#### What is /usr/bin/ksh93.att?
#### Answer: The latest release of Korn Shell 93 from www.kornshell.com
#### You need it to run this script.
#### Program: visualSelect - Menu / Menuing and Data Interface System
#### Author: Dana French, Mt Xia Inc, dfrench@mtxia.com
#### Copyright 2010 by Dana French, All Rights Reserved
#### Date: 20100519
#### Description:
#### Menu / Menuing and data interface system written in Korn Shell 93.
#### To begin modifying and using this script, search for the sections
#### labeled "USER MODIFY".
#### The purpose of this program is to provide a visual interface into an
#### array of values. This interface, written in Korn Shell, provides the
#### user with the ability to use single key presses to peform cursor
#### movement using the PC keyboard arrow keys, PgUp, PgDn, Home, and End
#### keys. It also provides single key press execution for the PC Keyboard
#### function keys.
#### This program uses a Korn Shell array of values and displays that array
#### in single or multi column format. The display look-and-feel is user
#### configurable and allows the user to specify the number of rows and
#### columns to display on the screen. The user can then navigate through
#### the array values dislayed on one or more screens using the PC keyboard
#### cursor movement keys. Items from the array can be selected by the
#### user to perform further processing.
#### AIX README: Download the current release of Korn Shell 93 from
#### "http://www.kornshell.com" if you want to run this script under the IBM
#### AIX operating system. Even on the latest Versions of AIX (5.3 and 6.1),
#### the Korn Shell 93 instance is about 7 years old and is full of bugs.
#### When you download the current release of Korn Shell 93, copy it to your
#### system as "/usr/bin/ksh93.att" and give it "r-xr-xr-x" (555)
#### permissions.