The K93_Unix project is in the process of moving to
SourceForge at the following URL:
The latest version of these scripts is now on sourceforge now and
will no longer be maintained here.
Script development policies, guidelines, standards,
and procedures are being developed, and as soon as they
are stable, those wanting to participate and/or
contribute code to this project will be welcome to do
The shunix project contains numerous Korn Shell 93
shell scripts that emulate many of the standard unix
utilities. These Korn Shell 93 shell scripts are
designed to be used as part of a function library or as
command line utilities. The purpose of these scripts is
to provide the script programmer with the ability to
easily incorporate unix command utilities into their
shell scripts. This has the added benefit of allowing
the shell programmer to easily change the behavior of
the utilities.
These scripts represent selected Unix utilities and
selected options for each utilities. Additional
utilities and options will be periodically added.
You are free to download and evaluate these scripts. If you choose
to continue to use these scripts in a commercial environment, you will
be required to obtain a license for this purpose. Please contact Mt Xia
for licensing details.
Korn Shell 93 emulation of the "awk" capability of extracting and
reordering fields from an input stream.
(non-html version)
Extracts only the final filename portion of a fully qualified file name.
(non-html version)
Counterpart: dirname_k93.
Reads from standard input and writes to standard output. Alternatively, it will
read from one or more files and write the contents of the files to standard output.
(non-html version)
Counterpart: tac_k93.
Generates a calendar for the current or specified month and/or year.
This function is an emulation of the Unix "cal" command and is included
as part of the
"shunix" project on Sourceforge. To retrieve this function you
must download the
"shunix" source code from Sourceforge.
(non-html version)
Compares the contents of two text files and notifies user of any difference.
(non-html version)
Removes one or more columns from a standard input stream of data. Additionally
the Korn Shell implementation of this unix utility, will remove one or more fields.
(non-html version)
Arranges a list of items into columns to fit within a specified screen width.
(non-html version)
Identifies common lines between two files.
(non-html version)
Extract characters or fields from one or more files, or from standard input.
(non-html version)
Extracts the directory portion of a filename from a fully qualified file name.
(non-html version)
Counterpart: basename_k93.
Convert the DOS style end-of-line (<CR><LF>) into a unix
style end-of-line (<NL>).
(non-html version)
Counterpart: unix2dos_k93.
Expand tab characters into spaces in one or more files, or from standard input.
(non-html version)
Counterpart: unexpand_k93.
Calculates the prime factors of an integer.
(non-html version)
Returns a FALSE value as the return code or optionally to standard output.
(non-html version)
Counterpart: true_k93.
Search for fixed patterns in text. Does not support regular expressions, fixed
patterns only.
(non-html version)
Recursively search directory structures for files and return the
list of files. Filename search patterns and file types may be
(non-html version)
Folds the contents of standard input, breaking the lines to a default
line width of 80 (eighty) characters. Line width can be specified by a
command line option. Can also specify that lines be folded on spaces
rather than at a specific length.
(non-html version)
Korn shell script function that searches files or standard input for
specified regular expression patterns. This function is an emulation of
the Unix "grep/egrep" commands and is included as part of the
"shunix" project on
Sourceforge. To retrieve this function you must download the "shunix" source code
from Sourceforge.
(non-html version)
The head_k93 command writes to standard output a specified number of
lines or bytes of each of the specified files, or of the standard input.
If no flag is specified with the head command, the first 10 lines are
displayed by default.
(non-html version)
Counterpart: tail_k93.
The id_k93 function writes to standard output a message containing the
system identifications (ID) for a specified user.
(non-html version)
The ls_k93 function displays a list of files from the current directory
or from a list supplied on the command line.
(non-html version)
The mktemp_k93 Korn Shell command/function generates a random temporary
file and returns the name of the generated file to standard output.
(non-html version)
Returns the full path file name to the current working directory.
(non-html version)
Regular Expression Converter/Translator to Korn Shell Script Pattern:
Korn shell script function to convert and translate "regular
expressions" into Korn shell patterns. Many Korn shell authorities
refer to Korn Shell patterns as "regular expressions", they are not. A
Korn Shell pattern is very different from a "regular expression", and
this tool provides a mechanism to convert and translate one or more
"regular expressions" into Korn Shell patterns. This function is
included as part of the
"shunix" project
on Sourceforge. To retrieve this function you must download the
source code from Sourceforge.
(non-html version)
Same as "cat" only it prints the lines in reverse order.
(non-html version)
Counterpart: cat_k93.
The tail_k93 command extracts a number of lines or bytes from the end of the
file specified by the File parameter to standard output. If no file is
specified, standard input is used.
(non-html version)
Counterpart: head_k93.
Displays the output of a program and copies it into a file.
(non-html version)
Transposes one or more columns of data into rows. Allows the user to
specify insets and offsets within the dataset to select portions of data
to transpose. Also allows the use to specify field delimeter.
(non-html version)
Returns a TRUE value as the return code or optionally to standard output.
(non-html version)
Counterpart: false_k93.
The unexpand_k93 function puts tabs back into the data from the standard
input or the named files and writes the result to standard output.
(non-html version)
Counterpart: expand_k93.
Removes duplicate lines from a stream of data.
(non-html version)
Convert the Unix style end-of-line (<NL>) into a DOS style
end-of-line (<CR><LF>).
(non-html version)
Counterpart: dos2unix_k93.
The watch_k93 Korn Shell command/function runs a user specified
"command" repeatedly, displaying its output (the first screen full).
(non-html version)
Counts lines, words, and/or characters from a standard input stream or
list of files.
(non-html version)
The which_k93 Korn Shell command/function takes a list
of program names and looks for the files that run when
these names are given as commands.
(non-html version)
Reads items from the standard input, delimited by blanks
or newlines, and executes the command (default is
"print") one or more times with any initial-arguments
followed by items read from standard input. Blank lines
on the standard input are ignored.
(non-html version)
Outputs an affirmative response, or a command line argument, repetitively.
(non-html version)