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Mt Xia:
Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery Methodologies



Contact Mt Xia for assistance with your Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, and High Availability planning and implementation projects at 615.556.0456 or

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Standards (DRAFT)

Security Policies

  • Each user shall be assigned an enterprise wide unique name.
  • Each user shall be assigned an enterprise wide unique UID number.
  • Each group shall be assigned an enterprise wide unique GID number.
  • Mt Xia Corporate security policy shall be observed and adhered to. This policy can be reviewed by contacting the Mt Xia security officer.
  • Internal security audits shall minimally be performed quarterly on all Unix Systems.
  • Administration passwords shall be changed according to Mt Xia's security standards.


For information regarding this page, contact Dana French ( )
Copyright 2008 by Mt Xia Inc, All Rights Reserved