Setup Procedures for the "xmon" user name

The "xmon" user name is used across all AIX machines as a systems management user name. The procedures to setup this user on an AIX platform follows:

NEWXMONID=$( echo "xmon" | sum | sed -e "s/ //g" )

if id xmon
  OLDXMONID="$( id xmon | awk '{ print $1 }' | sed -e "s/[^0-9]//g" )"
  [[ -f /home/xmon/.rhosts ]] && chown xmon:staff /home/xmon/.rhosts
  find / -user xmon -exec ls -ld {} \; 2>/dev/null
  ps -ef | grep -i xmon

  NEWXMONID=$( echo "xmon" | sum | sed -e "s/ //g" )
  chuser id=${NEWXMONID} xmon
  id xmon
  find /home -user xmon -exec ls -ld {} \;
  find /home -user ${OLDXMONID} -exec ls -ld {} \;

  find /home -user ${OLDXMONID} -exec chown xmon:staff {} \; -print
  find /home -user xmon -exec ls -ld {} \;
  mkuser id="${NEWXMONID}" pgrp='staff' gecos='xmonitor ' xmon
  pwdadm -c xmon

Setup the the ".rhosts" file for the "xmon" user to allow the "xmon" user access to the AIX machine as the user "root" or "cricket".

cd /home
[[ -d /home/xmon ]] &&
  chown -R xmon:staff xmon
cd /home/xmon &&
  [[ ! -f .rhosts ]]  &&
  echo "mtxdoc cricket" > .rhosts &&
  echo " cricket" >> .rhosts
  echo "mtxdoc root" >> .rhosts
  echo " root" >> .rhosts
chown xmon.staff /home/xmon/.rhosts
chmod 600 /home/xmon/.rhosts
ls -al

Now setup the "xmserv" daemon process to allow cricket to obtain statistics from this machine:

ps -ef | egrep -i "xm|filtd|topas"
ipcs -m | grep -i 0x78

#  Remove segments identified by previous command

ipcrm -m <segment id>

Clean memory and prepare the "xmservd.res" file:

if [[ ! -f /etc/perf/xmservd.res ]]
   cat /usr/samples/perfagent/server/xmservd.res |
   sed -e "s/^# *dosmux/dosmux/g" > /etc/perf/xmservd.res
ls -l /etc/perf/xmservd.res

If the file "/etc/perf/xmservd.res" was created correctly, start the "xmpeek" process and send it an INTerrupt signal. The INTerrupt signal causes "xmpeek" to generate a MIB file:

xmpeek -l; sleep 10
kill -2 `ps -ef -F pid,args |
  grep xmservd |
  grep -v grep |
  awk '{ print $1 }'`
ps -ef | grep xmservd ; ls -l /etc/perf/xmservd.mib
ls -l /etc/mib*

If the MIB file "/etc/perf/xmservd.mib" was created correctly, copy the original MIB file to a backup name and run the "mosy" command on the MIB file:

cp /etc/mib.defs /etc/
mosy -o /tmp/mib.defs /etc/perf/xmservd.mib

If the "mosy" command runs correctly, "vi" the MIB file "/etc/perf/xmservd.mib", and delete those stanzas with a plus sign "+" in the stanza title. There should be two stanzas:

vi /etc/perf/xmservd.mib
/+ / 8dd / 8dd :wq

Rerun the "mosy" command, copy the original MIB file to "/etc/mib.defs", append the newly edited MIB file to the end of "/etc/mib.defs", cleanup the temporary files and check to see if the "public" group is defined in the SNMP configuration file:

mosy -o /tmp/mib.defs /etc/perf/xmservd.mib
cp /etc/ /etc/mib.defs
cat /tmp/mib.defs >> /etc/mib.defs
rm /tmp/mib.defs
grep "public" /etc/snmpd.conf

Refresh the SNMP daemon and check to see the "xm" information now appears in the "snmpinfo":

refresh -s snmpd
snmpinfo -md -v xmdLAN

Add the "xmservd" daemon to the "/etc/inetd.conf" file if it is not already in this file:

if ! grep -i "xmservd" /etc/inetd.conf
echo "xmquery   \
dgram   \
udp     \
wait    \
root    \
/usr/bin/xmservd        \
xmservd -p3" >> /etc/inetd.conf   
tail /etc/inetd.conf  
refresh -s inetd