The following example procedure is specific to an LPAR on the subnet, but is representative of how to configure etherchannels on all virtual LPAR's utilizing network adapters being provided from dual VIO servers.
# login to the client LPAR through the HMC console
# On the client LPAR, unconfigure all ethernet adapters
lscfg -l ent*
for i in 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
ifconfig en${i} down
ifconfig en${i} detach
ifconfig et${i} down
ifconfig et${i} detach
rmdev -Rdl ent${i}
rmdev -Rdl en${i}
rmdev -Rdl et${i}
ifconfig -a
lsdev -Cc adapter | grep ent
# Rediscover all ethernet adapters
lsdev -Cc adapter | grep ent
lsdev -C | grep inet
lsdev -C | grep lo
lscfg -l ent*
# turn off the chksum_offload parameter on all adapters
for i in 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
lsattr -El ent${i} | grep chksum_offload
chdev -l ent${i} -a chksum_offload=no
chdev -l ent${i} -a chksum_offload=no -P
lsattr -El ent${i} | grep chksum_offload
# Configure etherchannel devices, begin by removing existing adapters
for i in 4 5 6 7 8
rmdev -Rdl ent${i}
rmdev -Rdl en${i}
rmdev -Rdl et${i}
# ent0 and ent1 should represent virtual ethernet adapters shared
# from the VIO servers via slots 500 and 505.
# The netaddr points to the subnet gateway for the boot/service
# network - used for health check.
if mkdev -c adapter -s pseudo -t ibm_ech \
-a adapter_names=ent0 \
-a netaddr= \
-a backup_adapter=ent1
# ent2 and ent3 should represent virtual ethernet adapters shared
# from the VIO servers via slots 850 and 855.
# The netaddr points to the subnet gateway for the "man" network,
# used for health check.
if mkdev -c adapter -s pseudo -t ibm_ech \
-a adapter_names=ent2 \
-a netaddr= \
-a backup_adapter=ent3
lsdev -Cc adapter | grep ent
# configure IP addresses on etherchannels
smitty tcpip
# Assign the LPAR's boot address to ent4
# Assign the LPAR's man address to ent5