ for (link = file->link; link != NULL; link = link->next) if (link->kind == A_NAME) name = link->info.name.name; else link->info.ref.status = check_ref(file, link->info.ref.ln, name, link->info.ref.file, link->info.ref.name, link->copied); } } void fill_re_names_ref_by(ref_by_t *ref_by) /* scan all ref-by records */ { for(; ref_by != NULL; ref_by = ref_by->next) { DEBUG_P3(" %s#%s %d\n", ref_by->file, ref_by->name, ref_by->href != NULL); if (ref_by->href != NULL) { link_t *l = ref_by->href; if ( l->info.ref.re_name == NULL || !eq_name(l->info.ref.name, l->info.ref.re_name)) l->info.ref.re_name = norm_name(ref_by->name); } } } void fill_re_names() /* This procedure fills all re_name fields of the HREF records in the links of the HTML files: */ { file_t *file; DEBUG_PRINT(("file_re_name\n")); /* Scan all the files that exist: */ for (file = the_files; file != NULL; file = file->next) if (file->exists) { link_t *link; DEBUG_PRINT(("file_re_name for `%s'\n", file->name)); /* Scan all the records: */ fill_re_names_ref_by(file->ref_by); for (link = file->link; link != NULL; link = link->next) if (link->kind == A_NAME) fill_re_names_ref_by(link->info.name.ref_by); } } /********** Printing cross-reference information *****************/ void print_ref_bys(fout, ref_by) FILE *fout; ref_by_t *ref_by; /* Prints contents of `ref_by'. */ { for(;ref_by != NULL; ref_by = ref_by->next) { fprintf(fout, " referenced by: `%s'", ref_by->file); if (ref_by->name != NULL) fprintf(fout, " (after name: `%s')", ref_by->name); if (ref_by->href != NULL && ref_by->href->info.ref.name != NULL) fprintf(fout, " (re name: `%s')", ref_by->href->info.ref.name); fprintf(fout, "\n"); } } void print_links(fout, link) FILE *fout; link_t *link; /* Prints information of list of records `link' */ { for(;link != NULL; link = link->next) if (link->kind == A_NAME) { fprintf(fout, " name: `%s'", link->info.name.name); if (!link->info.name.exists) fprintf(fout, " NAME DOES NOT EXIST"); if (link->info.name.repeated) fprintf(fout, " IS REPEATED"); fprintf(fout, "\n"); print_ref_bys(fout, link->info.name.ref_by); } else { fprintf(fout, " ref to file: `%s'", link->info.ref.file->name); if (link->info.ref.name != NULL) fprintf(fout, " name: `%s'", link->info.ref.name); if (link->info.ref.status == S_E_FILE) fprintf(fout, " FILE DOES NOT EXIST"); if (link->info.ref.status == S_U_FILE) fprintf(fout, " FILE IS URL"); if (link->info.ref.status == S_E_NAME) fprintf(fout, " NAME DOES NOT EXIST"); fprintf(fout, "\n"); } } void print_files(fout) FILE *fout; /* Print all the cross-reference information: */ { file_t *file; for (file = the_files; file != NULL; file = file->next) { fprintf(fout, "\nFile: %s", file->name); if (!file->exists) fprintf(fout, " DOES NOT EXIST"); fprintf(fout, "\n"); print_ref_bys(fout, file->ref_by); print_links(fout, file->link); } } /********** Printing errors ***********/ void errors_info_ref_bys(FILE *fout, ref_by_t *ref_by, char *file_name) /* Prints information about `ref_by'. */ { for(;ref_by != NULL; ref_by = ref_by->next) { fprintf(fout, "%s (0) : referenced at %s (%d)", file_name, ref_by->file, ref_by->ln); fprintf(fout, ".\n"); } } void errors_ref_bys(fout, ref_by, file_name, ln, file_exists) FILE *fout; ref_by_t *ref_by; char *file_name; int ln; bool file_exists; { char *mess = file_exists ? "could add" : "should contain"; for(;ref_by != NULL; ref_by = ref_by->next) { DEBUG_P2("ref_by: %s#%s", ref_by->file, ref_by->name); if (ref_by->href == NULL) DEBUG_P("--href == NULL\n"); else DEBUG_P2("-- %s %s\n", ref_by->name, ref_by->href->info.ref.re_name); if (strcmp(file_name, ref_by->file)) if ( ref_by->href == NULL || !eq_name(ref_by->name, ref_by->href->info.ref.re_name)) if (ref_by->name == NULL) fprintf(fout, "%s (%d) : %s: .\n", file_name, ln, mess, rel_URL(file_name, ref_by->file)); else fprintf(fout, "%s (%d) : %s: .\n", file_name, ln, mess, rel_URL(file_name, ref_by->file), ref_by->name); } } #ifdef COMMENT else { if (ref_by->re_name == NULL) { if (is_html(file_name) && option_info) fprintf(fout, "%s (0) : could add: .\n", file_name, ref_by->file, ref_by->name); } else if (!eq_name(ref_by->re_name, ref_by->name)) { bool warn = ref_by->re_name == c_top || memeq(ref_by->name, ref_by->re_name, strlen(ref_by->re_name)); if ((warn && option_warn) || option_info) { fprintf(fout, "%s (0) : %s replace file); if (ref_by->re_name != c_top) fprintf(fout, "#%s", ref_by->re_name); fprintf(fout, "\"> with .\n", ref_by->file, ref_by->name); } } } } #endif void errors_links(FILE *fout, link_t *link, char *file_name, bool file_exists); void errors_links(FILE *fout, link_t *link, char *file_name, bool file_exists) { for(;link != NULL; link = link->next) if (link->kind == A_NAME) { if (!link->info.name.exists && option_warn) { fprintf(fout, "%s (0) : should contain: .\n", file_name, link->info.name.name); if (option_info) errors_info_ref_bys(fout, link->info.name.ref_by, file_name); } else if (link->info.name.repeated) { fprintf(fout, "%s (0) : repeated .\n", file_name, link->info.name.name); } else errors_ref_bys(fout, link->info.name.ref_by, file_name, 0, file_exists); } else if (link->info.ref.status == S_E_FILE) { if (link->info.ref.file->nr_refs > 1 || option_warn) fprintf(fout, "%s (0) : file `%s' does not exist.\n", file_name, link->info.ref.file->name); } else if (link->info.ref.status == S_E_NAME) { if (option_warn) fprintf(fout, "%s (0) : file `%s' requires .\n", file_name, link->info.ref.file->name, link->info.ref.name); } } void errors_links_names(FILE *fout, link_t *link, char *file_name); void errors_links_names(FILE *fout, link_t *link, char *file_name) { for(;link != NULL; link = link->next) if (link->kind == A_NAME && !link->info.name.exists) { fprintf(fout, "%s (0) : should contain: .\n", file_name, link->info.name.name); if (option_info) errors_info_ref_bys(fout, link->info.name.ref_by, file_name); } } void errors_files(fout) FILE *fout; { file_t *file; for (file = the_files; file != NULL; file = file->next) { if (!file->exists && !is_URL(file->name)) fprintf(fout, "%s (0) : does not exits.\n", file->name); if (is_html(file->name)) errors_ref_bys(fout, file->ref_by, file->name, 0, file->exists); errors_links(fout, file->link, file->name, file->exists); } } /************ Scanning buffers **************/ /* sizes of buffers used during reading of HTML files: */ #define MAX_SF 80 /* max size of name of source HTML file name */ #define MAX_DF 600 /* max size of name of reference HTML file name */ #define MAX_N 100 /* max size of NAME's */ #define MAX_HC 100 /* max size of HTML commands */ #define MAX_AT 1000 /* max size of text inside an anchor */ #define MAX_AV 600 /* max size of attribute value */ /* Text buffer, used for big comment fragments inside comments */ char *comment = NULL; int comment_len = 0; void add_to_comment(char ch, int *p_i) { if ((*p_i) >= comment_len) { if (comment == NULL) { comment = NALLOC(char,1024); comment_len = 1024; } else { comment_len *= 2; comment = NREALLOC(comment, char, comment_len); } if (comment == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Fatal error: memory allocation failed\n"); exit(1); } } comment[(*p_i)++] = ch; } /* buffer used for text inside anchors: */ char atext[MAX_AT + 1]; int atext_len; /* Temporary buffer used during file name manipulations: */ char df_buffer[MAX_DF+1]; /*********** Manipulating URL's *************/ /* URL of document */ char *document_URL = NULL, *server_URL = NULL, /* server part of document_URL (without last '/'). */ *file_URL = NULL; /* file part of document_URL (starting with '/'). */ /* List of link and final mappings of referenced files to URL's */ typedef struct mapping_T { struct mapping_T *next; char *prefix; char *replace; } mapping_t; /* List of all the mappings: */ mapping_t *link_mappings = NULL; /* List of all the link mappings: */ mapping_t *final_mappings = NULL; /* List of bibliographic entries: */ typedef struct biblio_T { struct biblio_T *next; int nr; /* internal number */ char *name; } biblio_t; /* List of all the bibliographic entries: */ biblio_t *biblios = NULL; int biblio_nr = 0; /* Number of bibliographic entries */ bool norm_URL(origin, file) char *origin, *file; /* Normalizes the file name `file' appearing in HTML file `origin', with the following steps: 1. If `file' is empty, use assign `origin' to `file'. Else if `file' is not an URL and does not start with '/' then glue it together with directories in `origin'. 2. If `file' is not an URL glue it together with document URL. 3. If `file' starts with document URL, remove it. 4. If not URL and not html, add index.html, when the file exists. 5. Do any link mappings. */ { /* assume that origin: ['/']( '/')* */ DEBUG_PRINT(("norm_URL(%s, %s) %s %s\n", origin, file, server_URL, file_URL)); /* Step 1: */ /* if file is empty, use origin: */ if (file[0] == '\0') { if (strlen(origin) < MAX_DF) strcpy(file, origin); else return FALSE; } /* if file is not an URL and does not start with '/' then glue it together with directories in origin: */ else if (file[0] != '/' && !is_URL(file)) { int i = strlen(origin); char *s = file; DEBUG_PRINT(("glue %s with %s", origin, file)); /* remove file-name from origin: */ while (i > 0 && origin[i - 1] != '/') i--; DEBUG_PRINT((" : %s + %s\n", origin, file)); /* cancel last directory in origin with '../': */ while ( i > 1 && origin[i - 1] == '/' && s[0] == '.' && ( (s[1] == '.' && (s[2] == '/' || s[2] == '\0')) || s[1] == '/' || s[1] == '\0')) if (s[1] == '/') s += 2; else if (s[1] == '\0') s++; else { s += s[2] == '/' ? 3 : 2; do i--; while (i > 0 && origin[i - 1] != '/'); } if ( i == 1 && origin[0] == '/' && s[0] == '.' && s[1] == '.' /* && s[2] == '/'*/) return FALSE; else if (i == 0) strcpy(file, s); else if(i + strlen(s) < MAX_DF) { memcpy(df_buffer, origin, i); strcpy(df_buffer + i, s); strcpy(file, df_buffer); } else return FALSE; } DEBUG_PRINT(("After step 1: %s\n", file)); /* Step 2. */ if ( document_URL != NULL && file[0] == '.' && file[1] == '.' && file[2] == '/') { int i = strlen(file_URL) - 1; char *s = file; DEBUG_PRINT(("glue %s + %s\n", file_URL, file)); /* assume that file_URL is of the form: '/' ( '/')* */ while (i > 0 && s[0] == '.' && s[1] == '.' && s[2] == '/') { s += 3; i--; while (i > 0 && file_URL[i] != '/') i--; DEBUG_PRINT(("replace %s with %s\n", s, file_URL + i)); } i += strlen(server_URL); if (i + 1 + strlen(s) < MAX_DF) { memcpy(df_buffer, document_URL, i + 1); strcpy(df_buffer + i + 1, s); strcpy(file, df_buffer); } else return FALSE; } /* if file starts with '/' add server_URL: */ else if (document_URL != NULL && file[0] == '/') if (strlen(file) + strlen(server_URL) < MAX_DF) { strcpy(df_buffer, server_URL); strcat(df_buffer, file); strcpy(file, df_buffer); } else return FALSE; DEBUG_PRINT(("After step 2: %s\n", file)); /* Step 3: */ /* if URL starts with document URL, remove it: */ if ( document_URL != NULL && memeq(file, document_URL, strlen(document_URL))) strcpy(file, file + strlen(document_URL)); DEBUG_PRINT(("After step 3: %s\n", file)); /* Step 4: */ if (streq(file, ".")) file[0] = '\0'; /* if not URL and not .html, add index.html, when file exists */ if (!is_URL(file) && !is_html(file) && strlen(file) + 12 < MAX_DF) { strcpy(df_buffer, file); if (df_buffer[0] != '\0' && df_buffer[strlen(df_buffer)-1] != '/') strcat(df_buffer, "/"); strcat(df_buffer, "index.html"); DEBUG_PRINT(("Try: %s\n", df_buffer)); if (access(df_buffer, R_OK) == 0) strcpy(file, df_buffer); } if (!is_URL(file) && strstr(file, ".html?") != 0) strstr(file, ".html?")[5] = '\0'; DEBUG_PRINT(("After step 4: %s\n", file)); /* Step 5: */ { mapping_t *map = link_mappings; /* check if there is a mapping for this file: */ while ( map != NULL && memcmp(map->prefix, file, strlen(map->prefix))) map = map->next; /* if there is a mapping: */ if (map != NULL && memeq(map->prefix, file, strlen(map->prefix)) && strlen(file) - strlen(map->prefix) + strlen(map->replace) < MAX_DF) { strcpy(df_buffer, map->replace); strcat(df_buffer, file + strlen(map->prefix)); strcpy(file, df_buffer); } } DEBUG_PRINT(("After step 5: %s\n", file)); return TRUE; } char *rel_URL(char *from, char *to) /* This function returns the shortest string to go file "to" inside file "from" */ { char *to2 = to; bool go; int d; DEBUG_P2("rel_URL(%s, %s)\n", from, to); go = TRUE; while (go) { char *f = from, *t = to; for (; *f != '\0' && *f != '/' && *f == *t; f++, t++); if (*f == '/' && *t == '/') { from = f + 1; to = t + 1; } else go = FALSE; } d = 0; for (; *from != '\0'; from++) if (*from == '/') d++; df_buffer[0] = '\0'; for (; d > 0; d--) if (strlen(df_buffer) + 3 >= MAX_DF) return to; else strcat(df_buffer, "../"); if (strlen(df_buffer) + strlen(to) >= MAX_DF) return to; else strcat(df_buffer, to); DEBUG_P1("relative: %s\n", df_buffer); if (file_URL != NULL && strlen(file_URL) + strlen(to2) < strlen(df_buffer)) { strcpy(df_buffer, file_URL); strcat(df_buffer, to2); } if (streq(df_buffer, "index.html")) return "."; { int l = strlen(df_buffer); if (l > 11 && streq(df_buffer + l - 11, "/index.html")) df_buffer[l - 11] = '\0'; } DEBUG_P1("return: %s\n", df_buffer); return df_buffer; } /******* Translating special characters to LaTeX characters ******/ #define NR_CH_TABLE 163 #define NR_CH_M 159 struct { char *html_ch; char *tex_ch; char ch; } ch_table[NR_CH_TABLE] = { /*160*/ { NULL, "~", '\0' }, /*161*/ { NULL, "!`", '\0' }, /*162*/ { NULL, NULL, '\0' }, /* "$\\cents" */ /*163*/ { NULL, "\\pounds", '\0' }, /*164*/ { NULL, NULL, '\0' }, /*165*/ { NULL, NULL, '\0' }, /* Yen */ /*166*/ { NULL, "{\\tt |}", '\0' }, /*167*/ { "sect", "{\\S}", '\0' }, /*168*/ { NULL, "{\\tt{}\"{}}", '\0' }, /*169*/ { "c", "\\copyright ", 'c' }, /*170*/ { NULL, NULL, '\0' }, /*171*/ { NULL, "$\\ll", '\0' }, /*172*/ { NULL, "$\\neg", '\0' }, /*173*/ { NULL, "\\-", '\0' }, /*174*/ { NULL, "{{\\ooalign{\\hfil\\raise.07ex\\hbox{R}\\hfil\\crcr\\mathhexbox20D}}}", '\0' }, /*175*/ { NULL, NULL, '\0' }, /* "\\B " */ /*176*/ { NULL, "${}^\\circ", '\0' }, /*177*/ { NULL, "$\\pm", '\0' }, /*178*/ { NULL, "${}^2", '\0' }, /*179*/ { NULL, "${}^3", '\0' }, /*180*/ { NULL, "\\'{}", '\0' }, /*181*/ { NULL, "$\\mu", '\0' }, /*182*/ { NULL, "{\\P}", '\0' }, /*183*/ { NULL, NULL, '\0' }, /* "\\D " */ /*184*/ { NULL, "\\c{}", '\0' }, /*185*/ { NULL, "${}^1", '\0' }, /*186*/ { NULL, NULL, '\0' }, /* ^\underbar{o} */ /*187*/ { NULL, "$\\gg", '\0' }, /*188*/ { NULL, "$\\frac14", '\0' }, /*189*/ { NULL, "$\\frac12", '\0' }, /*190*/ { NULL, "$\\frac34", '\0' }, /*191*/ { "iquest", "?`", '\0' }, /*192*/ { "Agrave", "\\`A", 'A' }, /*193*/ { "Aacute", "\\'A", 'A' }, /*194*/ { "Acirc", "\\^A" , 'A' }, /*195*/ { "Atilde", "\\~A", 'A' }, /*196*/ { "Auml", "\\\"A", 'A' }, /*197*/ { "Aring", "{\\AA}", 'A' }, /*198*/ { "AElig", "{\\AE}", 'A' }, /*199*/ { "Ccedil", "\\c C", 'C' }, /*200*/ { "Egrave", "\\`E", 'E' }, /*201*/ { "Eacute", "\\'E", 'E' }, /*202*/ { "Ecirc", "\\^E", 'E' }, /*203*/ { "Euml", "\\\"E", 'E' }, /*204*/ { "Igrave", "\\`I", 'I' }, /*205*/ { "Iacute", "\\'I", 'I' }, /*206*/ { "Icirc", "\\^I", 'I' }, /*207*/ { "Iuml", "\\\"I", 'I' }, /*208*/ { "ETH", NULL, 'D' }, /* -D */ /*209*/ { "Ntilde", "\\~N", 'N' }, /*210*/ { "Ograve", "\\`O", 'O' }, /*211*/ { "Oacute", "\\'O", 'O' }, /*212*/ { "Ocirc", "\\^O", 'O' }, /*213*/ { "Otilde", "\\~O", 'O' }, /*214*/ { "Ouml", "\\\"O", 'O' }, /*215*/ { NULL, "$\\times", 'x' }, /*216*/ { "Oslash", "{\\O}", 'O' }, /*217*/ { "Ugrave", "\\`U", 'U' }, /*218*/ { "Uacute", "\\'U", 'U' }, /*219*/ { "Ucirc", "\\^U", 'U' }, /*220*/ { "Uuml", "\\\"U", 'U' }, /*221*/ { "Yacute", "\\'Y", 'Y' }, /*222*/ { "THORN", NULL, 'P' }, /* p thorn */ /*223*/ { "szlig", "{\\ss}", 's' }, /*224*/ { "agrave", "\\`a", 'a' }, /*225*/ { "aacute", "\\'a", 'a' }, /*226*/ { "acirc", "\\^a", 'a' }, /*227*/ { "atilde", "\\~a", 'a' }, /*228*/ { "auml", "\\\"a", 'a' }, /*229*/ { "aring", "{\\aa}", 'a' }, /*230*/ { "aelig", "{\\ae}", 'a' }, /*231*/ { "ccedil", "\\c c", 'c' }, /*232*/ { "egrave", "\\`e", 'e' }, /*233*/ { "eacute", "\\'e", 'e' }, /*234*/ { "ecirc", "\\^e", 'e' }, /*235*/ { "euml", "\\\"e", 'e' }, /*236*/ { "igrave", "\\`{\\i}", 'i' }, /*237*/ { "iacute", "\\'{\\i}", 'i' }, /*238*/ { "icirc", "\\^{\\i}", 'i' }, /*239*/ { "iuml", "\\\"{\\i}", 'i' }, /*240*/ { "eth", "\\v o", 'e' }, /*241*/ { "ntilde", "\\~n", 'n' }, /*242*/ { "ograve", "\\`o", 'o' }, /*243*/ { "oacute", "\\'o", 'o' }, /*244*/ { "ocirc", "\\^o", 'o' }, /*245*/ { "otilde", "\\~o", 'o' }, /*246*/ { "ouml", "\\\"o", 'o' }, /*247*/ { NULL, "$\\div", '\0' }, /*248*/ { "oslash", "{\\o}", 'o' }, /*249*/ { "ugrave", "\\`u", 'u' }, /*250*/ { "uacute", "\\'u", 'u' }, /*251*/ { "ucirc", "\\^u", 'u' }, /*252*/ { "uuml", "\\\"u", 'u' }, /*253*/ { "yacute", "\\'y", 'y' }, /*254*/ { "thorn", "p", 'p' }, /* p thorn */ /*255*/ { "yuml", "\\'y", 'y' }, { "aring", "{\\aa}", 'a' }, { "Eth", "\\v O", 'E' }, { "icirc", "\\^{\\i}", 'i' }, { "Thorn", "P", 'P' }, { "Yuml", "\\\"Y", 'Y' }, { "nbsp", "~", ' ' }, { "emsp", "\\quad{}", ' ' }, { "ensp", "\\enskip{}",' ' }, { "shy", "", 0 }, { "pd", "", 0 }, { "emdash", "---", '-' }, { "endash", "--", '-' }, { "copy", "\\copyright ", 'c' }, { "reg", "", 0 }, { "trade", "", 0 }, { "alpha", "$\\alpha", 0 }, { "beta", "$\\beta", 0 }, { "gamma", "$\\gamma", 0 }, { "delta", "$\\delta", 0 }, { "epsi", "$\\epsilon",0 }, { "zeta", "$\\zeta", 0 }, { "eta", "$\\eta", 0 }, { "theta", "$\\theta", 0 }, { "thetav", "$\\vartheta",0 }, { "iota", "$\\iota", 0 }, { "kappa", "$\\kappa", 0 }, { "lambda", "$\\lambda",0 }, { "mu", "$\\mu", 0 }, { "nu", "$\\nu", 0 }, { "xi", "$\\xi", 0 }, { "omicron","o", 0 }, { "pi", "$\\pi", 0 }, { "rho", "$\\rho", 0 }, { "sigma", "$\\sigma", 0 }, { "tau", "$\\tau", 0 }, { "upsi", "$\\upsilon",0 }, { "phi", "$\\phi", 0 }, { "chi", "$\\chi", 0 }, { "psi", "$\\psi", 0 }, { "omega", "$\\omega", 0 }, { "Alpha", "A", 'A' }, { "Beta", "B", 'B' }, { "Gamma", "$\\Gamma", 0 }, { "Delta", "$\\Delta", 0 }, { "Epsi", "E", 'E' }, { "Zeta", "Z", 'Z' }, { "Eta", "H", 'H' }, { "Theta", "$\\Theta", 0 }, { "Iota", "I", 'I' }, { "Kappa", "K", 'K' }, { "Lambda", "$\\Lambda",0 }, { "Mu", "M", 'M' }, { "Nu", "N", 'N' }, { "Xi", "$\\Xi", 0 }, { "Pi", "$\\Pi", 0 }, { "Rho", "R", 'R' }, { "Sigma", "$\\Sigma", 0 }, { "Tau", "T", 'T' }, { "Upsi", "$\\Upsilon",0 }, { "Phi", "$\\Phi", 0 }, { "Chi", "X", 'X' }, { "Psi", "$\\Psi", 0 }, { "Omega", "$\\Omega", 0 }, { "amp", "\\&", '&' }, { "gt", "$>", '>' }, { "lt", "$<", '<' }, { "quot", "\\\"{}", '"' }, }; /********* Generating TeX output procedures **********/ void print_str(FILE *fout, char *str, FILE *freport, char *html_fn, int ln, bool in_math, bool in_verb, bool in_alltt); void print_str(FILE *fout, char *str, FILE *freport, char *html_fn, int ln, bool in_math, bool in_verb, bool in_alltt) { DEBUG_P1("print_str(, %s)\n", str); for(; *str; str++) { bool special = FALSE; int v = 0; char ch = '\0'; char html_ch[10]; html_ch[0] = '\0'; #ifndef ASCII8 if ((unsigned char)*str >= 160 && (unsigned char)*str <= 255) { special = TRUE; v = (unsigned char)*str - 160; ch = ch_table[v].ch; } else #endif if (*str == '&') { int i = 0; bool correct = FALSE; if (isalpha(str[1])) { for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) if (isalpha(str[i+1])) html_ch[i] = str[i+1]; else break; html_ch[i] = '\0'; for (v = 0; v < NR_CH_TABLE; v++) if ( ch_table[v].html_ch != NULL && !strcmp(html_ch, ch_table[v].html_ch)) { special = TRUE; correct = TRUE; ch = ch_table[v].ch; break; } } else if (str[1] == '#') { int code = 0; html_ch[0] = '#'; for (i = 1; i < 9; i++) if (isdigit(str[i+1])) { html_ch[i] = str[i+1]; code = code * 10 + str[i+1] - '0'; } else break; if ((code >= ' ' && code < 127) || code == 8) { correct = TRUE; ch = code; } else if (code >= 160 && code <= 255) { correct = TRUE; special = TRUE; v = code - 160; ch = ch_table[v].ch; } } html_ch[i] = '\0'; if (correct) { str += i; if (str[1] == ';') str++; } else { if (freport != NULL && option_warn) if (html_ch[0] == '\0') fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : Replace `&' by `&'.\n", html_fn, ln); else fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : Unknown sequence `&%s;'.\n", html_fn, ln, html_ch); ch = *str; } } else if (((unsigned char)*str >= ' ' && (unsigned char)*str <= HIGHASCII) || *str == '\t') ch = *str; else if (option_warn && freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : Unknown character %d (decimal)\n", html_fn, ln, (unsigned char)*str); if (fout) { if (in_verb) { fputc(ch != '\0' ? ch : ' ', fout); if ( special && freport != NULL && option_warn && v < NR_CH_M) { fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : ", html_fn, ln); if (html_ch[0] == '\0') fprintf(freport, "character %d (decimal)", (unsigned char) *str); else fprintf(freport, "sequence `&%s;'", html_ch); fprintf(freport, " rendered as `%c' in verbatim\n", ch != '\0' ? ch : ' '); } } else if (in_alltt) { if (special) { char *o = ch_table[v].tex_ch; if (o != NULL) if (*o == '$') fprintf(fout, "\\(%s\\)", o + 1); else fprintf(fout, "%s", o); } else if (ch == '{' || ch == '}') fprintf(fout, "\\%c", ch); else if (ch == '\\') fprintf(fout, "\\(\\backslash\\)"); else if (ch != '\0') fputc(ch, fout); } else if (special) { char *o = ch_table[v].tex_ch; if (o == NULL) { if (freport != NULL && option_warn) { fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : no LaTeX representation for ", html_fn, ln); if (html_ch[0] == '\0') fprintf(freport, "character %d (decimal)\n", (unsigned char) *str); else fprintf(freport, "sequence `&%s;'\n", html_ch); } } else if (*o == '$') if (in_math) fprintf(fout, "%s", o+1); else fprintf(fout, "\\mbox{%s$}", o); else fputs(o, fout); } else if (in_math) { if (ch == '#' || ch == '%') fprintf(fout, "\\%c", ch); else fputc(ch, fout); } else { switch(ch) { case '\0' : break; case '\t': fputs(" ", fout); break; case '_': case '{': case '}': case '#': case '$': case '%': fprintf(fout, "\\%c", ch); break; case '@' : fputs("{\\char64}", fout); break; case '[' : case ']' : fprintf(fout, "\\mbox{$%c$}", ch); break; case '"' : fputs("{\\tt{}\"{}}", fout); break; case '~' : fputs("\\~{}", fout); break; case '^' : fputs("\\^{}", fout); break; case '|' : fputs("\\mbox{$|$}", fout); break; case '\\': fputs("\\mbox{$\\backslash$}", fout); break; case '&' : fputs("\\&", fout); break; default: fputc(ch, fout); break; } } } } } void print_str_(FILE *fout, char *str); void print_str_(FILE *fout, char *str) { for(; *str; str++) { int v; char ch = '\0'; char html_ch[10]; html_ch[0] = '\0'; #if !defined(ASCII8) if ((unsigned char)*str >= 160 && (unsigned char)*str <= 255) ch = ch_table[(unsigned char)*str - 160].ch; else #endif if (*str == '&') { int i = 0; bool correct = FALSE; if (isalpha(str[1])) { for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) if (isalpha(str[i+1])) html_ch[i] = str[i+1]; else break; html_ch[i] = '\0'; for (v = 0; v < NR_CH_TABLE; v++) if ( ch_table[v].html_ch != NULL && !strcmp(html_ch, ch_table[v].html_ch)) { correct = TRUE; ch = ch_table[v].ch; break; } } else if (str[1] == '#') { int code = 0; html_ch[0] = '#'; for (i = 1; i < 9; i++) if (isdigit(str[i+1])) { html_ch[i] = str[i+1]; code = code * 10 + str[i+1] - '0'; } else break; if (code >= ' ' && code < 127) { correct = TRUE; ch = code; } else if (code >= 160 && code <= 255) { correct = TRUE; v = code - 160; ch = ch_table[v].ch; } } html_ch[i] = '\0'; if (correct) { str += i; if (str[1] == ';') str++; } else ch = *str; } else if ((unsigned char)*str >= ' ' && (unsigned char)*str <= HIGHASCII) ch = *str; if (fout) if ( ch == '_' || ch == '#' || ch == '[' || ch == ']' || ch == '{' || ch == '}' || ch == '%' || ch == '&' || ch == '~' || ch == '\0') fputc('.', fout); else fputc(ch, fout); } } void print_f(FILE *fout, char *str, char codes[], char *strs[]); void print_f(FILE *fout, char *str, char codes[], char *strs[]) { DEBUG_P2("print_f(, %s, %s, );\n", str, codes); { int i; for (i = 0; codes[i] != '\0'; i++) DEBUG_P2(" %c : %s\n", codes[i], strs[i]); } for(; *str; str++) if (*str != '%') fputc(*str, fout); else if (*(str+1) == '%') { fputc('%', fout); str++; } else { int i; DEBUG_P1(" found %c\n", *(str+1)); for (i = 0; codes[i] != '\0'; i++) if (*(str+1) == codes[i]) break; if (codes[i] == '\0') fputc('%', fout); else { print_str_(fout, strs[i]); str++; } } } /* Generation state values */ bool in_header; int in_math; int in_verb; int in_alltt; #define URL_not 0 #define URL_ftp 1 #define URL_mailto 2 #define URL_news 3 #define URL_other 4 int kind_of_URL; char *email, *newsgroup, *ftp_site, *ftp_dir, *ftp_file; char *c_protect = "\\protect", *c_footnote = "\\footnote", *c_footmark = "\\footnotemark", *c_foottext = "\\footnotetext"; #define MAX_LATEX_FMT 100 char latex_fmt[MAX_LATEX_FMT+1]; void deter_kind_of_URL(char *URL); void deter_kind_of_URL(char *URL) { DEBUG_P1("deter_kind_of_URL(%s)\n", URL); kind_of_URL = URL_not; if (strneq(URL, "mailto:", 7)) { email = URL + 7; kind_of_URL = URL_mailto; DEBUG_P1("mailto: %s\n", email); } else if (strneq(URL, "news:", 5)) { newsgroup = URL + 5; kind_of_URL = URL_news; DEBUG_P1("news: %s\n", newsgroup); } else if(strneq(URL, "ftp://", 6) && strlen(URL) <= MAX_DF) { char *s, *l; strcpy(df_buffer, URL); s = df_buffer + 6; ftp_site = s; while (*s != '/' && *s != '\0') s++; if (*s == '\0' || s == ftp_site) kind_of_URL = URL_other; /* found no slash or no site */ /* terminate ftp_site: */ *s = '\0'; DEBUG_P1("|%s|\n", ftp_site); s++; ftp_dir = s; l = ftp_dir; for (; *s != '\0'; s++) if (*s == '/') l = s; if (l == ftp_dir) { /* found no other slash; no directory: */ ftp_dir = ""; ftp_file = l; } else { ftp_file = l + 1; /* terminate ftp_dir */ *l = '\0'; } kind_of_URL = URL_ftp; DEBUG_P3("ftp: %s|%s|%s|\n", ftp_site, ftp_dir, ftp_file); } else if (is_URL(URL)) kind_of_URL = URL_other; } void print_label(FILE *fout, int file_nr, char *name, bool fragil_env); void print_label(FILE *fout, int file_nr, char *name, bool fragil_env) { char *strs[3]; char filenr[10]; DEBUG_P3("print_label(, %d, %s, %d)\n", file_nr, name, fragil_env); sprintf(filenr, opt_filenr, file_nr); strs[0] = filenr; strs[1] = fragil_env ? c_protect : ""; if (name[0] == '\0') print_f(fout, opt_label, "fp", strs); else { strs[2] = name; print_f(fout, opt_label_n, "fpn", strs); } } #define FOOTNOTE_KIND_NORMAL 0 #define FOOTNOTE_KIND_MARK 1 #define FOOTNOTE_KIND_TEXT 2 void print_ex_ref(FILE *fout, char *file, char *name, bool fragil_env, int f_kind); void print_ex_ref(FILE *fout, char *file, char *name, bool fragil_env, int f_kind) { if (option_bibliography) { biblio_t **ref = &biblios; char *strs[4], citenr[10]; if (f_kind == FOOTNOTE_KIND_TEXT) return; /* find entry in bibliography: */ while (*ref != NULL && strcmp((*ref)->name, file) < 0) ref = &(*ref)->next; /* entry does not exist yet: */ if (*ref == NULL || strcmp((*ref)->name, file)) { biblio_t *new = ALLOC(biblio_t); new->next = *ref; *ref = new; new->nr = biblio_nr++; new->name = SALLOC(file); strcpy(new->name, file); } sprintf(citenr, opt_citenr, (*ref)->nr); strs[0] = citenr; strs[1] = fragil_env ? c_protect : ""; if ( in_header ? opt_href_in_header != OPT_FN : in_alltt ? opt_href_in_alltt != OPT_FN : opt_href != OPT_FN) { if (f_kind == FOOTNOTE_KIND_TEXT) /* ignore */; else if (name[0] == '\0') print_f(fout, opt_cite, "cp", strs); else { strs[2] = name; print_f(fout, opt_cite_n, "cpn", strs); } } else if (f_kind == FOOTNOTE_KIND_MARK) fputs(c_footmark, fout); else { strs[2] = f_kind == FOOTNOTE_KIND_TEXT ? c_foottext : c_footnote; if (name[0] == '\0') print_f(fout, opt_f_cite, "cpF", strs); else { strs[3] = name; print_f(fout, opt_f_cite_n, "cpFn", strs); } } } else if (f_kind == FOOTNOTE_KIND_MARK) fputs(c_footmark, fout); else { char *strs[5]; strs[0] = fragil_env ? c_protect : ""; strs[1] = f_kind == FOOTNOTE_KIND_TEXT ? c_foottext : c_footnote; if (name[0] == '\0') deter_kind_of_URL(file); else kind_of_URL = URL_other; switch (kind_of_URL) { case URL_mailto: strs[2] = email; print_f(fout, opt_f_mailto, "pFm", strs); break; case URL_news: strs[2] = newsgroup; print_f(fout, opt_f_news, "pFn", strs); break; case URL_ftp: strs[2] = ftp_site; if (ftp_dir[0] == '\0') if (ftp_file[0] == '\0') print_f(fout, opt_f_ftp, "pFs", strs); else { strs[3] = ftp_file; print_f(fout, opt_f_ftp_f, "pFsf", strs); } else { strs[3] = ftp_dir; if (ftp_file[0] == '\0') print_f(fout, opt_f_ftp, "pFsd", strs); else { strs[4] = ftp_file; print_f(fout, opt_f_ftp_f, "pFsdf", strs); } } break; case URL_other: strs[2] = file; if (name[0] == '\0') print_f(fout, opt_f_URL, "pFU", strs); else { strs[3] = name; print_f(fout, opt_f_URL_n, "pFUn", strs); } break; } } } void print_reference(FILE *fout, char *file, char *name, int href_status, bool fragil_envr, int f_kind); void print_reference(FILE *fout, char *file, char *name, int href_status, bool fragil_env, int f_kind) { file_t *tfile = find_file(file); /* said to be ignored: */ if (tfile->ignore) /* ignore */; /* URL: */ else if (is_URL(file)) print_ex_ref(fout, file, name, fragil_env, f_kind); /* reference to a name that is not included: */ else if (href_status == REF_NAME_NOT_INC) /* ignore */; /* no .html or not included .html file: */ else if (!is_html(file) || href_status == REF_FILE_NOT_INC) { mapping_t *map = final_mappings; /* check if there is a mapping for this file: */ while ( map != NULL && memcmp(map->prefix, file, strlen(map->prefix))) map = map->next; /* if there is a mapping: */ if (map != NULL && memeq(map->prefix, file, strlen(map->prefix)) && strlen(file) - strlen(map->prefix) + strlen(map->replace) < MAX_DF) { strcpy(df_buffer, map->replace); strcat(df_buffer, file + strlen(map->prefix)); print_ex_ref(fout, df_buffer, name, fragil_env, f_kind); } /* otherwise add document_URL, if given and possible: */ else if ( document_URL != NULL && strlen(document_URL) + strlen(file) < MAX_DF) { strcpy(df_buffer, document_URL); strcat(df_buffer, file); print_ex_ref(fout, df_buffer, name, fragil_env, f_kind); } else print_ex_ref(fout, file, name, fragil_env, f_kind); } /* correct .html file: */ else if (href_status == 0) { char *strs[4]; char filenr[10]; sprintf(filenr, opt_filenr, find_file(file)->nr); strs[0] = filenr; strs[1] = fragil_env ? c_protect : ""; if ( in_header ? opt_href_in_header == OPT_NORMAL : in_alltt ? opt_href_in_alltt == OPT_NORMAL : opt_href == OPT_NORMAL) { if (f_kind == FOOTNOTE_KIND_TEXT) /* ignore */; else if (name[0] == '\0') print_f(fout, latex_fmt[0] != '\0' ? latex_fmt : opt_cf, "fp", strs); else { strs[2] = name; print_f(fout, latex_fmt[0] != '\0' ? latex_fmt : opt_cf_n, "fpn", strs); } } else if (f_kind == FOOTNOTE_KIND_MARK) fputs(c_footmark, fout); else { strs[2] = f_kind == FOOTNOTE_KIND_NORMAL ? c_footnote : c_foottext; if (name[0] == '\0') print_f(fout, latex_fmt[0] != '\0' ? latex_fmt : opt_f_cf, "fpF", strs); else { strs[3] = name; print_f(fout, latex_fmt[0] != '\0' ? latex_fmt : opt_f_cf_n, "fpFn", strs); } } } } void print_f_href(FILE *fout, char *file, char *name, int href_status, bool fragil_env); void print_f_href(FILE *fout, char *file, char *name, int href_status, bool fragil_env) { char *str = opt_t_href; for(; *str; str++) if (*str != '%') fputc(*str, fout); else if (*(str+1) == '%') { fputc('%', fout); str++; } else if (*(str+1) == 'p') { if (fragil_env) fputs(c_protect, fout); str++; } else { int kind = FOOTNOTE_KIND_NORMAL; bool fe = fragil_env; char *s; for (s = str + 1; *s == 'f' || *s == 'm' || *s == 't'; s++) if (*s == 'f') fe = TRUE; else if (*s == 'm') kind = FOOTNOTE_KIND_MARK; else if (*s == 't') kind = FOOTNOTE_KIND_TEXT; if (*s == 'R') { print_reference(fout, file, name, href_status, fe, kind); str = s; } } /* forget latex-fmt here */ latex_fmt[0] = '\0'; } void print_f_img(FILE *fout, char *file, char *filename, char *txt, int href_status, bool fragil_env, FILE *freport, char *html_fn, int ln); void print_f_img(FILE *fout, char *file, char *filename, char *txt, int href_status, bool fragil_env, FILE *freport, char *html_fn, int ln) { char *str = txt[0] == '\0' ? opt_t_img : opt_t_img_r; DEBUG_P1("print_f_img( %s );\n", file); for(; *str; str++) if (*str != '%') fputc(*str, fout); else if (*(str+1) == '%') { fputc('%', fout); str++; } else if (*(str+1) == 'p') { if (fragil_env) fputs(c_protect, fout); str++; } else if (*(str+1) == 'r') { print_str(fout, txt, freport, html_fn, ln, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); str++; } else if (*(str+1) == 'n') { print_str_(fout, filename); str++; } else { int kind = FOOTNOTE_KIND_NORMAL; char *s; for (s = str + 1; *s == 'f' || *s == 'm' || *s == 't'; s++) if (*s == 'f') fragil_env = TRUE; else if (*s == 'm') kind = FOOTNOTE_KIND_MARK; else if (*s == 't') kind = FOOTNOTE_KIND_TEXT; if (*s == 'R') { print_reference(fout, file, "", href_status, fragil_env, kind); str = s; } } /* forget latex-fmt here */ latex_fmt[0] = '\0'; } void print_bibliography(fout) FILE *fout; { biblio_t *bib; fprintf(fout, "%%html (bibliography)\n"); for (bib = biblios; bib != NULL; bib = bib->next) { char *strs[4]; fprintf(fout, "\\bibitem{b%d} ", bib->nr); deter_kind_of_URL(bib->name); switch (kind_of_URL) { case URL_mailto: strs[0] = email; print_f(fout, opt_b_mailto, "m", strs); break; case URL_news: strs[0] = newsgroup; print_f(fout, opt_b_news, "n", strs); break; case URL_ftp: strs[0] = ftp_site; if (ftp_dir[0] == '\0') if (ftp_file[0] == '\0') print_f(fout, opt_b_ftp, "s", strs); else { strs[1] = ftp_file; print_f(fout, opt_b_ftp_f, "sf", strs); } else { strs[1] = ftp_dir; if (ftp_file[0] == '\0') print_f(fout, opt_b_ftp, "sd", strs); else { strs[2] = ftp_file; print_f(fout, opt_b_ftp_f, "sdf", strs); } } break; case URL_other: strs[0] = bib->name; print_f(fout, opt_b_URL, "U", strs); break; } fprintf(fout, ".\n"); } } /************* Scanning a HTML file ******************/ #define T_ILL 0 #define T_HTML 1 #define T_HEAD 2 #define T_TITLE 3 #define T_BODY 4 #define T_ADDR 5 #define T_LINK 6 #define T_H 10 #define T_VERB 11 #define T_DIR 12 #define T_LIST 13 #define T_DESC 14 #define T_ITEM 15 #define T_DT 16 #define T_DD 17 #define T_P 18 #define T_A 19 #define T_IMG 20 #define T_CHAR 21 #define T_BR 22 #define T_META 23 #define T_SCRIPT 24 #define NR_TAGS 72 #define NR_M_TAGS 10 #define TN_H1 5 #define C_NO 0 #define C_YES 1 #define C_OPT 2 #define LATEX_KIND_OFF (1<<0) #define LATEX_KIND_ON (1<<1) #define LATEX_KIND_IGH (1<<2) #define LATEX_KIND_MATH (1<<3) #define LATEX_KIND_VERB (1<<4) #define LATEX_KIND_ALLTT (1<<5) #define LATEX_KIND_IIM (1<<6) /* ignore inside math */ #define LATEX_KIND_BR (1<<7) #define LATEX_KIND_OEL (1<<8) #define LATEX_KIND_CEL (1<<9) #define LATEX_KIND_IN_MATH (1<<10) /* enclose with math, if needed */ #define GET_LATEX_KIND_LEVEL(X) (((X)>>11) & 15) #define SET_LATEX_KIND_LEVEL(X) (((X) & 15)<<11) struct Codes { char *name; int closing; byte kind; int latex_kind; char *latex_open, *latex_close; } tags[NR_TAGS + NR_M_TAGS] = { #define H_HTML 0 { "html", C_YES, T_HTML, 0, "", "" }, #define H_HEAD 1 { "head", C_YES, T_HEAD, 0, "", "" }, #define H_TITLE 2 { "title", C_YES, T_TITLE, 0, "", "" }, #define H_BODY 3 { "body", C_YES, T_BODY, LATEX_KIND_ON, "", "" }, #define H_ADDRESS 4 { "address", C_YES, T_ADDR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_H1 5 { "h1", C_YES, T_H, SET_LATEX_KIND_LEVEL(1),"{\\LARGE \\bf ", "}" }, #define H_H2 6 { "h2", C_YES, T_H, SET_LATEX_KIND_LEVEL(2), "{\\Large \\bf ", "}" }, #define H_H3 7 { "h3", C_YES, T_H, SET_LATEX_KIND_LEVEL(3), "{\\large \\bf ", "}" }, #define H_H4 8 { "h4", C_YES, T_H, SET_LATEX_KIND_LEVEL(4), "{\\bf ", "}" }, #define H_H5 9 { "h5", C_YES, T_H, SET_LATEX_KIND_LEVEL(5), "{\\small \\bf ", "}" }, #define H_H6 10 { "h6", C_YES, T_H, SET_LATEX_KIND_LEVEL(6), "{\\footnotesize \\bf ", "}" }, #define H_P 11 { "p", C_OPT, T_P, 0, "\n\n", "" }, #define H_UL 12 { "ul", C_YES, T_LIST, LATEX_KIND_IGH, "\n\\begin{itemize}", "\n\\end{itemize}\n" }, #define H_MENU 13 { "menu", C_YES, T_LIST, LATEX_KIND_IGH, "\n\\begin{itemize}", "\n\\end{itemize}\n" }, #define H_DIR 14 { "dir", C_YES, T_LIST, LATEX_KIND_IGH, "\n\\begin{itemize}", "\n\\end{itemize}\n" }, #define H_OL 15 { "ol", C_YES, T_LIST, LATEX_KIND_IGH, "\n\\begin{enumerate}", "\n\\end{enumerate}\n" }, #define H_LI 16 { "li", C_OPT, T_ITEM, 0, "\n\\item ", "" }, #define H_LH 17 { "lh", C_OPT, T_ITEM, 0, "\n\\item ", "" }, #define H_DL 18 { "dl", C_YES, T_DESC, LATEX_KIND_IGH, "\n\\begin{description}", "\n\\end{description}\n" }, #define H_DT 19 { "dt", C_OPT, T_DT, 0, "\n\\item[", "]" }, #define H_DD 20 { "dd", C_OPT, T_DD, 0, "", "" }, #define H_A 21 { "a", C_OPT, T_A, 0, "", "" }, #define H_Q 22 { "q", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "``", "''" }, #define H_I 23 { "i", C_YES, T_CHAR, LATEX_KIND_IIM, "{\\em ", "}" }, #define H_EM 24 { "em", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "{\\em ", "}" }, #define H_B 25 { "b", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "{\\bf ", "}" }, #define H_STRONG 26 { "strong", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "{\\bf ", "}" }, #define H_TT 27 { "tt", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "{\\tt ", "}" }, #define H_SAMP 28 { "samp", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "{\\tt ", "}" }, #define H_KDB 29 { "kbd", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "{\\tt ", "}" }, #define H_VAR 30 { "var", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "{\\sl ", "}" }, #define H_DFN 31 { "dfn", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "{\\sc ", "}" }, #define H_CODE 32 { "code", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "{\\tt ", "}" }, #define H_BLINK 33 { "blink", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_CITE 34 { "cite", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "{\\em ", "}" }, #define H_BLOCKQUOTE 35 { "blockquote", C_YES, T_CHAR, LATEX_KIND_IGH, "\\begin{quotation} ", "\\end{quotation}" }, #define H_BQ 36 { "bq", C_YES, T_CHAR, LATEX_KIND_IGH, "\\begin{quotation} ", "\\end{quotation}" }, #define H_U 37 { "u", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "\\underbar{", "}" }, #define H_S 38 { "s", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_SMALL 39 { "small", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "{\\small ", "}" }, #define H_BIG 40 { "big", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "{\\large ", "}" }, #define H_NOTE 41 { "note", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_AU 42 { "au", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_PERSON 43 { "person", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_ACRONYM 44 { "acronym", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_ABBREV 45 { "abbrev", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_CREDIT 46 { "credit", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_INS 47 { "ins", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_DEL 48 { "del", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_PRE 49 { "pre", C_YES, T_VERB, LATEX_KIND_VERB, "\\begin{verbatim} ", "\\end{verbatim}\n" }, #define H_XMP 50 { "xmp", C_YES, T_VERB, LATEX_KIND_VERB, "\\begin{verbatim} ", "\\end{verbatim}\n" }, #define H_LISTING 51 { "listing", C_YES, T_VERB, LATEX_KIND_VERB, "\\begin{verbatim} ", "\\end{verbatim}\n" }, #define H_BR 52 { "br", C_NO, T_DIR, LATEX_KIND_BR, "\\newline\n", "" }, #define H_HR 53 { "hr", C_NO, T_DIR, 0, "\\vspace{1mm}\\hrule ", "" }, #define H_IMG 54 { "img", C_NO, T_IMG, 0, "", "" }, #define H_ISINDEX 55 { "isindex", C_NO, T_DIR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_SELECT 56 { "select", C_YES, T_DIR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_LINK 57 { "link", C_NO, T_LINK, 0, "", "" }, #define H_CENTER 58 { "center", C_YES, T_CHAR, 0, "{\\centering ", "}" }, #define H_META 59 { "meta", C_NO, T_META, 0, "", "" }, #define H_TABLE 60 { "table", C_YES, T_DIR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_TH 61 { "th", C_OPT, T_DIR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_TR 62 { "tr", C_OPT, T_DIR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_TD 63 { "td", C_OPT, T_DIR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_SUP 64 { "sup", C_YES, T_DIR, LATEX_KIND_IN_MATH, "^{", "}" }, #define H_SUB 65 { "sub", C_YES, T_DIR, LATEX_KIND_IN_MATH, "_{", "}" }, #define H_CAPTION 66 { "caption", C_OPT, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_SCRIPT 67 { "script", C_OPT, T_SCRIPT, 0, "", "" }, #define H_FONT 68 { "font", C_OPT, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_FORM 69 { "form", C_OPT, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_INPUT 70 { "input", C_NO, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_TEXTAREA 71 { "textarea",C_OPT, T_CHAR, 0, "", "" }, #define H_M_OFF 72 { "!--latex-off--", C_YES, T_DIR, LATEX_KIND_OFF, "", "" }, #define H_L1 73 { "l1", C_YES, T_ILL, 0, "\n\n\\chapter{", "}\n\n" }, #define H_L2 74 { "l2", C_YES, T_ILL, 0, "\n\n\\section{", "}\n\n" }, #define H_L3 75 { "l3", C_YES, T_ILL, 0, "\n\n\\subsection{", "}\n\n" }, #define H_L4 76 { "l4", C_YES, T_ILL, 0, "\n\n\\subsubsection{", "}\n\n" }, #define H_L5 77 { "l5", C_YES, T_ILL, 0, "\n\n\\paragraph{", "}\n" }, #define H_L6 78 { "l6", C_YES, T_ILL, 0, "\n\n\\subparagraph{", "}\n" }, #define H_L7 79 { "l7", C_YES, T_ILL, 0, "", "" }, #define H_L8 80 { "l8", C_YES, T_ILL, 0, "", "" }, #define H_L9 81 { "l9", C_YES, T_ILL, 0, "", "" }, }; /* Generation state values */ bool in_html, in_head, in_title, in_body, in_address; bool in_desc_label; int no_copy; int ignore_header; bool in_e_alltt; /* = in_alltt && opt_href_in_alltt == OPT_NONE */ bool in_e_header; /* = in_header && opt_href_in_header == OPT_NONE */ char label_name[MAX_N + 1]; bool first_label, active_label, after_first, no_header, no_title, at_start, active_href, delayed_href, href_included; int item_depth; bool empty_line, gen_newline, empty_item, no_item, latex_repl; char dest_file[MAX_DF + 1], href_name[MAX_N + 1]; int href_status; int add_level_depth; #define MAX_STACK 30 struct { int ln; byte tagnr; byte tagkind; byte p_tagnr; bool closing; } stack[MAX_STACK]; int stack_depth = 0; bool scan_def_string(char *def, int *rp, int *rl, char *str) { int p = *rp, l = *rl; l = 0; p++; for (;;) { if (def[p] == '\0') { *rp = p; *rl = l; return FALSE; } else if (def[p] == '"') if (def[p+1] == '"') { if (str != NULL) str[l] = '"'; l++; p++; } else { if (str != NULL) str[l] = '\0'; p++; *rp = p; *rl = l; return TRUE; } else if (strneq(def + p, "&", 5)) { if (str != NULL) str[l] = '&'; l++; p += 5; } else if (strneq(def + p, "<", 4)) { if (str != NULL) str[l] = '<'; l++; p += 4; } else if (strneq(def + p, ">", 4)) { if (str != NULL) str[l] = '>'; l++; p += 4; } else if (strneq(def + p, "‐", 6)) { if (str != NULL) str[l] = '-'; l++; p += 6; } else if (strneq(def + p, "\\nl", 3)) { if (str != NULL) str[l] = '\n'; l++; p += 3; } else { if (str != NULL) str[l] = def[p]; l++; p++; } } } void calculate_el_values(int tagnr) { tags[tagnr].latex_kind &= ~(LATEX_KIND_OEL | LATEX_KIND_CEL); if (tags[tagnr].latex_open[strlen(tags[tagnr].latex_open)-1] == '\n') { tags[tagnr].latex_kind |= LATEX_KIND_OEL; DEBUG_P1("newline in `%s'\n", tags[tagnr].latex_open); } if (tags[tagnr].latex_close[strlen(tags[tagnr].latex_close)-1] == '\n') { tags[tagnr].latex_kind |= LATEX_KIND_CEL; DEBUG_P1("newline in `%s'\n", tags[tagnr].latex_close); } } void calculate_all_el() { int tagnr; for (tagnr = 0; tagnr < NR_TAGS + NR_M_TAGS; tagnr++) calculate_el_values(tagnr); } void process_definition(FILE *freport, char *def, char *fn, int ln, bool in_html_file); void process_definition(FILE *freport, char *def, char *fn, int ln, bool in_html_file) { char html_com[MAX_HC + 1]; int p = 0, i, tagnr; DEBUG_P1("process_definition(, `%s',,);\n", def); while (def[p] == ' ') p++; i = 0; while (def[p] != ' ' && def[p] != '\0') { if (i < MAX_HC) html_com[i++] = tolower(def[p]); p++; } html_com[i] = '\0'; for (tagnr = 0; tagnr < NR_TAGS + NR_M_TAGS; tagnr++) if (streq(html_com, tags[tagnr].name)) break; if (tagnr == NR_TAGS || tagnr == NR_TAGS + NR_M_TAGS) { if (freport) fprintf(freport, in_html_file ? "%s (%d) : Unknown tag kind `%s' in \n" : "%s (%d) : Unknown tag kind `%s' in %html -d %s\n", fn, ln, html_com, def); return; } DEBUG_P1("tag %s\n", tags[tagnr].name); for (i = 0; i < stack_depth; i++) if (stack[i].tagnr == tagnr) { if (freport) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : Cannot redefine `%s' inside itself\n", fn, ln, html_com); return; } tags[tagnr].latex_kind = 0; for(;;) { while (def[p] == ' ') p++; if (strneq(def + p, "-math ", 6)) { tags[tagnr].latex_kind |= LATEX_KIND_MATH; DEBUG_P("found -math\n"); p += 6; } else if (strneq(def + p, "-inmath ", 8)) { tags[tagnr].latex_kind |= LATEX_KIND_IN_MATH; DEBUG_P("found -math\n"); p += 8; } else if ( strneq(def + p, "-verb ", 6) || streq(def + p, "-verb")) { tags[tagnr].latex_kind |= LATEX_KIND_VERB; tags[tagnr].latex_open = "\\begin{verbatim}"; tags[tagnr].latex_close = "\\end{verbatim}\n"; DEBUG_P("found -verb\n"); p += 5; } else if ( strneq(def + p, "-alltt ", 7) || streq(def + p, "-alltt")) { tags[tagnr].latex_kind |= LATEX_KIND_ALLTT; tags[tagnr].latex_open = "\\begin{alltt}"; tags[tagnr].latex_close = "\\end{alltt}\n"; DEBUG_P("found -alltt\n"); p += 6; } else if ( strneq(def + p, "-off ", 5) || streq(def + p, "-off")) { tags[tagnr].latex_kind |= LATEX_KIND_OFF; DEBUG_P("found -off\n"); p += 4; } else if ( strneq(def + p, "-on ", 4) || streq(def + p, "-on")) { tags[tagnr].latex_kind |= LATEX_KIND_ON; DEBUG_P("found -on\n"); p += 3; } else if ( strneq(def + p, "-igh ", 5) || streq(def + p, "-igh")) { tags[tagnr].latex_kind |= LATEX_KIND_IGH; DEBUG_P("found -igh\n"); p += 4; } else if ( strneq(def + p, "-iim ", 5) || streq(def + p, "-iim")) { tags[tagnr].latex_kind |= LATEX_KIND_IIM; DEBUG_P("found -iim\n"); p += 4; } else if ( strneq(def + p, "-br ", 4) || streq(def + p, "-br")) { tags[tagnr].latex_kind |= LATEX_KIND_BR; DEBUG_P("found -br\n"); p += 3; } else if (def[p] == '-' && def[p+1] == 'l' && def[p+2] >= '1' && def[p+2] <= '9' && (def[p+3] == ' ' || def[p+3] == '\0')) { tags[tagnr].latex_kind |= SET_LATEX_KIND_LEVEL(def[p+2] - '0'); DEBUG_P1("found -h%c\n", def[p+2]); p += 3; } else break; } while (def[p] == ' ') p++; if (def[p] == '"') { int kp = p, l; if (!scan_def_string(def, &p, &l, NULL)) { if (freport) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : Incorrect quoted string `%s'\n", fn, ln, def + kp); } else { tags[tagnr].latex_open = NALLOC(char, l + 1); p = kp; scan_def_string(def, &p, &l, tags[tagnr].latex_open); DEBUG_P1("latex_open: `%s'\n", tags[tagnr].latex_open); while (def[p] == ' ') p++; if (def[p] == '"') { kp = p; if (!scan_def_string(def, &p, &l, NULL)) { if (freport) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : Incorrect quoted string `%s'\n", fn, ln, def + kp); } else { tags[tagnr].latex_close = NALLOC(char, l + 1); p = kp; scan_def_string(def, &p, &l, tags[tagnr].latex_close); DEBUG_P1("latex_close : `%s'\n", tags[tagnr].latex_close); } } } } calculate_el_values(tagnr); } void process_style(FILE *freport, char *style, char *fn, int ln); void process_style(FILE *freport, char *style, char *fn, int ln) { DEBUG_P1("Style: |%s|\n", style); if (streq(style, "book") || streq(style, "report")) { tags[H_L1].latex_open = "\n\n\\chapter{"; tags[H_L1].latex_close = "}\n\n"; tags[H_L2].latex_open = "\n\n\\section{"; tags[H_L2].latex_close = "}\n\n"; tags[H_L3].latex_open = "\n\n\\subsection{"; tags[H_L3].latex_close = "}\n\n"; tags[H_L4].latex_open = "\n\n\\subsubsection{"; tags[H_L4].latex_close = "}\n\n"; tags[H_L5].latex_open = "\n\n\\paragraph{"; tags[H_L5].latex_close = "}\n"; tags[H_L6].latex_open = "\n\n\\subparagraph{"; tags[H_L6].latex_close = "}\n"; tags[H_L7].latex_open = ""; tags[H_L7].latex_close = ""; } else if (streq(style, "plain")) { tags[H_L1].latex_open = "\n\n\\section*{"; tags[H_L1].latex_close = "}\n\n"; tags[H_L2].latex_open = "\n\n\\subsection*{"; tags[H_L2].latex_close = "}\n\n"; tags[H_L3].latex_open = "\n\n\\subsubsection*{"; tags[H_L3].latex_close = "}\n\n"; tags[H_L4].latex_open = "\n\n\\paragraph*{"; tags[H_L4].latex_close = "}\n"; tags[H_L5].latex_open = "\n\n\\subparagraph*{"; tags[H_L5].latex_close = "}\n"; tags[H_L6].latex_open = ""; tags[H_L6].latex_close = ""; tags[H_L7].latex_open = ""; tags[H_L7].latex_close = ""; } else if (streq(style, "article")) { tags[H_L1].latex_open = "\n\n\\section{"; tags[H_L1].latex_close = "}\n\n"; tags[H_L2].latex_open = "\n\n\\subsection{"; tags[H_L2].latex_close = "}\n\n"; tags[H_L3].latex_open = "\n\n\\subsubsection{"; tags[H_L3].latex_close = "}\n\n"; tags[H_L4].latex_open = "\n\n\\paragraph{"; tags[H_L4].latex_close = "}\n"; tags[H_L5].latex_open = "\n\n\\subparagraph{"; tags[H_L5].latex_close = "}\n"; tags[H_L6].latex_open = ""; tags[H_L6].latex_close = ""; tags[H_L7].latex_open = ""; tags[H_L7].latex_close = ""; } else { if (freport) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : Unknown style `%s'\n", fn, ln, style); } calculate_all_el(); } void process_option(FILE *freport, char *opt, char *fn, int ln, bool in_html_file); void process_option(FILE *freport, char *opt, char *fn, int ln, bool in_html_file) { char html_com[MAX_HC + 1]; int p = 0, i, optnr; DEBUG_P1("process_option(, `%s',,);\n", opt); while (opt[p] == ' ') p++; i = 0; while (opt[p] != ' ' && opt[p] != '\0') { if (i < MAX_HC) html_com[i++] = opt[p]; p++; } html_com[i] = '\0'; for (optnr = 0; optnr < NR_OPTS; optnr++) if (streq(html_com, allopt[optnr].name)) break; if (optnr == NR_OPTS) { if (freport) fprintf(freport, in_html_file ? "%s (%d) : Unknown option `%s' in \n" : "%s (%d) : Unknown option `%s' in %%html -o %s\n", fn, ln, html_com, opt); return; } DEBUG_P1("option %s\n", allopt[optnr].name); while (opt[p] == ' ') p++; if (allopt[optnr].kind == OPT_KIND_STR) { if (opt[p] == '"') { int kp = p, l; if (!scan_def_string(opt, &p, &l, NULL)) { if (freport) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : Incorrect quoted string `%s'\n", fn, ln, opt + kp); } else { DEBUG_P1("old: `%s'\n", allopt[optnr].str); allopt[optnr].str = NREALLOC(allopt[optnr].str, char, l + 1); scan_def_string(opt, &kp, &l, allopt[optnr].str); DEBUG_P1("Found: |%s|\n", allopt[optnr].str); } } else if (freport) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : Expected string in `%s'\n", fn, ln, opt + p); } else { if (allopt[optnr].kind == OPT_KIND_IN) { if (strneq(opt + p, "normal", 6)) allopt[optnr].v = OPT_NORMAL; else if (strneq(opt + p, "cffn", 4)) allopt[optnr].v = OPT_CFFN; else if (strneq(opt + p, "fn", 2)) allopt[optnr].v = OPT_FN; else if (strneq(opt + p, "none", 4)) allopt[optnr].v = OPT_NONE; else if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : Expected: normal, cffn, fn, or none in `%s'\n", fn, ln, opt + p); } else { if (strneq(opt + p, "on", 2)) allopt[optnr].v = TRUE; else if (strneq(opt + p, "off", 3)) allopt[optnr].v = FALSE; else if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : Expected: on or off in `%s'\n", fn, ln, opt + p); } } DEBUG_P("ready\n"); } void close_header(FILE *fout, char *html_fn) { after_first = TRUE; if (first_label) { if (fout != NULL) print_label(fout, find_file(html_fn)->nr, "", FALSE); first_label = FALSE; } if (active_label) { if (fout != NULL) print_label(fout, find_file(html_fn)->nr, label_name, FALSE); active_label = FALSE; } } void print_sp(FILE *fout, char *str, char *html_fn); void print_sp(FILE *fout, char *str, char *html_fn) { bool has_header = strstr(str, "%l") != NULL; int level = add_level_depth; if (level > 9) level = 9; for(; *str; str++) if (*str != '%') fputc(*str, fout); else if (*(str+1) == '%') { fputc('%', fout); str++; } else if (*(str+1) == 'f') { fputs(html_fn, fout); str++; } else if (*(str+1) == 'l') { fputs(tags[level + H_L1 - 1].latex_open, fout); str++; } else if (*(str+1) == 'c') { fputs(tags[level + H_L1 - 1].latex_close, fout); str++; } if (has_header) close_header(fout, html_fn); no_header = FALSE; } void latex_open(FILE *fout, FILE *freport, int tagnr, int ln, char *html_fn, bool closing) { int tagkind = tags[tagnr].kind, latex_kind = tags[tagnr].latex_kind; int level = GET_LATEX_KIND_LEVEL(latex_kind); int p_tagnr; char *latex_open; if (tagnr == H_BODY && fout != NULL) { if (no_title && opt_no_title[0] != '\0') print_sp(fout, opt_no_title, html_fn); if (at_start && opt_at_start[0] != '\0') print_sp(fout, opt_at_start, html_fn); at_start = FALSE; } if (level > 0 && !ignore_header) { level += add_level_depth - 1; if (level > 9) level = 9; p_tagnr = H_L1 + level - 1; no_header = FALSE; } else { p_tagnr = tagnr; if (no_header && !no_copy && tagnr < NR_TAGS && fout != NULL) print_sp(fout, opt_no_header, html_fn); } latex_open = latex_repl ? "" : tags[p_tagnr].latex_open; if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_ON) { DEBUG_P("no_copy--\n"); no_copy--; } DEBUG_P5("latex_open(,tagnr=%d, %s, ln=%d, p_tagnr=%d:%s)\n", tagnr, tags[tagnr].name, ln, p_tagnr, tags[p_tagnr].name); if (fout == NULL || no_copy || latex_open[0] == '\0') /* nothing to generate */; else if ( (empty_line && (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_BR)) || (in_header && tagkind == T_P) || (item_depth >= 4 && tagkind == T_LIST) || in_verb || (in_alltt && tagkind != T_CHAR)) { if (freport && option_warn) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : <%s> ignored in LaTeX.\n", html_fn, ln, tags[tagnr].name); } else if (in_math && (latex_kind & (LATEX_KIND_IIM | LATEX_KIND_MATH))) { if ((latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_MATH) && freport) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : <%s> ignored in LaTeX; nested math.\n", html_fn, ln, tags[tagnr].name); } else { if (in_alltt && (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_MATH)) latex_open = opt_s_math_open; if (latex_open[0] == '\n') { gen_newline = FALSE; if (no_item && tagkind != T_ITEM) { fprintf(fout, opt_empty_item); no_item = FALSE; } if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_IN_MATH) { if (in_math == 0) fputs(opt_s_math_open, fout); in_math++; } fputs(latex_open + empty_line, fout); } else { if (gen_newline) { if (!(latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_BR)) { DEBUG_GN('1'); fputc('\n', fout); } gen_newline = FALSE; } if (no_item && tagkind != T_ITEM) { if (fout != NULL && !no_copy) fputs(opt_empty_item, fout); no_item = FALSE; } if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_IN_MATH) { if (in_math == 0) fputs(opt_s_math_open, fout); in_math++; } fputs(latex_open, fout); } if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_OEL) empty_line = TRUE; } if (tags[tagnr].closing == C_NO) return; if (stack_depth < MAX_STACK) { DEBUG_P3("push(%d,%d,) : %d\n", ln, tagnr, stack_depth); stack[stack_depth].ln = ln; stack[stack_depth].tagnr = tagnr; stack[stack_depth].tagkind = tagkind; stack[stack_depth].p_tagnr = p_tagnr; stack[stack_depth].closing = closing; stack_depth++; } else if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : remove <%s>, more than %d nested tags.\n", html_fn, ln, tags[tagnr].name, MAX_STACK); DEBUG_P3("latex_open(,tagnr=%d, ln=%d, p_tagnr=%d)\n", tagnr, ln, p_tagnr); switch (tagnr) { case H_HTML : in_html = TRUE; break; case H_HEAD : in_head = TRUE; break; case H_BODY : in_body = TRUE; no_title = FALSE; break; case H_TITLE : in_title = TRUE; no_title = FALSE; break; case H_ADDRESS : in_address = TRUE; break; } if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_OFF) { DEBUG_P("no_copy++\n"); no_copy++; } if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_IGH) ignore_header++; if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_MATH) in_math++; if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_VERB) in_verb++; if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_ALLTT) { in_alltt++; in_e_alltt = opt_href_in_alltt == OPT_NONE; } switch (tagkind) { case T_H : in_header = TRUE; in_e_header = opt_href_in_header == OPT_NONE; break; case T_LIST : item_depth++; no_item = TRUE; break; case T_ITEM : empty_item = TRUE; no_item = FALSE; break; case T_DESC : item_depth++; break; case T_DT : in_desc_label = TRUE; break; case T_DD : empty_item = TRUE; break; case T_A : if ( freport && option_warn && ( in_verb || in_e_alltt || in_e_header)) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : ignored in LaTeX.\n", html_fn, ln); break; } } void latex_close(FILE *fout, FILE *freport, int ln, char *html_fn) { int tagnr, tagkind, p_tagnr; char *latex_close; int latex_kind; bool latex_kind_cel; if (stack_depth <= 0) return; stack_depth--; tagnr = stack[stack_depth].tagnr; tagkind = stack[stack_depth].tagkind; latex_kind = tags[tagnr].latex_kind; if ((tagkind == T_ITEM || tagkind == T_DD) && empty_item) { if (fout != NULL && !no_copy) fprintf(fout, "??"); if (freport != NULL && !no_copy) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : empty item.\n", html_fn, ln); empty_item = FALSE; } p_tagnr = stack[stack_depth].p_tagnr; if (latex_repl) { latex_close = ""; latex_kind_cel = FALSE; } else { latex_close = tags[p_tagnr].latex_close; latex_kind_cel = (tags[p_tagnr].latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_CEL); } DEBUG_P2("latex_close: %s,%s\n", tags[tagnr].name, tags[p_tagnr].name); if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_OFF) { DEBUG_P("no_copy--\n"); no_copy--; } if (fout == NULL || no_copy || latex_close[0] == '\0') /* nothing to generate */; else if ( (in_header && tagkind == T_P) || (item_depth > 4 && tagkind == T_LIST) || (in_verb && !(latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_VERB)) || ( in_alltt && !(latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_ALLTT) && tagkind != T_CHAR)) { if (freport && option_warn) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : ignored in LaTeX.\n", html_fn, ln, tags[tagnr].name); } else if ( in_math && ( (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_IIM) || ((latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_MATH) && in_math > 1))) { if ((latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_MATH) && in_math > 1 && freport) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : ignored in LaTeX; nested math.\n", html_fn, ln, tags[tagnr].name); } else { if (in_alltt && (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_MATH)) latex_close = opt_s_math_close; if (latex_close[0] == '\n') { gen_newline = FALSE; fprintf(fout, "%s", latex_close + empty_line); } else { /* if not delay: if (gen_newline) { fputc('\n', fout); gen_newline = FALSE; } */ fprintf(fout, "%s", latex_close); } if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_IN_MATH) { if (in_math == 1) fputs(opt_s_math_close, fout); in_math--; } if (latex_kind_cel) { empty_line = TRUE; gen_newline = FALSE; /* remove if no delay */ } } switch (tagnr) { case H_HTML : in_html = FALSE; break; case H_HEAD : in_head = FALSE; break; case H_BODY : in_body = FALSE; break; case H_TITLE : in_title = FALSE; break; case H_ADDRESS : in_address = FALSE; break; } if (GET_LATEX_KIND_LEVEL(latex_kind) && !ignore_header) close_header(fout, html_fn); if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_ON) { DEBUG_P("no_copy++\n"); no_copy++; } if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_IGH) ignore_header--; if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_MATH) in_math--; if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_VERB) in_verb--; if (latex_kind & LATEX_KIND_ALLTT) { in_alltt--; if (in_alltt == 0) in_e_alltt = FALSE; } switch (tagkind) { case T_H : in_header = FALSE; in_e_header = FALSE; break; case T_LIST : no_item = FALSE; /* in case of empty list */ case T_DESC : item_depth--; break; case T_DT : if (delayed_href && fout != NULL) { print_f_href(fout, dest_file, href_name, href_status, in_header > 0); delayed_href = FALSE; } if (fout != NULL) fprintf(fout, " "); in_desc_label = FALSE; break; case T_A : { if (!href_included) /* ignore */; else if (active_href && fout != NULL) { if (option_bibliography || !in_desc_label) print_f_href(fout, dest_file, href_name, href_status, in_header > 0); else { if (delayed_href && freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : more than one href in description\n", html_fn, ln); delayed_href = TRUE; } } active_href = FALSE; } break; } } char tmp_tagname[30]; char *tagname(int tagnr, bool closing_tag) { if (closing_tag) if (tagnr == H_M_OFF) return "!--latex-on--"; else { tmp_tagname[0] = '/'; strcpy(tmp_tagname + 1, tags[tagnr].name); return tmp_tagname; } else return tags[tagnr].name; } #define REMOVE_TAG(R) remove_tag(freport, tagnr, closing_tag, R, html_fn, ln) void remove_tag(FILE *freport, int tagnr, bool closing_tag, char *r, char *html_fn, int ln) { if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : remove <%s>%s.\n", html_fn, ln, tagname(tagnr, closing_tag), r); } #define ADD_TAG(T,C,R) add_tag(freport, T, C, R, html_fn, ln) void add_tag(FILE *freport, int tagnr, bool closing_tag, char *r, char *html_fn, int ln) { if (freport != NULL) { fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : add <%s>", html_fn, ln, tagname(tagnr, closing_tag)); if (closing_tag) fprintf(freport, " (with <%s> in line %d)", tags[tagnr].name, stack[stack_depth-1].ln); fprintf(freport, "%s.\n", r ? r : ""); } } #define REPLACE_TAG() replace_tag(freport, tagnr, closing_tag, html_fn, ln) void replace_tag(FILE *freport, int tagnr, bool closing_tag, char *html_fn, int ln) { if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : replace <%s> by .\n", html_fn, ln, tagname(tagnr, closing_tag), tags[stack[stack_depth-1].tagnr].name); } void latex_closes(FILE *fout, FILE *freport, int tagnr, int tagkind, bool closing_tag, bool till, int ln, char *html_fn) { int j; bool found = FALSE; for (j = stack_depth - 1; j >= 0; j--) if ( tagkind != T_ILL ? stack[j].tagkind == tagkind : stack[j].tagnr == tagnr) { found = TRUE; break; } if (found && tags[tagnr].kind == T_CHAR) found = j > stack_depth - 5; if (found) { while (stack_depth > j + 1) { char mess[60]; sprintf(mess, ", before <%s>", tagname(tagnr, closing_tag)); if (stack[stack_depth-1].closing == C_YES) ADD_TAG(stack[stack_depth-1].tagnr, TRUE, mess); latex_close(fout, freport, ln, html_fn); } } if (till) return; if (found) { if (stack[stack_depth-1].tagnr != tagnr) REPLACE_TAG(); latex_close(fout, freport, ln, html_fn); } else if (stack_depth == 0) REMOVE_TAG(", no open tag"); else { char mess[60]; sprintf(mess, ", does not match <%s>", tags[stack[stack_depth-1].tagnr].name); REMOVE_TAG(mess); } } bool inside_tag(int tagkind) { int j; for (j = stack_depth - 1; j >= 0; j--) if (stack[j].tagkind == tagkind) return TRUE; else if ( stack[j].tagkind == T_LIST || stack[j].tagkind == T_DESC) return FALSE; return FALSE; } #define OPEN_TAG(K) (tagkind == K && !closing_tag) #define CLOSE_TAG(K) (tagkind == K && closing_tag) #define LATEX_OPEN(T) \ { latex_open(fout, freport, T, ln, html_fn, tags[T].closing); } #define LATEX_OPEN_C(T,C) \ { latex_open(fout, freport, T, ln, html_fn, C); } #define LATEX_CLOSES(T) \ { latex_closes(fout, freport, T, T_ILL, TRUE, FALSE, ln, html_fn); } #define LATEX_CLOSES_K() \ { latex_closes(fout, freport, tagnr, tagkind, closing_tag, FALSE, ln, \ html_fn); } #define LATEX_CLOSES_T(K) \ { latex_closes(fout, freport, tagnr, K, FALSE, TRUE, ln, html_fn); } void process_comment(html_fn, ln, fout, freport, comment, first) char *html_fn; int ln; FILE *fout, *freport; char *comment; bool first; { if ( strneq(comment, "latex ", 6) || strneq(comment, "latex\n", 6) || strneq(comment, "latex-rep ", 10) || strneq(comment, "latex-on ", 9) || strneq(comment, "latex-on\n", 9)) { if (fout != NULL) { char *s; if (strneq(comment, "latex ", 6)||strneq(comment, "latex\n", 6)) s = comment + 6; else if (strneq(comment, "latex-rep ", 10)) { s = comment + 10; latex_repl = TRUE; } else s = comment + 9; while (*s != '\0') if (strneq(s, "&", 5)) { fputc('&', fout); s += 5; } else if (strneq(s, "<", 4)) { fputc('<', fout); s += 4; } else if (strneq(s, ">", 4)) { fputc('>', fout); s += 4; } else if (strneq(s, "‐", 6)) { fputc('-', fout); s += 6; } else { fputc(*s, fout); s++; } } if (strneq(comment, "latex-on ", 9)|| strneq(comment, "latex-on\n", 9)) { int tagnr = H_M_OFF; bool closing_tag = TRUE; if (!in_html) REMOVE_TAG(", only allowed inside "); else LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr); } } else if (strneq(comment, "latex-off", 9)) { int tagnr = H_M_OFF; bool closing_tag = FALSE; if (!in_html) REMOVE_TAG(", only allowed inside "); else LATEX_OPEN(tagnr); } else if (strneq(comment, "latex-on", 8)) { int tagnr = H_M_OFF; bool closing_tag = TRUE; if (!in_html) REMOVE_TAG(", only allowed inside "); else LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr); } else if (strneq(comment, "latex-def", 9)) { if (!first) process_definition(freport, comment+9, html_fn, ln, TRUE); } else if (strneq(comment, "latex-opt", 9)) process_option(freport, comment+9, html_fn, ln, TRUE); else if (strneq(comment, "latex-fmt ", 10)) { if (fout != NULL) { char *s = comment + 10; int i = 0; while (*s != '\0' && i < MAX_LATEX_FMT) if (strneq(s, "&", 5)) { latex_fmt[i++] = '&'; s += 5; } else if (strneq(s, "<", 4)) { latex_fmt[i++] = '<'; s += 4; } else if (strneq(s, ">", 4)) { latex_fmt[i++] = '>'; s += 4; } else if (strneq(s, "‐", 6)) { latex_fmt[i++] = '-'; s += 6; } else { latex_fmt[i++] = *s; s++; } latex_fmt[i] = '\0'; } } else if (strneq(comment, "latex-style ", 12)) { int i = 0; char *s = comment + 12 ; char style[21]; while (*s == ' ') s++; for (; *s != '\0' && *s != ' '; s++) if (i < 20) style[i++] = *s; style[i] = '\0'; if (!first) process_style(freport, style, html_fn, ln); } else if (streq(comment, "latex-biblio")) { option_bibliography = TRUE; if (fout != NULL) print_bibliography(fout); } else if (fout != NULL) { char *s = comment; fprintf(fout, "%% "); while (*s != '\0') { if (*s == '\n') fprintf(fout, "\n%% "); else fputc(*s, fout); s++; } fputc('\n', fout); empty_line = TRUE; } } void skip_spaces(FILE *fin, char *html_fn, FILE *fout, FILE *freport, char *r_ch, int *r_lni, bool first); void skip_spaces(FILE *fin, char *html_fn, FILE *fout, FILE *freport, char *r_ch, int *r_ln, bool first) { char ch = *r_ch; int ln = *r_ln; /* skip spaces */ while (!feof(fin) && (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')) if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; /* process comments */ while (!feof(fin) && ch == '-') { int i = 0; if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; if (ch != '-') { if (freport) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : ill comment start\n", html_fn, ln); break; } while(!feof(fin)) { if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; if (ch == '-' && i > 0 && comment[i-1] == '-') { comment[i-1] = '\0'; if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; break; } add_to_comment(ch, &i); } process_comment(html_fn, ln, fout, freport, comment, first); /* skip spaces */ while (!feof(fin) && (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')) if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; } *r_ch = ch; *r_ln = ln; } void scan_a_file(html_fn, fout, freport, depth, first, included) char *html_fn; /* file name of HTML file */ FILE *fout, /* LaTeX output file */ *freport; /* Error report file */ int depth; /* Depth for headings */ bool first; /* First scanning */ bool included; /* Included in output (or only checking) */ { file_t *in_file = find_file(html_fn); FILE *fin; char html_com[MAX_HC + 1], attr_name[MAX_HC + 1], attr_val[MAX_AV + 1], name[MAX_N + 1], src[MAX_DF + 1], alt[MAX_DF + 1]; char ch; int ln = 1; link_t *link = in_file->link; label_name[0] = '\0'; DEBUG_P3("Scan %s %d %d\n", html_fn, first, in_file->nr_refs); in_html = FALSE; in_head = FALSE; in_title = FALSE; in_body = FALSE; in_address = FALSE; in_header = FALSE; in_desc_label = FALSE; no_copy = 1; ignore_header = 0; in_math = 0; in_verb = 0; in_alltt = 0; first_label = TRUE; active_label = FALSE; after_first = FALSE; no_header = TRUE; no_title = TRUE; at_start = TRUE; active_href = FALSE; delayed_href = FALSE; href_included = TRUE; latex_fmt[0] = '\0'; item_depth = 0; empty_line = TRUE; gen_newline = FALSE; empty_item = FALSE; no_item = FALSE; last_ref = NULL; add_level_depth = depth; if (in_file->exists) { fin = fopen(html_fn, "r"); if (fin == NULL) in_file->exists = FALSE; } if (!in_file->exists) { if (freport != NULL) { if (in_file->nr_refs > 1 || option_warn) fprintf(freport, "%s (0) : does not exist\n", html_fn); if (option_info) { errors_ref_bys(freport, in_file->ref_by, html_fn, 0, FALSE); errors_links_names(freport, in_file->link, html_fn); } } if (fout != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%% html: Cannot include file `%s'\n", html_fn); return; } if (!first && freport != NULL && option_warn) { errors_ref_bys(freport, in_file->ref_by, html_fn, 0, TRUE); if (option_warn) errors_links_names(freport, in_file->link, html_fn); } in_file->read |= R_READ; if (included) in_file->read |= R_INCLUDED; if (fout) fprintf(fout, "%% html: Beginning of file: `%s'\n", html_fn); if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; while(!feof(fin)) { if (ch == '<') { bool is_comment = FALSE, a_name = FALSE, a_href = FALSE, a_src = FALSE; byte tagnr, tagkind = T_ILL; bool closing_tag = FALSE; latex_repl = FALSE; alt[0] = '\0'; /* SCAN <...> */ /* skip < and following spaces: */ if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; while (!feof(fin) && (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')) if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; html_com[0] = '\0'; if (ch != '!') { int i; bool too_long; /* scan first word in html_com: */ i = 0; too_long = FALSE; while ( !feof(fin) && ch != '>' && ch != ' ' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\t') { if (i < MAX_HC) html_com[i++] = tolower(ch); else too_long = TRUE; if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; } html_com[i] = '\0'; if (too_long && freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : HTML tag name too long --- `%s'\n", html_fn, ln, html_com); for (tagnr = 0; tagnr < NR_TAGS; tagnr++) if (streq(html_com, tags[tagnr].name)) { tagkind = tags[tagnr].kind; DEBUG_P2("found `%s' = %d\n", tags[tagnr].name, tagkind); break; } else if ( html_com[0] == '/' && tags[tagnr].closing != C_NO && streq(html_com + 1, tags[tagnr].name)) { tagkind = tags[tagnr].kind; closing_tag = TRUE; DEBUG_P2("found `/%s' = %d\n", tags[tagnr].name, tagkind); break; } while (!feof(fin) && ch != '>') { bool found_is = FALSE; skip_spaces(fin, html_fn, fout, freport, &ch, &ln, first); if (feof(fin) || ch == '>') break; /* scan attribute in attr_name */ i = 0; too_long = FALSE; while (!feof(fin) && ch != '>' && ch != '=' && ch != ' ' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\t') { if (i < MAX_HC) attr_name[i++] = tolower(ch); else too_long = TRUE; if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; } attr_name[i] = '\0'; DEBUG_P1("found attribute: `%s'\n", attr_name); if (too_long && freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : HTML attribute '%s' too long.\n", html_fn, ln, attr_name); /* skip = and spaces */ while ( !feof(fin) && ( ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '=' || ch == '\t')) { if (ch == '=') found_is = TRUE; if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; } /* scan string into name */ i = 0; if (found_is) { bool is_quoted = ch == '"'; too_long = FALSE; if (is_quoted) if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; while( !feof(fin) && ch != '>' && ch != '"' && (is_quoted || ch != ' ')) { if (i < MAX_AV) attr_val[i++] = ch; else too_long = TRUE; if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; } if (is_quoted != (ch == '\"') && freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : incorrectly quoted string\n", html_fn, ln); if (ch == '\"') if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; if (too_long && freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : attr value too long name `%s'\n", html_fn, ln, attr_val); } attr_val[i] = '\0'; DEBUG_P1("found attribute value: `%s'\n", attr_val); if (OPEN_TAG(T_A) && streq(attr_name, "name")) { if (attr_val[0] == '\0') { if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : found \n", html_fn, ln); } else if (strlen(attr_val) > MAX_N) { if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : name too long `%s'\n", html_fn, ln, attr_val); } else { strcpy(name, attr_val); a_name = TRUE; } } else if (OPEN_TAG(T_A) && streq(attr_name, "href") && attr_val[0] != '\0') { char *av = attr_val; i = 0; too_long = FALSE; for (; *av != '\0' && *av != '#'; av++) if (i < MAX_DF) dest_file[i++] = *av; else too_long = TRUE; dest_file[i] = '\0'; DEBUG_P1("found dest file `%s'\n", dest_file); href_name[0] = '\0'; if (attr_val[0] == '\0') { if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : found \n", html_fn, ln); } else if (too_long) { if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : URL too long `%s'\n", html_fn, ln, dest_file); } else if (*av == '\0') a_href = TRUE; else { i = 0; too_long = FALSE; av++; for (; *av != '\0'; av++) if (i < MAX_N) href_name[i++] = *av; else too_long = TRUE; href_name[i] = '\0'; DEBUG_P1("found href name `%s'\n", href_name); if (too_long) { if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : name too long `%s'\n", html_fn, ln, href_name); } else a_href = TRUE; } } else if ( OPEN_TAG(T_IMG) && streq(attr_name, "src") && attr_val[0] != '\0') { if (strlen(attr_val) > MAX_DF) { if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : src too long `%s'\n", html_fn, ln, attr_val); } else { strcpy(src, attr_val); a_src = TRUE; } } else if ( OPEN_TAG(T_IMG) && streq(attr_name, "alt") && attr_val[0] != '\0') { if (strlen(attr_val) > MAX_DF) { if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : alt too long `%s'\n", html_fn, ln, attr_val); } else strcpy(alt, attr_val); } else if (OPEN_TAG(T_META)) /* ignore */; else if ( option_warn && freport != NULL && tagkind != T_ILL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : ignored <%s .. %s=\"%s\">\n" , html_fn, ln, html_com, attr_name, attr_val); } } else /* ch == '!' */ { int i = 0; is_comment = TRUE; if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; skip_spaces(fin, html_fn, fout, freport, &ch, &ln, first); if (ch != '>') { if (freport != NULL && option_warn) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : using non-standard comments.\n", html_fn, ln); while (!feof(fin) && ch != '>') { add_to_comment(ch, &i); if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; } add_to_comment('\0', &i); while (i > 0 && comment[i - 1] == '-') comment[--i] = '\0'; process_comment(html_fn, ln, fout, freport, comment, first); } } /* skip till > */ while (!feof(fin) && ch != '>') if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; /* PROCESS references */ if (first) { if (a_name) add_name(html_fn, name, is_html_fn || (!no_copy && !in_verb) || in_head); if (a_href) { href_status = REF_OKAY; if (!norm_URL(html_fn, dest_file)) { if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : URL `%s' illegal or too long\n", html_fn, ln, dest_file); } else { add_ref(html_fn, ln, dest_file, href_name[0] == '\0' ? NULL : href_name); /* to add dest_file to list of files: */ find_file(dest_file); } } } else { if (a_name) { DEBUG_PRINT(("\n")); if (freport != NULL && link->info.name.repeated) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : repeated.\n", html_fn, ln, name); if ( option_info && freport != NULL && link->info.name.ref_by == NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : might not be referenced.\n", html_fn, ln, name); if ( freport != NULL && !is_html_fn && !link->copied && link->info.name.referenced) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : referenced, but not outputted.\n", html_fn, ln, name); if (freport != NULL) { DEBUG_P3( "%s (%d) : found \n", html_fn, ln, name); { ref_by_t *rb = link->info.name.ref_by; for (; rb != NULL; rb = rb->next) DEBUG_P2(" %s %s\n", rb->file, rb->name ? rb->name : "NULL"); } if (option_warn) errors_ref_bys(freport, link->info.name.ref_by, html_fn, ln, TRUE); } DEBUG_P2("name: |%s|%s|\n", name, link->info.name.name); link = link->next; } if (a_href) { DEBUG_PRINT(("\n", html_fn, dest_file)); if (!norm_URL(html_fn, dest_file)) { href_status = REF_ILL; if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : URL `%s' illegal or too long.\n", html_fn, ln, dest_file); } else { href_status = find_ref(dest_file, href_name); if ( href_status == REF_FILE_NOT_FOUND && freport != NULL && ( option_warn || link->info.ref.file->nr_refs < 2)) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : file `%s' does not exist.\n", html_fn, ln, dest_file); else if ( href_status == REF_FILE_NOT_INC && dest_file[0] != '\0' && freport != NULL && option_info && link->copied) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : file `%s' not included.\n", html_fn, ln, dest_file); else if ( href_status == REF_NAME_NOT_FOUND && freport != NULL) { fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : no in file `%s'.\n", html_fn, ln, href_name, dest_file); if ( link->info.ref.re_name != NULL && link->info.ref.re_name != c_top) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : could change into: .\n", html_fn, ln, rel_URL(html_fn, dest_file), link->info.ref.re_name); } else if ( href_status == REF_NAME_NOT_INC && freport != NULL && link->copied) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : in file `%s' not outputted.\n", html_fn, ln, href_name, dest_file); else if ( option_warn && href_status == REF_OKAY && link->info.ref.re_name != NULL && !eq_name(link->info.ref.re_name, href_name)) if (link->info.ref.re_name != c_top) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : could change into: .\n", html_fn, ln, rel_URL(html_fn, dest_file), link->info.ref.re_name); else fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : could change into: .\n", html_fn, ln, rel_URL(html_fn, dest_file)); } DEBUG_P2("href: |%s|%s|\n", dest_file, link->info.ref.name); link = link->next; } } /* PROCESS <...> */ DEBUG_P4("found %s at %d: in_head %d: %d\n", tags[tagnr].name, ln, in_head, tagkind); if (is_comment) /* skip */; else if (tagkind == T_ILL) { if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : unknown <%s>.\n", html_fn, ln, html_com); } else if (OPEN_TAG(T_HTML)) if (in_html) REMOVE_TAG(", tag only inside "); else LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_HTML)) if (!in_html) REMOVE_TAG(", not inside "); else LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr) else { if (!in_html) { if (option_pedantic) ADD_TAG(H_HTML, FALSE, ", tag requires "); LATEX_OPEN(H_HTML) } /*** indention -4 ***/ if (OPEN_TAG(T_HEAD)) if (in_head) REMOVE_TAG(", tag only outside "); else LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_HEAD)) if (!in_head) REMOVE_TAG(", not inside "); else LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr) else if (OPEN_TAG(T_TITLE)) if (in_body) REMOVE_TAG(", tag not inside "); else if (in_title) REMOVE_TAG(", nested "); else LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_TITLE)) if (in_body) REMOVE_TAG(", tag not inside <body>"); else if (!in_title) REMOVE_TAG(", not inside <title>"); else LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr) else if (OPEN_TAG(T_BODY)) if (in_body) REMOVE_TAG(", nested <body>"); else if (in_head) REMOVE_TAG(", still inside <head>"); else LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) /* print file name here ??? */ /* \n\\par{\\footnotesize$(File:\\ )$}\\par\n */ else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_BODY)) if (!in_body) REMOVE_TAG(", not inside <body>"); else if (in_head) REMOVE_TAG(", still inside <head>"); else LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr) else if (OPEN_TAG(T_LINK) || OPEN_TAG(T_META)) { /* ignore */ } else if (OPEN_TAG(T_SCRIPT)) LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_SCRIPT)) LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr) else { if (in_head && !a_name) { char mess[60]; sprintf(mess, ", required by <%s>", tags[tagnr].name); ADD_TAG(H_HEAD, TRUE, mess); LATEX_CLOSES(H_HEAD) } if (!in_body && !a_name) { char mess[60]; sprintf(mess, ", required by <%s>", tags[tagnr].name); ADD_TAG(H_BODY, FALSE, mess); LATEX_OPEN(H_BODY) } /*** indention -4 ***/ if (OPEN_TAG(T_DIR)) LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_DIR)) LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr) else if (OPEN_TAG(T_ADDR)) if (in_address) REMOVE_TAG(", nested <address>"); else LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_ADDR)) if (!in_address) REMOVE_TAG(", not inside <address>"); else LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr) else if (OPEN_TAG(T_H)) if (in_header) { REPLACE_TAG(); LATEX_CLOSES_K() } else LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_H)) if (!in_header) REMOVE_TAG(", not inside <h?>"); else { LATEX_CLOSES_K() } else if (OPEN_TAG(T_LIST)) LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_LIST)) LATEX_CLOSES_K() else if (OPEN_TAG(T_ITEM)) if (!inside_tag(T_LIST)) REMOVE_TAG(", not inside listing tag"); else { LATEX_CLOSES_T(T_LIST) LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) } else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_ITEM)) LATEX_CLOSES_K() else if (OPEN_TAG(T_DESC)) LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_DESC)) LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr) else if (OPEN_TAG(T_DT)) if (!inside_tag(T_DESC)) REMOVE_TAG(", not inside <dl>"); else { LATEX_CLOSES_T(T_DESC) LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) } else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_DT)) LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr) else if (OPEN_TAG(T_DD)) if (!inside_tag(T_DESC)) REMOVE_TAG(", not inside <dl>"); else { LATEX_CLOSES_T(T_DESC) LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) } else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_DD)) LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr) else if (OPEN_TAG(T_A)) { int j; for (j = stack_depth - 1; j >= 0 && stack[j].closing == C_OPT; j--) if (stack[j].tagkind == T_A) { LATEX_CLOSES(H_A); break; } if ( a_name && (!no_copy || in_head) && name_referenced(html_fn, name)) { if (active_label && fout != NULL) if (in_verb) { if (freport) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : <A NAME=\"%s\"> ignored in LaTeX.\n", html_fn, ln, label_name); } else print_label(fout, in_file->nr, label_name, FALSE); active_label = TRUE; strcpy(label_name, name); } if (a_href && !no_copy && href_status == REF_OKAY) { if (active_href && freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : nested href\n", html_fn, ln); active_href = TRUE; atext_len = 0; } LATEX_OPEN_C(tagnr, a_href ? C_YES : C_OPT); } else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_A)) { if (active_href) { atext[atext_len] = '\0'; deter_kind_of_URL(dest_file); if (is_html_fn) href_included = TRUE; else if (no_copy || in_verb || in_e_alltt || in_e_header) href_included = FALSE; else { href_included = TRUE; switch(kind_of_URL) { case URL_mailto: DEBUG_P2("mailto:%s %s\n", email, atext); if (strstr(atext, email)) href_included = !opt_dni_email; break; case URL_news: DEBUG_P2("news:%s %s\n", newsgroup, atext); if (strstr(atext, newsgroup)) href_included = !opt_dni_news; break; case URL_ftp: if ( strstr(atext, ftp_site) && ( ftp_dir[0] == '\0' || strstr(atext, ftp_dir)) && ( ftp_file[0] == '\0' || strstr(atext, ftp_file))) href_included = !opt_dni_ftp; break; case URL_other: if (strstr(atext, dest_file)) href_included = !opt_dni_other; break; } } if (last_ref != NULL) last_ref->copied = href_included; } LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr) } else if (OPEN_TAG(T_VERB)) LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_VERB)) LATEX_CLOSES_K() else if (OPEN_TAG(T_IMG)) { if (a_src) if (!norm_URL(html_fn, src)) { if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : URL `%s' illegal or too long.\n", html_fn, ln, src); } else { file_t *src_file = find_file(src) ; if (first) src_file->nr_refs++; else if (!is_URL(src) && !src_file->exists) { if ( freport != NULL && ( option_warn || src_file->nr_refs < 2)) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : file `%s' does not exist.\n", html_fn, ln, src); } else if (fout && !no_copy) { if (tags[H_IMG].latex_open[0] != '\0') fprintf(fout,"%s%s%s", tags[H_IMG].latex_open, src, tags[H_IMG].latex_close); else { char *s = src + strlen(src); while (s > src && *(s - 1) != '/') s--; print_f_img(fout, src, s, alt, REF_FILE_NOT_INC, in_header > 0, freport, html_fn, ln); /* maybe not always fragil environment */ } } } } else if (OPEN_TAG(T_P)) { if (stack[stack_depth-1].tagkind == T_P) LATEX_CLOSES(H_P); if (in_header && freport != NULL && option_info) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : <p> ignored in header\n", html_fn, ln); LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) } else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_P)) LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr) else if (OPEN_TAG(T_CHAR)) { int j; bool found = FALSE; for (j = stack_depth - 1; j >= 0; j--) if (stack[j].tagnr == tagnr) { found = TRUE; break; } if (found && j == stack_depth - 1) { REPLACE_TAG(); LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr) } else { if (found && freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : nested <%s>\n", html_fn, ln, html_com); LATEX_OPEN(tagnr) } } else if (CLOSE_TAG(T_CHAR)) LATEX_CLOSES(tagnr) else { if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : tag %s not processed\n", html_fn, ln, tags[tagnr].name); } /*** indention +4 ***/ } /*** indention +4 ***/ } /* read > and skip till first non-space */ if (!feof(fin) && ch == '>') { if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; if ( active_href && (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\t') && atext_len < MAX_AT) atext[atext_len++] = ' '; while (!feof(fin) && (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\t')) { if (fout != NULL && !no_copy) if (ch == '\n') { if (in_verb || in_alltt) { DEBUG_GN('V'); fputc('\n', fout); } else if (!empty_line && !in_desc_label) { DEBUG_GN('T'); gen_newline = TRUE; } } else { if (gen_newline) { DEBUG_GN('2'); fputc('\n', fout); gen_newline = FALSE; empty_line = TRUE; } fputc(ch, fout); } if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; } } } else { if (active_label && !in_header && after_first) { if (fout != NULL) print_label(fout, in_file->nr, label_name, FALSE); active_label = FALSE; } if (ch == '\n') { if (in_verb || in_alltt) { DEBUG_GN('V'); if (fout != NULL && !no_copy) fputc('\n', fout); } else if (!empty_line && !in_desc_label) { DEBUG_GN('T'); gen_newline = TRUE; } if ((ch = (char)fgetc(fin)) == '\n') ln++; } else { int i = 0; if (no_item) { if (fout != NULL && !no_copy) fprintf(fout, opt_empty_item); no_item = FALSE; } if ( gen_newline && fout != NULL && ( (!empty_line && !in_desc_label) || in_verb || in_alltt)) { fputc('\n', fout); gen_newline = FALSE; empty_line = TRUE; } while (!feof(fin) && ch != '<' && ch != '\n') { if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t' && !no_copy) { empty_line = FALSE; empty_item = FALSE; } add_to_comment(ch, &i); ch = (char)fgetc(fin); if (active_href && atext_len < MAX_AT) atext[atext_len++] = ch; } add_to_comment('\0', &i); if (no_header && !no_copy && !empty_line && fout != NULL) print_sp(fout, opt_no_header, html_fn); print_str(no_copy ? NULL : fout, comment, freport, html_fn, ln, in_math, in_verb, in_alltt); if (ch == '\n') ln++; } } } /* In case no header occured, dump label */ close_header(fout, html_fn); while (stack_depth > 0) { if ( freport != NULL && (!option_pedantic || stack[stack_depth-1].tagnr != T_HTML)) fprintf(freport, "%s (%d) : add </%s>.\n", html_fn, ln, tags[stack[stack_depth-1].tagnr].name); latex_close(fout, freport, ln, html_fn); } fclose(fin); if (fout != NULL) fprintf(fout, "\n%% html: End of file: `%s'\n", html_fn); } void check_exists_file(char *html_fn, FILE *freport) { file_t *in_file = find_file(html_fn); if (in_file->exists) { FILE *fin = fopen(html_fn, "r"); if (fin == NULL) in_file->exists = FALSE; else fclose(fin); } if (!in_file->exists) { if (freport != NULL) { if (in_file->nr_refs > 1 || option_warn) fprintf(freport, "%s (0) : does not exist\n", html_fn); } } in_file->read |= R_READ; } void accept_root_URL(URL, fout, freport) char *URL; FILE *fout, *freport; { int strlen_URL = strlen(URL); document_URL = NALLOC(char, strlen_URL + 2); strcpy(document_URL, URL); if (document_URL[strlen_URL - 1] != '/') { document_URL[strlen_URL] = '/'; document_URL[strlen_URL + 1] = '\0'; } server_URL = NULL; { int i; for (i = 0; URL[i] != '\0' && URL[i] != ':'; i++); if (URL[i] != '\0' && URL[i+1] == '/' && URL[i+2] == '/') { i += 3; while (URL[i] != '\0' && URL[i] != '/') i++; if (URL[i] == '/') file_URL = document_URL + i; else file_URL = "/"; URL[i] = '\0'; server_URL = SALLOC(URL); strcpy(server_URL, URL); } } if (server_URL == NULL) { if (fout != NULL) fprintf(fout, "%%html: illegal URL `%s'\n", document_URL); if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, " : illegal URL `%s'\n", document_URL); document_URL = NULL; } } void scan_input_file(FILE *fin, FILE *fout, FILE *freport, bool first, char *fn); void scan_input_file(fin, fout, freport, first, fn) FILE *fin, *fout, *freport; bool first; char *fn; { char ch, buffer[7]; int ln = 1; DEBUG_P1("scan_input_file(,,,,%s)\n", fn); ch = (char)fgetc(fin); while(!feof(fin)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 6 && !feof(fin) && ch != '\n' && ch != ' '; i++ ) { buffer[i] = ch; ch = (char)fgetc(fin); } buffer[i] = '\0'; if (streq(buffer, "%html")) { char html_file[MAX_SF + 1]; int depth; while (!feof(fin) && ch == ' ') ch = (char)fgetc(fin); if (ch == '-') { char buffer[MAX_SF + 1]; ch = (char)fgetc(fin); if (ch == 'r') { ch = (char)fgetc(fin); while (!feof(fin) && ch == ' ') ch = (char)fgetc(fin); i = 0; while (!feof(fin) && ch != ' ' && ch != '\n') { if (i < MAX_SF) buffer[i++] = ch; ch = (char)fgetc(fin); } buffer[i] = '\0'; accept_root_URL(buffer, fout, freport); } else if (ch == 'm' || ch == 'l') { mapping_t *new = ALLOC(mapping_t); bool is_link_mapping = ch == 'l'; ch = (char)fgetc(fin); while (!feof(fin) && ch == ' ') ch = (char)fgetc(fin); i = 0; while (!feof(fin) && ch != ' ' && ch != '\n') { if (i < MAX_SF) buffer[i++] = ch; ch = (char)fgetc(fin); } buffer[i] = '\0'; new->prefix = SALLOC(buffer); strcpy(new->prefix, buffer); while (!feof(fin) && ch == ' ') ch = (char)fgetc(fin); i = 0; while (!feof(fin) && ch != ' ' && ch != '\n') { if (i < MAX_SF) buffer[i++] = ch; ch = (char)fgetc(fin); } buffer[i] = '\0'; new->replace = SALLOC(buffer); strcpy(new->replace, buffer); if (new->prefix[0] != '\0') if (is_link_mapping) { new->next = final_mappings; final_mappings = new; } else { new->next = link_mappings; link_mappings = new; } } else if (ch == 'b') { option_bibliography = TRUE; if (fout != NULL) print_bibliography(fout); } else if (ch == 'd') { int i = 0; ch = (char)fgetc(fin); while (ch != '\n') { add_to_comment(ch, &i); ch = (char)fgetc(fin); } add_to_comment('\0', &i); if (!first) process_definition(freport, comment, fn, ln, FALSE); } else if (ch == 'o') { int i = 0; ch = (char)fgetc(fin); while (ch != '\n') { add_to_comment(ch, &i); ch = (char)fgetc(fin); } add_to_comment('\0', &i); process_option(freport, comment, fn, ln, FALSE); } else if (ch == 's') { int i = 0; char style[21]; ch = (char)fgetc(fin); while (ch == ' ') ch = (char)fgetc(fin); while (ch != '\n' && ch != ' ') { if (i < 20) style[i++] = tolower(ch); ch = (char)fgetc(fin); } style[i] = '\0'; if (!first) process_style(freport, style, fn, ln); } else if (ch == 'i') { file_t *tfile; ch = (char)fgetc(fin); while (!feof(fin) && ch == ' ') ch = (char)fgetc(fin); i = 0; while (!feof(fin) && ch != ' ' && ch != '\n') { if (i < MAX_SF) html_file[i++] = ch; ch = (char)fgetc(fin); } html_file[i] = '\0'; tfile = find_file(html_file); tfile->ignore = TRUE; } else { if (fout != NULL) fprintf(fout, "%%html: unknown option -%c\n", ch); if (freport != NULL) fprintf(freport, " : unknown option -%c\n", ch); } } else { while (!feof(fin) && ch == ' ') ch = (char)fgetc(fin); i = 0; while (!feof(fin) && ch != ' ' && ch != '\n') { if (i < MAX_SF) html_file[i++] = ch; ch = (char)fgetc(fin); } html_file[i] = '\0'; while (!feof(fin) && ch == ' ') ch = (char)fgetc(fin); depth = 1; if (isdigit(ch)) depth = ch - '0'; scan_a_file(html_file, fout, freport, depth, first, TRUE); } while (!feof(fin) && ch != '\n') ch = (char)fgetc(fin); if (!feof(fin) && ch == '\n') ch = (char)fgetc(fin); } else { if (fout != NULL) fprintf(fout, "%s", buffer); while (!feof(fin) && ch != '\n') { if (fout != NULL) fputc(ch, fout); ch = (char)fgetc(fin); } if (!feof(fin) && ch == '\n') { if (fout != NULL) fputc(ch, fout); ch = (char)fgetc(fin); } } ln++; } } void scan_not_included_files(freport, first, included) FILE *freport; bool first, included; { if (first) { bool found = TRUE; while (found) { file_t *file = the_files; found = FALSE; while (file != NULL && !found) { DEBUG_P4("%s %d %d %d ", file->name, file->exists, !(file->read & R_READ), !is_URL(file->name)); DEBUG_P3("%d %d %d\n", is_html(file->name), file->name[0] != '.', file->name[1] != '.'); if ( file->exists && !(file->read & R_READ) && !is_URL(file->name) && (file->name[0] != '.' || file->name[1] != '.')) found = TRUE; else file = file->next; } if (found) { if (is_html(file->name)) scan_a_file(file->name, NULL, freport, 1, first, included); else check_exists_file(file->name, freport); } } } else { file_t *file = the_files; for (file = the_files; file != NULL; file = file->next) if ( /* !(file->read & R_INCLUDED) &&*/ !is_URL(file->name) && is_html(file->name) && (file->name[0] != '.' || file->name[1] != '.')) scan_a_file(file->name, NULL, freport, 1, first, FALSE); } } int main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { FILE *fin, *fout, *fref = NULL; char *fn = NULL, *html_fn, *outfn = NULL, *reffn; bool option_chk = streq( argv[0], "chkhtml" ), option_scan_not_inc = FALSE, option_cross_ref = FALSE; /* global options */ option_info = FALSE; option_warn = FALSE; option_pedantic = FALSE; option_bibliography = FALSE; printf("%s: Version %s\nWritten by %s\n\n", option_chk ? "chkhtml" : "html2tex", VERSION, WRITTEN_BY); calculate_all_el(); { int i; bool error = FALSE; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { if (argv[i][1] == 'o') { if (argv[i][2] != '\0') outfn = argv[i] + 2; else if (i + 1 < argc) outfn = argv[++i]; else printf("Argument of -o option missing\n"); } else if (argv[i][1] == 'i' && argv[i][2] == '\0') { option_warn = TRUE; option_info = TRUE; } else if (argv[i][1] == 'w' && argv[i][2] == '\0') option_warn = TRUE; else if (argv[i][1] == 'p' && argv[i][2] == '\0') option_pedantic = TRUE; else if (argv[i][1] == 's' && argv[i][2] == '\0') option_scan_not_inc = TRUE; else if (argv[i][1] == 'c' && argv[i][2] == '\0') option_chk = TRUE; else if (argv[i][1] == 'r') { if (argv[i][2] != '\0') accept_root_URL(argv[i] + 2, stdout, NULL); else if (i + 1 < argc) accept_root_URL(argv[++i], stdout, NULL); else printf("Argument of -r option missing\n"); } else if (argv[i][1] == 'b' && argv[i][2] == '\0') option_bibliography = TRUE; #ifdef DYN_DEBUG else if (argv[i][1] == 'd') option_debug = TRUE; #endif else if (streq(argv[i], "-cr")) option_cross_ref = TRUE; else { printf("Unknown option %s\n", argv[i]); error = TRUE; } } else if (fn == NULL) fn = argv[i]; else { printf("Too many input filenames\n"); error = TRUE; } } if (fn == NULL) { printf("No input filename given\n"); error = TRUE; } else { fin = fopen(fn, "r"); if (fin == NULL) { printf("Error: Cannot open file: `%s'.\n", fn); error = TRUE; } } if (error) { printf("Usages: html2tex [options] <file>\n"); printf("\nOptions:\n"); printf(" -o<FN> : specify output file\n"); printf(" -i : print info\n"); printf(" -w : print warnings (and info)\n"); printf(" -r<URL> : root URL of document\n"); printf(" -b : make bibliography\n"); printf(" -cr : generate cross-reference\n"); printf(" -c : check html file\n"); printf(" -s : scan not included files\n"); #ifdef DYN_DEBUG printf(" -d : print (a lot of) debugging information\n"); #endif return 1; } if (streq(fn + strlen(fn) - 5, ".html")) { is_html_fn = TRUE; html_fn = SALLOC(fn); strcpy(html_fn, fn); fn[strlen(fn) - 5] = '\0'; } } reffn = NALLOC(char, strlen(fn) + 5); strcpy(reffn, fn); strcat(reffn, ".ref"); if (option_cross_ref) { fref = fopen(reffn, "w"); if (fref == NULL) printf("Error: Cannot open file: %s.\n", reffn); } init_opts(); if (!is_html_fn) scan_input_file(fin, (FILE *)NULL, (FILE *)NULL, TRUE, fn); else scan_a_file(html_fn, (FILE *)NULL, (FILE *)NULL, 0, TRUE, TRUE); if (option_scan_not_inc) scan_not_included_files(NULL, TRUE, is_html_fn); { file_t *file; for (file = the_files; file != NULL; file = file->next) file->read &= ~R_READ; } make_by_refs(); fill_re_names(); rewind(fin); init_opts(); if (!option_chk) { if (outfn == NULL) { outfn = NALLOC(char, strlen(fn) + 5); strcpy(outfn, fn); strcat(outfn, ".tex"); } fout = fopen(outfn, "w"); if (fout == NULL) { printf("Error: Cannot open file: %s.", outfn); return 1; } if (!is_html_fn) scan_input_file(fin, fout, stdout, FALSE, fn); else scan_a_file(html_fn, fout, stdout, 1, FALSE, TRUE); } else scan_a_file(html_fn, (FILE *)NULL, stdout, 0, TRUE, TRUE); if (option_scan_not_inc) scan_not_included_files(stdout, FALSE, is_html_fn); DEBUG_PRINT(("ready reading\n")); /* print_files(stdout);*/ DEBUG_PRINT(("\n\n\n")); /* errors_files(stdout); */ if (fref) { errors_files(fref); fprintf(fref, "\n----------------\n\n"); print_files(fref); } return 0; } </PRE></CODE></BLOCKQUOTE></P> <!-- End "html2tex_c.content.shtml" --> </TD> <!-- <TD Align="right"><IMG Src="/img/_images/nav_rig.png" height="999" width="20"></TD> --> </TR><TR> <!-- <TD Align="left"><IMG Src="/img/_images/nav_blf.png"></TD> --> <!-- <TD Align="center" Valign="middle"><IMG Src="/img/_images/nav_bot.png" height="20" width="100%"></TD> --> <!-- <TD Align="right"><IMG Src="/img/_images/nav_brt.png"></TD> --> </TR></TABLE> <!-- </DIV> --> </TD><TD Valign=top> <!-- Content Right --> <!-- <DIV Id="contentright"> --> <TABLE border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><TR> 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