The following are the steps required to establish a new RS/6000 as a machine in the Mt Xia AIX Web environment.
Each web environment machines will have two internal 18 GB drives and will NOT have any connections to external EMC drives. Since the second internal drive will be used as a mirror of the first, all file systems will reside within the root volume group (rootvg). The build process will consist of creating a complete image of the base machine on hdisk0, then mirroring the root volume group onto hdisk1.
Host Name | 3 Character ID |
ftwpd01 | pdx |
ftwpd02 | pdx |
ftwqapd01 | pdq |
ftwdvpd01 | pdd |
ftwdvws01 | wsd |
ftwqaws01 | wsq |
ftwqaht01 | htq |
ftwdvht01 | htd |
ftwhti01 | hti |
ftwhti02 | hti |
ftwedgi01 | egi |
ftwedgi02 | egi |
ftwdvedg01 | egd |
ftwqaedg01 | egq |
ftwdb201 | db2 |
ftwdvdb201 | dbd |
ftwdb202 | db2 |
ftwqadb201 | dbq |
(inner middle) (128mb)$ mklv -yXXX##ctmalv -aim rootvg 4 hdisk0
(inner middle) (128mb)$ mklv -yXXX##instlv -aim rootvg 4 hdisk0
(inner edge) (128mb)$ mklv -yXXX##instlv -aie rootvg 4 hdisk0
$ crfs -v jfs -a bf=true -dXXX##hloglv -m/home/logs -Ayes -prw -tno -a nbpi=4096 -a ag=64
$ mount /home/logs
$ crfs -v jfs -a bf=true -dXXX##ctmalv -m/bmc/ctmagent -Ayes -prw -tno -a nbpi=4096 -a ag=64
$ mount /bmc/ctmagent
$ crfs -v jfs -a bf=true -dXXX##instlv -m/usr/sys/inst.images -Ayes -prw -tno -a nbpi=4096 -a ag=64
$ mount /usr/sys/inst.images
- Group Name: controlm
- User Name: shutdown
System Shutdown User
- User Name: ctmagent
tar -xvf tsmtarball.tar
" in the directory you created.
mkdir /usr/software
(root.system 755)tsm-instl
# compress tsm732.tar
# tar -xvf tsm732.tar
zcat tsm732.tar.Z | tar -xvf -
rclocal:2:wait:/etc/rc.local > /dev/console 2>&1 # Start Local Processes
tsm::once:/usr/bin/dsmc sched > /dev/null 2>&1 # TSM Scheduler
dsmcad:2:once:/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad > /dev/null 2>&1 #TSM Web Client
" permissions/var/adm/cron/cron.deny