# Program: genemstat.sh
# Description: Generate the "cricket" directories and files
# to describe the "emstat" data on a remote machine.
# Author: Dana French (dfrench@mtxia.com)
# Mt Xia
# Date: 06/10/2003
function usagemsg {
echo ""
echo "Usage: ${0} [-v] [-y] [-u ruser] [-m a|s|l] [-d destDir] server"
echo ""
echo " Where '-v' = Turn on verbose mode (default:off)"
echo " '-y' = Automatically answer \"yes\" to any questions asked (default:ask)"
echo " '-u ruser' = Remote user name to use for rsh commands (default:${RUSER})"
echo " '-d destDir' = Specify the destination directory in which "
echo " to create the filesystem information (default:${DATASETID})"
echo " '-m MachType' = Machine type of remote machine. Valid Types are:"
echo " a = AIX"
echo " s = Sun"
echo " l = Linux (default)"
echo ""
echo " server = The name of a remote server from which to retrieve"
echo " file system information (required parameter)"
echo ""
while getopts "m:d:u:yv" OPTION
case "${OPTION}" in
if [[ "_${MACHTYPE}" = _[Aa]* ]]
[[ "_${MACHTYPE}" = _[Ss]* ]] && OSNAME="Solaris"
[[ "_${MACHTYPE}" = _[Ll]* ]] && OSNAME="Linux"
'y') AUTOYES="1";;
'd') DESTDIR="${OPTARG}";;
'u') RUSER="${OPTARG}";;
'v') VERBOSE="1";;
'?') usagemsg && exit 1 ;;
shift $(( ${OPTIND} - 1 ))
SERVER="${1:?ERROR: run \"${0} -?\" for help and usage}"
(( VERBOSE == 1 )) && echo "#### Beginning ${0} for server ${SERVER} ####"
[[ "_${SERVER}" = "_mxfmtxapp80" ]] &&
DIRDESC="Production App. Server #1 System Performance Data"
[[ "_${SERVER}" = "_mxfmtxapp81" ]] &&
DIRDESC="Production App. Server #2 System Performance Data"
[[ "_${SERVER}" = "_mxfmtxapp82" ]] &&
DIRDESC="Production App. Server #3 System Performance Data"
[[ "_${SERVER}" = "_mxfmtxapp51" ]] &&
DIRDESC="Pre-Production App. Server #1 System Performance Data"
[[ "_${SERVER}" = "_mxfmtxapp52" ]] &&
DIRDESC="Pre-Production App. Server #2 System Performance Data"
[[ "_${SERVER}" = "_mxfmtxapp53" ]] &&
DIRDESC="Pre-Production App. Server #3 System Performance Data"
print "
# Top-level defaults file for unix hosts
# Started 12-16-99 by James Moore <jam@afn.org>
# Change Log :
# 28/01/2000 : UCD-SNMP OID's added
# : default datasource added
# : default graph added
# - Stuart Grimshaw <stuart.grimshaw@blackburn.gov.uk>
# 02-01-2000 : Changed OIDs for UCD load averages
# : Added graphs for ucd disk usage
# - James Moore
# To Do :
target --default--
directory-desc = \"${DIRDESC}\"
snmp-host = %server%
# Memory stats
OID xmdPagSpEfree .
OID xmdMemRealEfree .
# CPU Stats
OID xmdCPUGluser .
OID xmdCPUGlkern .
OID xmdCPUGlidle .
##### Datasources #########
datasource --default--
rrd-ds-type = GAUGE
datasource xmdPagSpEfree
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/xmdPagSpEfree
datasource xmdMemRealEfree
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/xmdMemRealEfree
datasource xmdCPUGluser
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/xmdCPUGluser
datasource xmdCPUGlkern
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/xmdCPUGlkern
datasource xmdCPUGlidle
ds-source = snmp://%snmp%/xmdCPUGlidle
datasource xmdEmStat
ds-source = \"exec:0:%df% %server%\"
#### Target Types #########
targetType CPU
ds = \"xmdCPUGluser, xmdCPUGlkern\"
view = \"cpu: xmdCPUGluser xmdCPUGlkern\"
targetType TCPU
ds = \"xmdCPUGlidle\"
view = \"Total-CPU: xmdCPUGlidle\"
targetType Memory
ds = \"xmdMemRealEfree, xmdPagSpEfree\"
view = \"Memory: xmdMemRealEfree xmdPagSpEfree\"
targetType EmStat
ds = \"xmdEmStat\"
view = \"EmStat: xmdEmStat\"
#### Graphs ###############
graph --default--
y-max = undef
graph xmdPagSpEfree
legend = \"% Available Paging Space\"
#scale = 1024,*
#bytes = true
#units = \"%\"
draw-as = LINE1
graph xmdMemRealEfree
legend = \"% Available RAM\"
#scale = 1024,*
#bytes = true
#units = \"%\"
draw-as = AREA
graph xmdCPUGluser
legend = \"% User CPU\"
draw-as = AREA
graph xmdCPUGlkern
legend = \"% System CPU\"
draw-as = LINE1
graph xmdCPUGlidle
legend = \"% CPU Idle\"
draw-as = AREA
graph xmdEmStat
legend = \"Instruction Emulations per second\"
draw-as = AREA
html page-header
<img src=\"images/mtx_hc.gif\" align=left>
<br clear=left>
" > ${DESTDIR}/Defaults
print "
Target --default--
server = ${SERVER}.tu.com
snmp-community = public
target CPU
target-type = CPU
short-desc = \"User and System CPU Utilization.\"
target Total_CPU
target-type = TCPU
short-desc = \"Total CPU Utilization.\"
target Memory
target-type = Memory
short-desc = \"Memory, and Paging Space Utilization\"
target EmStat
directory-desc = \"Instruction Emulation\"
target-type = \"EmStat\"
server = ${SERVER}
df = %auto-base%/../cricket/util/emstat.sh
short-desc = \"Instruction Emulations\"
" > ${DESTDIR}/target
(( VERBOSE == 1 )) && echo "#### Ending ${0} for server ${SERVER} ####"
exit 0