ACMS - Automated Content Management System
In support of all of Mt Xia's methodologies, programs, tools,
and utilities, we have developed an automated, web based, content
management system (P3 ACMS). This tool provides a
consistent, extensible, and modifiable mechanism to provide access to
the documentation and procedures that are automatically generated by all
of Mt Xia's other tools.
This tool is a standard component included with all of Mt Xia's
products and is an integral part of our Business Continuity methodology.
We believe that system administrators should not be spending their time
writing system documentation and procedures. The primary reason for
this belief is because the documentation always seems to be obsolete or
incomplete. Instead we believe that system documentation and procedures
should be automatically generated on a periodic basis to ensure they are
current and complete.
However, the processes generating the documentaion and procedures
should not be concerned with the look-and-feel or presentation format of
the documentation. Instead, an external process should be able to
"apply" a look-and-feel to each document. This allows each customer to
customize the document format to match their organizations needs and