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HTML Generator

   uemacs 3.12 HTML Generator Macro (cmd)
   uemacs 4.00 HTML Generator Macro (cmd)
   HTML Generator Macro Documentation (html)

MicroEMACS HTML Generator Macros

This document describes the use and function of the MicroEMACS macro "htmlgen". The purpose of this macro is to provide assistance to the HTML author by automatically generating template sections of HTML pages. The template sections consist of things such as the beginning or header of a page, the last or footer of a page, and various components in between. The list of sections currently generated is as follows:

  • Generate Header with javascript
  • Import HTML Header File
  • Generate HTML Frame Page
  • Import HTML Frame Header file
  • Insert Standard HTML Header ~n"tag
  • Insert Header TAG using FONT and BOLD tags
  • Insert a Horizontal Rule created using a table
  • Insert a Standard Horizontal Rule
  • Generate a Table with caption, header, and data sections
  • Generate a Table with data section only
  • Create an Ordered or Unordered List
  • Create a Definition List
  • Import a file
  • Import a Preformatted file
  • Insert a Literal less than sign
  • Insert a Literal greater than sign
  • Insert Tri-segmented Title Bar
  • Generate a Footer, Long version with contact info
  • Generate a Footer, Contact info only



Generate Header with JavaScript

  • Keys
  • F1
  • Control-X 1
  • This macro generates the top section of an HTML page and asks the user three questions. Those questions are:

    • Title of this page?
    • Page Author's Name?
    • Author's E-mail Address?

    The answers that the user provides are automatically inserted into the generated HTML code. An example of the HTML code follows:

    	<!-- Begin head -->
    	<META Http-Equiv="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    	<META Name="Author" content="Your Name Here">
    	<META Name="Description" content="">
    	<META Name="KeyWords" content="">
    	<TITLE>Your Title Here</TITLE>
    	<LINK Rev="made" Href="mailto:Your@E-mail.Here">
    	<!-- Begin javascript_head -->
    	<SCRIPT Language="javascript">
    	<!-- Hide from browsers
    	//  Unhide from browsers  -->
    	<!-- End javascript_head -->
    	<!-- End head -->
    	<!-- Begin body -->
    	<BODY Bgcolor="white" Text="black" Link="blue" Vlink="red" Alink="yellow">
    	<BASEFONT Size="4">
    	<!-- End body -->
    	<A Name="#top">
    	<!-- Begin text area -->

    There are a number comments scattered throughout the HTML code. These comments signify the beginning and end of various code segments. The ultimate purpose of these comments will be discussed later.


    Import HTML Header File

  • KEYS
  • Shift-F1
  • Control-X !
  • This macro inserts a predefined text file into the current buffer and assumes the text file contains HTML code. The default file name for the text file is "/usr/local/html/head.html". This file must be created by the user and should contain HTML code to generate the top portion or header of an HTML document.

    This macro will also ask the user three questions. Those questions are:

    • Title of this page?
    • Page Author's Name?
    • Author's E-mail Address?

    The answers that the user provides can be automatically inserted into the HTML code by the replacement of three variables. Those variables are:

    • [[PAGETITLE]]
    • [[AUTHOR]]
    • [[EMAIL]]

    When the user creates the file "/usr/local/html/head.html", he/she can insert the above variables into the HTML code (including the double brackets). The variables will be replaced by the answers provided by the user.


    Generate HTML Frame Page

  • KEYS
  • F2
  • Control-X 2
  • This macro generates a complete HTML Frame page and asks the user several questions. Those questions are:

    • Title of this page?
    • Page Author's Name?
    • Author's E-mail Address?
    • Columns w/ Rows or Rows w/ Columns (C/R)?
    • How many columns?
    • How many rows in column #?
    • How many rows?
    • How many columns in row #?

    The Page title, Author's name, and E-mail address are automatically inserted into the generated HTML code. The user must determine the orientation of the frames page by selecting "Columns w/ Rows" (C) or "Rows w/ Columns" (R).

    By selecting "C", the page will be divided into a user defined number of columns, meaning that the columns extend from the top to the bottom of the browser window. Each column may then be subdivided into any number of rows. The default number of rows is "1".

    By selecting "R", the page will be divided into a user defined number of rows, each row extending from the left edge to the right edge of the browser window. Each row may then be subdivided into any number of columns. The default number of columns is "1".

    An example of the HTML code follows:

    	<!-- Begin head -->
    	<META Http-Equiv="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    	<META Name="Author" content="Your Name Here">
    	<META Name="Description" content="">
    	<META Name="KeyWords" content="">
    	<TITLE>Your Title Here</TITLE>
    	<LINK Rev="made" Href="mailto:Your@E-mail.Here">
    	<!-- End head -->
    	<FRAMESET rows="1*">
    	<!-- Begin head -->
    	<META Http-Equiv="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    	<META Name="Author" content="Your Name Here">
    	<META Name="Description" content="">
    	<META Name="KeyWords" content="">
    	<TITLE>Your Title Here</TITLE>
    	<LINK Rev="made" Href="mailto:Your@E-mail.Here">
    	<!-- End head -->
    	<!-- Begin body -->
    	<BODY Bgcolor="white" Text="black" Link="blue" Vlink="red" Alink="yellow">
    	<BASEFONT Size="4">
    	<!-- End body -->
    	<A Name="#top">
    	<!-- Begin text area -->
    	<P Align="center"><B><FONT SIZE=6 COLOR="black">I'm Sorry</FONT></B></P>
    	<P>This web page cannot be viewed unless you have an
    	Internet browser with a special capability called "Frames." Some older
    	browsers don't support frames. The current browsers from Netscape,
    	Microsoft and AOL all support frames.</P>
    	<P>You can download (obtain) them by visiting one of the sites below.
    	(Make sure you come back, now.)</P>
    	<P Align="center">
    	<A HREF="">Netscape</A>
    	 | <A HREF="">Microsoft Internet Explorer</A>
    	 | <A HREF="">America Online</A>
    	<FRAMESET cols="33%, 33%, *" FrameBorder="yes" FrameBorder="3" Border="3">
    	        <FRAME Src="frame1.html" Name="frame1" Marginheight="0" Marginwidth="0" Scrolling="yes">
    	    <FRAMESET rows="50%, *" FrameBorder="yes" FrameBorder="3" Border="3">
    	        <FRAME Src="frame2.html" Name="frame2" Marginheight="0" Marginwidth="0" Scrolling="yes">
    	        <FRAME Src="frame3.html" Name="frame3" Marginheight="0" Marginwidth="0" Scrolling="yes">
    	    <FRAMESET rows="33%, 33%, *" FrameBorder="yes" FrameBorder="3" Border="3">
    	        <FRAME Src="frame4.html" Name="frame4" Marginheight="0" Marginwidth="0" Scrolling="yes">
    	        <FRAME Src="frame5.html" Name="frame5" Marginheight="0" Marginwidth="0" Scrolling="yes">
    	        <FRAME Src="frame6.html" Name="frame6" Marginheight="0" Marginwidth="0" Scrolling="yes">


    Import HTML Frame Page File

  • KEYS
  • Shift-F2
  • Control-X @
  • This macro inserts a predefined text file into the current buffer and assumes the text file contains an HTML Frame page. This file must be created by the user and should contain a generic HTML Frame page which can be modified for each specific implementation.

    This macro will ask the user the following question:

    Import Frame Header File Name (" /usr/local/html/framehead.html ")?

    The answer to this question should be the full path location of the file to be used as the Frames page template. The default file name is "/usr/local/html/framehead.html".


    Insert Standard HTML Header TAG

  • KEYS
  • F3
  • Control-X 3
  • %headercolor
  • This macro generates a Title or Header line of text using the <H#></#H> TAGS. Three questions are asked of the user, those questions are:

    • Header Size (1,2,3,4,5,6)?
    • Header Text?
    • Center the Header (Y/N)?

    The answers to the above questions are used to generate an HTML header TAG. An Example follows:

    Insert Your Header Text Here

    The code which generated the above example follows:

    	<H2><FONT Color="darkblue">Insert Your Header Text Here</FONT></H2>

    The Header TAG size can range from 1 to 6, 1 being the largest and 6 being the smallest. The number entered here for the example code was 1. The Header TAG text is inserted between the <H1></H1> TAGS. And answering "Y" to the centering question, inserts the "CENTER" tags. Finally, the <FONT> tags are inserted to change the color of the Header TAG text. The text color is defined in the variables section of the macro and uses the variable name "%headercolor".


    Insert Header TAG using FONT and BOLD Tags

  • KEYS
  • Shift-F3
  • Control-X #
  • %headercolor
  • This macro generates a Title or Header line of text, but rather than using the <H#></#H> tags, it uses <FONT></FONT> TAGS. Three questions are asked of the user, those questions are:

    • Header Size (1,2,3,4,5,6)?
    • Header Text?
    • Center the Header (Y/N)?

    The answers to the above questions are used to generate an HTML header TAG. An example follows:

    Insert Your Header Text Here

    The code which generated the above example follows:

    	<B><FONT Size="6" Color="darkblue">Insert Your Header Text Here</FONT></B>

    The Header TAG size can range from 1 to 6, 1 being the largest and 6 being the smallest. The number entered here by the user is recalculated to be used by the <FONT> tag, where 7 is the largest and 1 is the smallest. In the above example, the header size selected was 1. The resultant size for use in the <FONT> tag is 7.

    Answering "Y" to the centering question, inserts the "CENTER" tags. Finally, the Color attribute of the <FONT> tag is inserted to change the color of the Header TAG text. The text color is defined in the variables section of the macro and uses the variable name "%headercolor".


    Insert a Horizontal Rule Created using a Table

  • KEYS
  • F4
  • Control-X 4
  • %hrcolor
  • %hrsize
  • This macro generates a Horizontal Rule using a single cell table where the background and text colors of the cell are defined by the macro variable %hrcolor. The table extends the width of the browser window. An example horizontal rule follows:


    The code which generated the above example follows:

    	<!-- Begin horizontal rule -->
    	<TABLE Border="0" Width="100%" Cellspacing="0" Cellpadding="0">
    	    <TD Bgcolor="red">
    	      <FONT Size="1" Color="red">
    	<!-- End horizontal rule -->


    Insert a Standard Horizontal Rule

  • KEYS
  • Shift-F4
  • Contol-X $
  • %hrcolor
  • %hrsize
  • This macro generates a Horizontal Rule using the standard HTML <HR> tag. The size of the horizontal rule is defined by the macro variable %hrsize. An example standard Horizontal Rule follows:

    The code which generated the above example follows:

    	<!-- Begin horizontal rule -->
    	<P><HR Size="5"></P>
    	<!-- End horizontal rule -->


    Generate a Table with Caption, Header, and Data Sections

  • KEYS
  • F5
  • Control-X 5
  • %tablewidth
  • %tableborder
  • %cellspacing
  • %cellpadding
  • %tcfontcolor
  • %thcolor
  • %tdcolor
  • %thfontcolor
  • %tdfontcolor
  • %tcfontsize
  • %thfontsize
  • %tdfontsize
  • This macro generates a table containing a caption, header and data cells from user supplied parameters. The parameters are given as answers to the following questions:

    • How many rows?
    • How many columns?
    • Center the Table (Y/N)?

    Example table with 3 rows, 3 columns and centered on the page:

    This is the table caption
    Header 1 Header 2 Header 3

    The code which generated the above example table follows:

    	<TABLE Border="2" Width="100%" Cellspacing="2" Cellpadding="2">
    	  <CAPTION Align="top"><B><FONT Size="5" Color="darkblue">
    	This is the table caption
    	    <TR Rowspan="1">
    	    <!-- ########    HEADER    COLUMN 1    ######## -->
    	        <TH Bgcolor="lightblue" Align="center" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="4" Color="darkblue">
    	Header 1
    	    <!-- ########    HEADER    COLUMN 2    ######## -->
    	        <TH Bgcolor="lightblue" Align="center" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="4" Color="darkblue">
    	Header 2
    	    <!-- ########    HEADER    COLUMN 3    ######## -->
    	        <TH Bgcolor="lightblue" Align="center" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="4" Color="darkblue">
    	Header 3
    	    <TR Rowspan="1">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 1    COLUMN 1    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 1    COLUMN 2    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 1    COLUMN 3    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <TR Rowspan="1">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 2    COLUMN 1    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 2    COLUMN 2    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 2    COLUMN 3    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <TR Rowspan="1">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 3    COLUMN 1    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 3    COLUMN 2    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 3    COLUMN 3    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">

    After the table is generated the user is expected to fill in the various cells with the desired information. In addition to the grid of cells, the table also contains a Header cell for each row and a caption. These may also be modified by the user. Each header cell, data cell and the caption is identified by a comment line.

    There are a number of macro variables used by the table macro. They may all be modified to suit the user.


    Generate a Table with Data Section Only

  • KEYS
  • Shift-F5
  • Control-X %
  • %tablewidth
  • %tableborder
  • %cellspacing
  • %cellpadding
  • %tdcolor
  • %tdfontcolor
  • %tdfontsize
  • This macro generates a table which only contains data cells. It does not contain a caption or header cells. The table is generated from user supplied parameters. The parameters are given as answers to the following questions:

    • How many rows?
    • How many columns?
    • Center the Table (Y/N)?

    Example for a table with 3 rows, 3 columns and centered on the page:


    The code which generated the above example table follows:

    	<TABLE Border="2" Width="100%" Cellspacing="2" Cellpadding="2">
    	    <TR Rowspan="1">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 1    COLUMN 1    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 1    COLUMN 2    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 1    COLUMN 3    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <TR Rowspan="1">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 2    COLUMN 1    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 2    COLUMN 2    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 2    COLUMN 3    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <TR Rowspan="1">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 3    COLUMN 1    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 3    COLUMN 2    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	    <!-- ########    ROW 3    COLUMN 3    ######## -->
    	        <TD Bgcolor="white" Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="3" Color="black">

    After the table is generated the user is expected to fill in the various cells with the desired information. Each data cell is identified by a comment line. There are a number of macro variables used by the table macro. They may all be modified to suit the user.


    Create an Ordered or Unordered List

  • KEYS
  • F6
  • Control-X 6
  • This macro generates an ordered or unordered list of items according to the following user defined parameters:

    • Ordered or Unordered List (O/U)?
    • How many rows?
    • Center the List (Y/N)?

    The user selects either an Ordered (O) or Unordered (U) list, enters the number of items or rows in the list, and whether or not to center the list on the page. Once the HTML code is generated, the user can edit each item or list to insert their text.

    Example for an unordered list with 5 rows, not centered on the page follows:

    • Item 1
    • Item 2
    • Item 3
    • Item 4
    • Item 5

    The HTML code which generated the above example follows:

    	    <LI> Item 1
    	    <LI> Item 2
    	    <LI> Item 3
    	    <LI> Item 4
    	    <LI> Item 5

    The following is an example of an ordered list with 7 rows, centered on the page:

    1. Item 1
    2. Item 2
    3. Item 3
    4. Item 4
    5. Item 5
    6. Item 6
    7. Item 7

    The HTML code which generated the above example follows:

    	<TABLE Border="0">
    	    <TR Rowspan="1">
    	        <TD Align="left" Valign="middle" Colspan="1">
    	            <FONT Size="4" Color="black">
    	                    <LI> Item 1
    	                    <LI> Item 2
    	                    <LI> Item 3
    	                    <LI> Item 4
    	                    <LI> Item 5
    	                    <LI> Item 6
    	                    <LI> Item 7

    Notice that the ordered list is centered on the page using a single cell table. The list is generated within the table cell and the table is then centered.


    Create a Definition List

  • KEYS
  • Shift-F6
  • Control-X ^
  • %dtfontcolor
  • %dtfontsize
  • %ddfontcolor
  • %ddfontsize
  • This macro generates a definition list according to the following user defined parameters:

    • How many terms?
    • Create Terms as Links (Y/N)?
    • Center the List (Y/N)?

    The user enters the number of terms, whether or not to create the terms as hyperlinks, and whether or not to center the list. Once the HTML code is generated, the user can edit each term and data area insert their text.

    An Example definition list with 3 terms created as hyperlinks, not centered on the page follows:

  • Term 1
    This is an explanation of term 1
  • Term 2
    This is an explanation of term 2
  • Term 3
    This is an explanation of term 3
  • The HTML code which generated the above example follows:

    	    <DT><B><LI><FONT Size="4" Color="black"><A Href="term1.html">Term 1</A></FONT></B>
    	        <DD><I><FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	This is an explanation of term 1
    	    <DT><B><LI><FONT Size="4" Color="black"><A Href="term2.html">Term 2</A></FONT></B>
    	        <DD><I><FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	This is an explanation of term 2
    	    <DT><B><LI><FONT Size="4" Color="black"><A Href="term3.html">Term 3</A></FONT></B>
    	        <DD><I><FONT Size="3" Color="black">
    	This is an explanation of term 3

    As with the ordered and unordered lists, when the user elects to center the definition list on the page, the list is centered using a single cell table. The list is generated within the table cell and the table is then centered.


    Import a File

  • KEYS
  • F7
  • Control-X 7
  • This macro inserts a predefined text file into the current buffer. This file must be created by the user and may or may not contain HTML code. This macro will ask the user one question:

    • Import File?

    The user should reply with the full path name of the file to import into the current buffer.


    Yahoo-like Shaded Text Box

  • KEYS
  • Shift-F7
  • Control-X &
  • This macro inserts a Yahoo-like shaded text box. The box appears as follows and should be modified by the user to contain the desired text.

    Insert your text here

    The following is an example of HTML code generated by this macro:

    	<TABLE Width="100%" Border="0" Cellspacing="0" Cellpadding="1">
    	    <TD Bgcolor="339933" Width="100%">
    	      <TABLE Border="0" Cellspacing="0" Cellpadding="0" Bgcolor="ffffcc" Width="100%">
    	          <TD Width="100%" Align="center">
    	            <TABLE Border="0">
    	                <TD Align="center">
    	Insert your text here
    	          <TD Width="100%">
    	            <TABLE Border="0" Cellspacing="0" Width="100%">
    	                <TD Bgcolor="339933">
    	                  <TABLE Border="0" Cellspacing="0" Cellpadding="0">
    	                      <TD Height="1">


    Insert Tri-Segmented Title Bar

  • KEYS
  • F9
  • Control-X 9
  • %pagetitle
  • This macro inserts a title bar into the current buffer which is divided into three segments. The width of the first segment is 20% of the browser window, the width of the second segment is 60% of the browser window, and the last segment is the remainder of the browser window. The user is asked the question:

    • Title of this page? ( )

    This title is then inserted into the middle segment of the title bar. The first segment is usually used for a graphic logo of some sort and the last segment is usually used for a subtitle of the page.

    An example title bar follows:

      Your Title Here  

    The following is an example of HTML code generated by this macro:

    	<!-- Begin title bar -->
    	<TABLE Border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#000000">
    	    <TD Width="20%" Bgcolor="#000000" Align="center" Valign="middle">
    	      <FONT color="red" size="5"><B>
    	    <TD Bgcolor="#000000" Align="center" Valign="middle">
    	      <FONT color="#FFFFFF" size="6"><B>
    	Your Title Here
    	    <TD Width="20%" Bgcolor="#000000" Align="right" Valign="middle">
    	      <FONT color="#FFFFFF" size="5">
    	<!-- End title bar -->
    	<!-- Begin horizontal rule -->
    	<CENTER><P><TABLE Border="0" Width="100%" Cellspacing="0" Cellpadding="0"><TR><TD Bgcolor="red">
    	<FONT Size="1" Color="red"> </FONT></TD></TR></TABLE></P></CENTER>
    	<!-- End horizontal rule -->
    	<!-- Begin link bar -->
    	<!-- End link bar -->


    Generate a Footer with Contact Info

  • KEYS
  • F10
  • Control-X 0
  • %author
  • %email
  • This macro generates the bottom section of an HTML page and asks the user two questions. Those questions are:

    • Page Contact Name?
    • Page Contact Name?

    The answers that the user provides are automatically inserted into the generated HTML code. An example of the HTML code follows:

    	<!-- End text area -->
    	<A Name="#bottom">
    	<!-- Begin link bar -->
    	<!-- End link bar -->
    	<!-- Begin horizontal rule -->
    	<CENTER><P><TABLE Border="0" Width="100%" Cellspacing="0" Cellpadding="0">
            <TR><TD Bgcolor="red">
    	<FONT Size="1" Color="red"> </FONT>
    	<!-- End horizontal rule -->
    	<!-- Begin footer -->
    	    <FONT Size="2" Color="black">
    	For information regarding this page, 
            contact <A Href="mailto:Your@E-mail.Here">
            Your Name Here (Your@E-mail.Here)</A>
    	<!-- End footer -->
    CMD Script