Storage Design for Business Continuity
Working with HDS Command Utilities (cont)
Bare metal installations and maintenance booting will require knowledge of location codes.
Volume group management will require knowledge of PVID's, Hdisk names, and DLM names.
The standard AIX utilities "lspv", "lsdev", "lsattr", and "lscfg" provide some of this information
The Hitachi HDLM utilities exist in the directory "/usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin" on each SAN attached system.
The primary HDLM tool for obtaining disk information is "dlnkmgr".
Hitachi DLM utilities is an older HDS Command utility that still exists within the Mt Xia environment and has a separate set of command utilities
Example scripts to generate this disk identification information exist at the following URL:
For assistance with designing, implementing, and supporting
your storage systems in a business continuity design structure,
please contact Mt Xia.
Slide ID:MXSTG-16