New system build task list assembled for virtualization follows:
System Build Tasks - Detailed Function List
Overview of AIX Server Build
- 15m: Complete server build request form for each server that
needs to be built.
- 30m: Validate OPAS entries exist.
- 15m: Submit RM for floor space at least 60 days prior to
- 15m: Submit RM for rack requirements.
- 15m: Submit RM for power requirements.
- 15m: Submit RM to get IP's for public network.
- 15m: Submit RM to get switchports for public network.
- 15m: Submit RM to get IP's for tsm network.
- 30m: Submit RM to get switchports for TSM network.
- 1h: Build cabling document.
- 30m: Submit RM to get cables run (3 NICs, 2 for public
etherchannel, 1 for TSM).
- 30m: Submit RM for required storage and redundant storage
- 30m: Submit RM for firewall configuration for server as well
as for HMC access.
- 30m: Verify HMC connectivity.
- 15m: Submit CM server installation ticket.
- 30m: For p570's or above, arrange for IBM to perform server
- 2h: For less that p570's, Rack and cable server in rack
enclosure, redundant power, network cables, storage cables).
- 15m: Submit RM for TSM node registration.
- 15m: Submit RM for TSM scheduled backups (scheduler) or
build cron job scripts.
- 15m: Submit RM for mail relay account setup.
- 30m: Submit RM for DNS request (taking into consideration
HACMP if applicable).
- 45m: Install OS.
- 45m: Run mksysb Install.
- 30m: Validate etherchannel Configuration
- 1h: Validate ssh install and functionality.
- 15m: Disable rlogin, telnet, ftp, etc.
- 1h: Install and configure sudo.
- 1h: Install SAN drivers.
- 1h: Update/Install and configure TSM client.
- 2h: Restore filesystem data not stored in root VG but not on
SAN if applicable.
- 15m: Update sendmail configuration.
- 15m: Validate error logging is turned on and writing to
- 45m: Install BMC Patrol agent.
- 15m: Update OPAS to reflect on-call.
- 2h: Update host file on ROUS server to reflect new
- 45m: Run mksysb (to create new mksysb image).
- 15m: Setup weekly mksysb job.
- 1h: install performance monitoring tools if applicable.
- 2h: Create user management documentation.
- 30m: update NTP configuration.
- 2h: Validate audit requirements are met (password aging, no
direct root logins, etc).
- 96h: HACMP configuration and testing.
- 2h: Etherchannel testing to validate true redundancy.
- 1h: Run initial discovery script to create runbook (upload
runbook to fusion).
- 16h: Create SOP or add to existing SOP.
- 1h: Create/Update rack diagrams to include new servers.
- 1h: Validate backups are being monitored on daily
- 16h: Create/Update DR procedures to include new server.
- 1h: Perform Critical Practices Assessment.
Facilities Preparation (Detailed)
- Architecture and Design.
- Validate technical design and implementation of supporting
- Define system concept , design , and infrastructure interfaces.
- Blueprint of supporting infrastructure systems , and services in
support of the project.
- Engineering analyses and liaison with other team members supporting
- Manage high severity issues arising from infrastructure issues
during deployment.
- Ensure integration into existing infrastructure global support
- Define mangement network requirments.
- Define threat modeling.
- Provide Security design guidelines.
- Provide Security architecture and design reviews.
- Conduct Security testing.
- Conduct Security deployment reviews.
- Conduct vulnerability assessment , and auditing of servers.
- Define power requirments of hardware.
- Define cooling requirments of hardware.
- Define Network requirments on enviroment.
- Certify environment meets established infrastructure standards.
- Receiving and Inventory.
- Receive equipment and validate components.
- Infrastructure Installation.
- Work with network cabling contractors.
- Work with power cabling contractors.
- Work with cooling contractors.
- Work with electrical contractors.
- Work with server engineers on configuring supporting
- Work with storage engineers on configuring supporting
- Work with network engineers on configuring supporting
- Work with inspectors certifying the additions .
- Run new power to Racks and power up the racks.
- Run network to each rack / frame.
- Run network out to patch panels.
- Run network from patch panels to switches.
- Run SAN fabric as required.
- Run SAN fiber as required.
- Configure and power up the racks.
- Install smaller customer install systems into appropriate racks.
- Work with IBM CE to physically certify frames.
- Allocate floor location to facilities and document in CMDB.
- Infrastructure Configuration.
Node Names / IP Addresses / DNS Host Names (Detailed)
- 15m: Identify node name for HMC
- 15m: Identify node name for each VIO Server LPAR
- 15m: Identify node name for each VIO Client LPAR
- 15m: Identify TCP/IP subnet for all boot addresses associated
with each frame.
- 15m: Identify TCP/IP subnet(s) for one or more persistent
addresses associated with each frame.
- 15m: Identify TCP/IP subnet(s) for one or more service
addresses associated with each frame.
- 15m: Identify TCP/IP subnet(s) for one or more management
addresses associated with each frame.
- 15m: Identify TCP/IP subnet(s) required for HMC connections
to the identified subnets.
- 15m: Identify IP addresses for each HMC network adapter.
- 15m: Identify a NIM server network name to use for
configuring NIM resources associated with each VIO Client LPAR.
- 15m: Identify NIM server IP address to use for remote
operating system download of primary VIO server on each frame.
- 15m: Identify NIM server IP address to use for remote
operating system download of secondary VIO server on each frame.
- 15m: Identify network gateway address to use for remote
operating system download of primary VIO servers on each frame.
- 15m: Identify network gateway address to use for remote
operating system download of secondary VIO servers on each frame.
- 15m: Identify NIM server IP address to use for remote
operating system download of each VIO Client LPAR.
- 15m: Identify network gateway address to use for remote
operating system download of each VIO Client LPAR.
- 15m: Identify service IP address for primary VIO servers on
each frame.
- 15m: Identify service IP address for secondary VIO servers on
each frame.
- 15m: Identify service DNS name for primary VIO servers on
each frame.
- 15m: Identify service DNS name for secondary VIO servers on
each frame.
- 15m: Identify management DNS name for primary VIO servers on
each frame.
- 15m: Identify management DNS name for secondary VIO servers
on each frame.
- 15m: Identify VIO Client LPAR node names and resource group
- 15m: Identify boot IP addresses for each network adapter for
each VIO Client LPAR.
- 15m: Identify persistent IP address for each VIO Client
- 15m: Identify management name IP address for each VIO Client
- 15m: Identify node name service IP address for each VIO
Client LPAR.
- 15m: Identify resource group service IP address for each VIO
Client LPAR.
- 15m: Identify resource group alias name for each VIO Client
- 15m: Identify VIO servers that provide I/O and storage
resources for each VIO Client LPAR on each frame.
- Request "boot" IP addresses
- Request "service" IP addresses
- Request "persistent" IP addresses
- Request "management" IP addresses
- Request DNS entry for "boot" host name
- Request DNS entry for "service" host name
- Request DNS entry for "persistent" host name
- Request DNS entry for "management" host name
- Request DNS entry for "resource group alias" host name
HMC Preparation (Detailed)
- 16h: Install and configure the HMC (NOTE: cannot power-on
any frame until completed).
- 6h: Upgrade HMC software to latest version.
- 4h: Update HMC software for all required fixes.
- 15m: Turn on remote ssh access.
- 15m: Turn on remote web access.
NIM Server Preparation (Detailed)
- 1h: Create NIM Network object to accomodate subnets
identified for operating system downloads.
- 4h: Prepare/upload VIO Server installation NIM
- 2h: Prepare/upload VIO Server update NIM Resources.
- 8h: Prepare/upload Client LPAR installation NIM
- 15m: Update "
" to contain all IP
addresses and DNS hostnames identified for VIO Servers.
- 15m: Update "
" to contain all IP
addresses and DNS hostnames identified for VIO Client LPARs.
- 30m: Create VIO Server machine objects.
- 30m: Allocate VIO Server installation objects.
Frame Preparation (Detailed)
- 1h: Turn on frame and discover all resources through HMC.
- 8h: Update frame microcode.
- 4h: Update all adapter firmware.
- 2h: Automate microcode/firmware update mechanism.
- 2h: Document all microcode and firmware.
- 4h: Verify connectivity of all network adapters.
- 4h: Verify connectivity of all storage adapters.
VIO Server LPAR Preparation (Detailed)
- 1h: From HMC, create create primary VIO server for each
- 1h: From HMC, create secondary VIO server for each frame.
- 15m: Define CPU sharing for each VIO Server.
- 15m: Define CPU allocations for each VIO Server.
- 15m: Define processing unit allocations for each VIO
- 15m: Define memory allocations for each VIO server.
- 2h: Allocate application network adapters for each VIO
- 2h: Allocate management network adapters for each VIO
- 2h: Allocate storage adapters for each VIO server.
- 2h: Allocate virtual ethernet adapters for application network
on each VIO server. Even numbered slots should only exist on primary
VIO servers , odd numbered slots should only exist on secondary VIO
- 2h: Allocate virtual ethernet adapters to host the VIO server
application network IP address on each VIO server. Even numbered slots
should only exist on primary VIO servers , odd numbered slots should
only exist on secondary VIO servers.
- 2h: Allocate virtual ethernet adapters for management network
on each VIO server. Even numbered slots should only exist on primary
VIO servers , odd numbered slots should only exist on secondary VIO
- 2h: Allocate virtual ethernet adapters to host the VIO server
management network IP address on each VIO server. Even numbered slots
should only exist on primary VIO servers , odd numbered slots should
only exist on secondary VIO servers.
- 6h: Allocate virtual SCSI adapters for all slots between 10 -
499. Even numbered slot should only exist on primary VIO servers , odd
numbered slots should only exist on secondary VIO servers.
- 1h: Request a boot disk from the SAN for each VIO Server.
- 30m: CHANGE REQUEST: Allocate one LUN from SAN
for each VIO Server for operating system storage
VIO Client LPAR Preparation (Detailed)
- 15m: Identify business function of each LPAR.
- 15m: Identify support TIER of each LPAR.
- 15m: Identify operational environment of each LPAR.
- 15m: Identify application codes for each LPAR.
- 15m: Identify customer code for each LPAR.
- 2h: Identify desired CPU quantity for each LPAR.
- 2h: Identify desired memory quantity for each LPAR.
- 2h: Identify desired storage quantity for each LPAR.
- 4h: Identify application support responsible parties.
- 1h: Identify VIO Client LPAR node name and resource group
- 2h: Assign a virtual SCSI adapter slot group to each VIO
Client LPAR.
- 1h: From HMC, create each VIO Client LPAR.
- 15m: Define CPU sharing for each VIO Client LPAR.
- 15m: Define CPU allocations for each VIO Client LPAR.
- 15m: Define processing unit allocations for each VIO Client
- 15m: Define memory allocations for each VIO Client LPAR.
- 1h: Allocate additional physical application network adapters
for each VIO Client LPAR.
- 1h: Allocate additional physical management network adapters
for each VIO Client LPAR.
- 2h: Allocate additional physical storage adapters for each VIO
Client LPAR.
- 1h: Allocate virtual ethernet adapters for application network
on each VIO Client LPAR from both VIO servers on the frame.
- 1h: Allocate virtual ethernet adapters for management network
on each VIO Client LPAR from both VIO servers on the frame.
- 1h: Allocate virtual SCSI adapters for all slots in slot group
assigned to each VIO Client LPAR from both VIO servers on the
- 1h: Request a boot disk from the SAN for each VIO Client
- 30m: CHANGE REQUEST: Allocate one LUN from SAN
for each VIO Client LPAR for operating system storage
VIO Server Build (Detailed)
- 1h: Configure the NIM server to perform a remote operating
system load of the primary VIO server.
- 1h: Configure the NIM server to perform a remote operating
system load of the secondary VIO server.
- 1h: From the HMC, boot each VIO server LPAR to it's SMS menu
and configure one of the network adapters to perform a network boot from
the NIM server.
- 15m: Ping test each VIO server before begining the network boot
from NIM.
- 4h: Boot the primary VIO server LPAR from the NIM server and
load the IOS.
- 4h: Boot the secondary VIO server LPAR from the NIM server
and load the IOS.
- 15m: After the primary VIO server LPAR is loaded , login as
the user "
" and accept the license agreement.
- 15m: After the secondary VIO server LPAR is loaded , login
as the user "
" and accept the license agreement.
- 15m: Reset the date/time on each VIO Server
- 15m: Set the "
" password to the current
standard production value.
- 30m: Change the hostname of the VIO server to the previously
identified value and modify the "
" file to reflect this
hostname change.
- 1h: Setup the password-less ssh login between the NIM server
and each VIO server (primary and secondary) for the "
- 2h: Load additional MPIO drivers necessary to communicate with
the SAN system.
- 2h: Remove all SAN disks, fscsi, and fcs adapters and reboot
the VIO server in order for the new MPIO drivers to take effect.
- 3h: Upgrade primary VIO server IOS to latest level.
- 3h: Upgrade secondary VIO server IOS to latest level.
- 1h: Reboot each VIO server.
- 1h: Verify WWN's and SAN connectivity.
- 6h: Identify each disk by PVID and allocate for VIO Client
LPAR operating system usage.
- 30m: Remove all FC attached disks.
- 15m: Set fast fail parameter for SCSI adapters and reconfigure
FC adapters.
- 15m: Change reserve policy on all hdisks to
- 15m: Change algorithm on all hdisks to
- 15m: Change hcheck_interval on all hdisks to
- 15m: Change queue_depth on all hdisks to
- 15m: Change physical volume identifier on all hdisks to
- 2h: Set the path priority value for each hdisk to evenly
distribute the load between the primary and secondary VIO servers.
- 1h: Remove any internal SCSI hdisks from the rootvg and the
- 15m: Reconfigure ethernet adapters for etherchannel
configuration, begin by unconfiguring all ethernet adapters.
- 15m: Rediscover all ethernet adapters
- 15m: Turn off the chksum_offload parameter on all adapters
- 15m: Identify the application ethernet adapters and create the
application etherchannel adapter.
- 15m: Identify the management ethernet adapters and create the
management etherchannel adapter.
- 2h: Build the SEA's (shared ethernet adapters). Use the
virtual ethernet adapters associated with slots 500 and 850 on the
primary VIO server, and slots 501 and 851 on the secondary VIO
- 1h: Configure VIO server IP addresses for the application
network on the virtual ethernet adapter associated with slots 510 and
- 1h: Configure VIO server IP addresses for the management
network on the virtual ethernet adapter associated with slots 860 and
- Repeat this VIO server configuration process for each VIO Server.
VIO Client LPAR Build (Detailed)
- 30m: CHANGE REQUEST: Allocate one LUN from SAN
for each VIO Client LPAR for operating system storage
- 30m: CHANGE REQUEST: Allocate one or more LUNs
from SAN for application storage on each VIO Client LPAR.
- 30m: CHANGE REQUEST: Allocate one or more LUNs
from SAN for paging space on each VIO Client LPAR as necessary.
Primary Frame
- 1h: Discover, identify, and record VIO Client LPAR operating
system LUN on primary VIO server, on primary frame.
- 1h: Discover, identify, and record VIO Client LPAR operating
system LUN on secondary VIO server , on primary frame.
- 1h: Discover, identify, and record VIO Client LPAR
application LUNs on primary VIO server on primary frame.
- 1h: Discover, identify, and record VIO Client LPAR
application LUNs on secondary VIO server on primary frame.
- 2h: Allocate VIO Client LPAR operating system LUN on primary
VIO server, on primary frame, to vhost adapter defined for OS usage
associated with the slot group for this LPAR.
- 2h: Allocate VIO Client LPAR operating system LUN on secondary
VIO server, on primary frame, to vhost adapter defined for OS usage
associated with the slot group for this LPAR.
- 4h: Allocate VIO Client LPAR application LUNs on primary VIO
server, on primary frame, to vhost adapter defined for VG usage
associated with the slot group for this LPAR.
- 4h: Allocate VIO Client LPAR application LUNs on secondary VIO
server, on primary frame, to vhost adapter defined for VG usage
associated with the slot group for this LPAR.
Fail-over frame
- 1h: Discover, identify, and record VIO Client LPAR operating
system LUN on primary VIO server on fail-over frame.
- 1h: Discover, identify, and record VIO Client LPAR operating
system LUN on secondary VIO server on fail-over frame.
- 1h: Discover, identify, and record VIO Client LPAR application
LUNs on primary VIO server on fail-over frame.
- 1h: Discover, identify, and record VIO Client LPAR application
LUNs on secondary VIO server on fail-over frame.
- 2h: Allocate VIO Client LPAR operating system LUN on primary
VIO server, on fail-over frame, to vhost adapter defined for OS usage
associated with the slot group for this LPAR.
- 2h: Allocate VIO Client LPAR operating system LUN on secondary
VIO server, on fail-over frame, to vhost adapter defined for OS usage
associated with the slot group for this LPAR.
- 4h: Allocate VIO Client LPAR application LUNs on primary VIO
server, on fail-over frame, to vhost adapter defined for VG usage
associated with the slot group for this LPAR.
- 4h: Allocate VIO Client LPAR application LUNs on secondary VIO
server, on fail-over frame, to vhost adapter defined for VG usage
associated with the slot group for this LPAR.
- 4h: Create the client LPAR boot image on the NIM Server
- 30m: Define the mksysb_image resource object
- 2h: Define the SPOT resource object
- 30m: From the HMC, boot the VIO Client LPAR on the primary
frame to SMS and define the network boot IP information.
- 30m: Configure the NIM server to perform a remote operating
system load of the VIO Client LPAR on the primary frame.
- 2h: Boot the VIO Client LPAR on the primary frame from the
NIM server and perform a "mksysb" operating system
- 30m: From the HMC, boot the VIO Client LPAR on the fail-over
frame to SMS and define the network boot IP information.
- 30m: Configure the NIM server to perform a remote operating
system load of the VIO Client LPAR on the fail-over frame.
- 2h: Boot the VIO Client LPAR on the fail-over frame from the
NIM server and perform a "mksysb" operating system
- 2h: On each VIO Client LPAR: Set the path priority for each
- 15m: On each VIO Client LPAR: Configure the node name and host
- 30m: On each VIO Client LPAR: Unconfigure all ethernet
- 15m: On each VIO Client LPAR: Rediscover all ethernet
- 15m: On each VIO Client LPAR: Turn off the chksum_offload
parameter on all adapters.
- 1h: Create etherchannels and distribute the network traffic
evenly across dual VIO servers.
- 15m: On each VIO Client LPAR: Even numbered hosts should use
the even numbered virtual ethernet adapter as primary network path.
- 15m: On each VIO Client LPAR: Odd numbered hosts should use the
odd numbered virtual ethernet adapter as primary network path.
- 30m: Create the "
" and insert all
names and IP addresses for all cluster nodes.
- 15m: On each VIO Client LPAR: Configure a
"boot" IP address on each etherchannel adapter.
- 15m: Configure the "persistent" IP address on the application
network etherchannel adapter.
- 15m: Configure the "management" IP address on the management
network etherchannel adapter.
- 30m: Create the "
" and insert all names
and IP addresses for all cluster nodes.
- 30m: Create the
" file and insert all boot
hostnames, node names.
- 30m: Create the
" file and insert all boot
hostnames, node names.
- 15m: Remove any existing cluster definitions.
- 30m: Identify cluster wide unique volume group major
- 30m: Create Volume groups using an enterprise wide unique
naming structure.
- 30m: Create JFS log logical volumes for JFS using an enterprise
wide unique naming structure.
- 30m: Create file system or raw logical volumes using an
enterprise wide unique naming structure.
- 30m: Create JFS2 file systems using an enterprise wide unique
naming structure.
- 15m: Change ownership of file system mount points to a user
that will administer applications.
- 15m: Change permissions of file system mount points to allow
users to read and search.
- 1h: Adjust the asynchronous I/O and system tuning
- 15m: Increase the paging space.
- 15m: Change permission on TSM log files to allow clients to
write to them.
- 1h: Customize the "
" file.
- 15m: Deny FTP access to all users.
- 1h: Configure Tivoli TEC agent.
- 1h: Adjust AIX tuning parameters.
- 15m: Configure time zone.
- 30m: Add performance storage area to list of NFS directories
mounted at boot time.
- 2h: Configure Partition Load Manager.
- 4h: Configure Workload Manger.
- 1h: Configure console access.
- 2h: Adjust default security settings.
- 1h: Adjust ulimit settings.
- 1h: Configure NTP Time daemon.
- 15m: Configure primary prompt string PS1 in
- 15m: Configure MOTD in "
- 15m: Configure Herald in
- 1h: Configure TSM backups.
High Availability Clustered Multi-Processing (Detailed)
- 2h: Determine the critical components, functions and
- 4h: Determine the recovery strategies for each HA component,
function and dependency.
- 1h: Determine the HA requirements.
- 1h: Identify specific system data, libraries, file systems,
- 1h: Identify specific application data, libraries, databases,
- 15m: Identify cluster wide unique volume group major
- 1h: Create Volume groups using an enterprise wide unique
naming structure.
- 1h: Create JFS log logical volumes for JFS using an enterprise
wide unique naming structure.
- 1h: Create file system or raw logical volumes using an
enterprise wide unique naming structure.
- 1h: Create JFS2 file systems using an enterprise wide unique
naming structure.
- 15m: Change ownership of file system mount points to a user
that will administer applications.
- 15m: Change permissions of file system mount points to allowr
users to read and search.
- 1h: Obtain boot IP addresses for all network interfaces on all
cluster nodes.
- 1h: Obtain persistent IP addresses for each cluster node.
- 1h: Obtain node name service IP addresses for each cluster
- 1h: Obtain resource group service IP addresses for each
resource group.
- 1h: Obtain management IP addresses for each cluster node.
- 15m: Identify enterprise wide unique boot host names.
- 15m: Identify perisistent node name.
- 15m: Identify resource group.
- 15m: Identify management IP addresses.
- 15m: Identify resource group alias names.
- 15m: Create a cluster and identify at least one boot address of
all cluster nodes.
- 30m: Create all resource group and node name service addresses
of all cluster nodes.
- 4h: Create application server start/stop scripts customized
for each resource group and application.
- 30m: Create application servers for each resource group.
- 30m: Create persistant addresses for each cluster node.
- 1h: Create all resource groups configured to never fall back
once a failover occurs.
- 15m: Add the Service address to each resource group for each
cluster node.
- 15m: Add application servers and volumes to resource groups for
each cluster node.
- 2h: Synchronize and verify cluster configuration.
- 1h: Start HACMP on all cluster nodes.
- 1h: Perform failover testing for IP addresses.
- 1h: Perform failover testing for volume groups.
- 1h: Perform failover testing for file systems.
- 1h: Perform failover testing for applications.
- 1h: Certify all failover properly, and start/stop as
- 8h: Document HA configuration.
- 4h: Develop the technical HA plan for each application
- 8h: Develop HA test procedures.
- 8h: Exercise and test the HA configuration.
- 8h: Compile HA failover test results.
- 8h: Conduct HA test post mortems with all support teams.
- 8h: Present the HA test results to client for sign-off.
- 8h: Develop communication/notification procedures for HA and
return to service events.
Disaster Recovery (Detailed)
- 30m: CHANGE REQUEST: Allocate one LUN from SAN
for each disaster recovery LPAR for operating system storage
- 30m: CHANGE REQUEST: Allocate one or more
replicated LUNs from SAN for application storage on each disaster
recovery LPAR.
- 30m: CHANGE REQUEST: Allocate one or more LUNs
from SAN for paging space on each disaster recovery LPAR as
- 1h: Discover, identify, and record disaster recovery LPAR
operating system LUN on primary VIO server, on disaster recovery
- 1h: Discover, identify, and record disaster recovery LPAR
operating system LUN on secondary VIO server, on disaster recovery
- 1h: Discover, identify, and record replicated disaster
recovery LPAR application LUNs on primary VIO server on disaster
recovery frame.
- 1h: Discover, identify, and record replicated disaster
recovery LPAR application LUNs on secondary VIO server on disaster
recovery frame.
- 2h: Allocate disaster recovery LPAR operating system LUN on
primary VIO server, on disaster recovery frame, to vhost adapter defined
for OS usage associated with the slot group for this disaster recovery
- 2h: Allocate disaster recovery LPAR operating system LUN on
secondary VIO server, on disaster recovery frame, to vhost adapter
defined for OS usage associated with the slot group for this disaster
recovery LPAR.
- 4h: Allocate disaster recovery LPAR application LUNs on
primary VIO server, on disaster recovery frame, to vhost adapter defined
for VG usage associated with the slot group for this disaster recovery
- 4h: Allocate disaster recovery LPAR application LUNs on
secondary VIO server, on disaster recovery frame, to vhost adapter
defined for VG usage associated with the slot group for this disaster
recovery LPAR.
- 4h: Create the disaster recovery LPAR boot image on the NIM
- 30m: Define the mksysb_image resource NIM object
- 2h: Define the SPOT resource object
- 30m: From the HMC, boot the disaster recovery LPAR on the
primary frame to SMS and define the network boot IP information.
- 30m: Configure the NIM server to perform a remote operating
system load of the disaster recovery LPAR on the primary frame.
- 2h: Boot the disaster recovery LPAR on the primary frame from
the NIM server and perform a "mksysb" operating system load.
- 2h: On each disaster recovery LPAR: Set the path priority for
each hdisk.
- 15m: On each disaster recovery LPAR: Configure the node name
and host name.
- 30m: On each disaster recovery LPAR: Unconfigure all ethernet
- 15m: On each disaster recovery LPAR: Rediscover all ethernet
- 15m: On each disaster recovery LPAR: Turn off the
chksum_offload parameter on all adapters.
- 1h: Create etherchannels and distribute the network traffic
evenly across dual VIO servers.
- 15m: On each disaster recovery LPAR: Even numbered hosts should
use the even numbered virtual ethernet adapter as primary network
- 15m: On each disaster recovery LPAR: Odd numbered hosts should
use the odd numbered virtual ethernet adapter as primary network
- 30m: Create the "
" and insert all
names and IP addresses for all cluster nodes.
- 15m: On each disaster recovery LPAR: Configure a "boot" IP
address on each etherchannel adapter.
- 15m: Configure the "persistent" IP address on the application
network etherchannel adapter.
- 15m: Configure the "management" IP address on the management
network etherchannel adapter.
- 30m: Create the "
" and insert all names
and IP addresses for all cluster nodes.
- 30m: Create the
" file and insert all boot
hostnames, node names.
- 30m: Create the
" file and insert all boot
hostnames, node names.
- 15m: Remove any existing cluster definitions.
- 30m: Identify cluster wide unique volume group major
- 30m: Identify volume groups from replicated application
- 30m: Import volume groups from replicated application
- 15m: Change ownership of file system mount points to a user
that will administer applications.
- 15m: Change permissions of file system mount points to allow
users to read and search.
- 1h: Adjust the asynchronous I/O and system tuning parameters
on disaster recovery LPAR.
- 15m: Increase the paging space on disaster recovery LPAR.
- 15m: Change permission on TSM log files to allow clients to
write to them on disaster recovery LPAR.
- 1h: Customize the "
" file on
disaster recovery LPAR.
- 15m: Deny FTP access to all users on disaster recovery
- 1h: Configure Tivoli TEC agent on disaster recovery LPAR.
- 1h: Adjust AIX tuning parameters on disaster recovery
- 15m: Configure time zone on disaster recovery LPAR.
- 30m: Add performance storage area to list of NFS directories
mounted at boot time on disaster recovery LPAR.
- 2h: Configure Partition Load Manager on disaster recovery
- 4h: Configure Workload Manger on disaster recovery LPAR.
- 1h: Configure console access on disaster recovery LPAR.
- 2h: Adjust default security settings on disaster recovery
- 1h: Adjust ulimit settings on disaster recovery LPAR.
- 1h: Configure NTP Time daemon on disaster recovery LPAR.
- 15m: Configure primary prompt string PS1 in
" on disaster recovery LPAR.
- 15m: Configure MOTD in "
" on disaster
recovery LPAR.
- 15m: Configure Herald in
" on disaster recovery LPAR.
- 1h: Configure TSM backups on disaster recovery LPAR.
- 4h: Ensure adequate connectivity/bandwidth between data
centers to support DR functionality.
- 4h: Determine the critical components, functions and
- 8h: Determine the recovery strategies for each DR component,
function and dependency.
- 8h: Determine the DR Plan requirements.
- 8h: Identify specific system data, libraries and file systems
required at recovery site.
- 8h: Identify specific application data, libraries and
databases required at recovery site.
- 24h: Develop and document the Specific DR plan for the
supported environment.
- 24h: Develop the technical DR Recovery Plans for each recovery
- 40h: Develop DR test procedures.
- 24h: Exercise and test the DR recovery plans.
- 8h: Compile DR test results.
- 8h: Conduct DR test post mortems with all DR recovery
- 8h: Present the DR exercise results to client for
- 8h: Develop communication/notification procedures for DR &
Return to Service events.
- 4h: Publish basic DR Plan.
- 8h: Incorporate new DR plan into the overall DR strategy for
- 8h: Distribute updated DR plan to participants.
- 8h: Communicate and turnover DR procedures to ongoing support
- 8h: Communicate and turnover backup & restoration procedures
to onging support team.
- 8h: Communicate and turnover security scheme to onging support
Configuration Management
- Integrate new application environment into existing configuration
management process.
- Define new application code for existing configuration management
Change Management
- Integrate new application environment into existing change
management process.
- Integrate new application environment into existing change
management tool.
- Define change approvers and set up in change management tool.
- Conduct change management process/tool training.
Availability Management
- Integrate new application environment into existing availability
management process.
- Develop availability reporting method and procedures.
- Integrate new application environment into existing availability
management tool.
- Develop SLA availability reporting methods and procedures for new
application environment.
Incident Management
- Integrate new application environment into existing incident
management process.
- Identify primary points of contact for incidents.
- Define incident escalation procedures.
- Integrate new application environment into existing incident
management tool.
- Conduct incident management process/tool training.
- Develop SLA incident reporting methods and procedures for new
application environment.
Problem Management
- Integrate new application environment into existing problem
management process.
Outage Management
- Integrate new application environment into existing outage
management process.
- Identify primary points of contact for outage planning.
- Define outage escalation procedures.
- Define outage approvers and set up in outage management tool.
- Conduct outage management process/tool training.
Project Management
- Schedule kickoff meeting with Vendors, CGE and Customer
- Conduct kickoff meeting.
- Plan and staff project resources needs.
- Build project schedule.
- Update project schedule on a weekly bases.
- Schedule status meetings with Customer.
- Conduct client status meetings with Customer.
- Schedule weekly team meetings (Vendors and CGE).
- Conduct weekly team meetings (Vendors and CGE).
- Build and maintain team contact lists.
- Manage Issue/risk.
- Communicate to client known issue/risks.
- Build and submit storage requests.
- Request charge code access in Replican for CGE team members.
- Track funding and report progress to client.
- Create HAWK form and deliver to facilities.