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The following document describes the procedure used to move the EGATE Pre-Production database environment from the temporary Proof-of-Concept architecture running on the p590, back to the original 6M2 platforms, then permanently back to the p590 with the Production Disaster Recovery provisions in place.

  1. The first phase of this process is to shutdown the EGATE database environment on the POC platform. The purpose of this phase is to quantify the time required to perform each step of this process. The timing information is needed for planning the movement of the EGATE Production environment to the new Power5/6/7 architecture.
  2. Restart the EGATE Pre-Prod environment on the Power 4 architecture and validate. Again the purpose is to quantifiy the time required to perform this phase.
  3. Shutdown the EGATE Pre-Prod environment on the Power 4 architecture, modify the Power5/6/7 systems to EXACTLY replicate the Power 4 systems.
  4. Restart the Pre-prod environment on the Power5/6/7 systems.
  5. Perform Disaster Recovery test of Production environment onto the new Power5/6/7 Architecture.
  6. Deconfigure production environment on Power5/6/7 architecture and restart the pre-prod environment

Phase 1

Phase 1 Start Time: 12:00
Phase 1 Duration: 30m

  • Generate HDLM SAN Disk identification document on current pre-prod Power5/6/7 nodes. Save this information to a file and copy the file to an accessible location.


    Start Time: 12:00
    Duration: 1m
    cd /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin
    lspv | grep dlmfdrv | grep -v dlmfdrvio |
    while read -- HDISK PVID VGNAME STATE
      ls -l /dev/${VGNAME} 2>/dev/null |
      print -- "\n${HDISK}  ${PVID}  ${VGNAME}  ${STATE}  ${MAJOR:+VGmajor#:${MAJOR}}"
      /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr view -drv |
          grep " ${HDISK} " |
      while read -r -- LINE
        print -r -- "${LINE}"
        print -r -- "${LINE}" | read -r -- DNBR DLMDISK DDISK LDEV
        LOC="${LOC}$( lscfg -l ${DDISK} | awk '{ print $2, $1 }' )\\n"
      print -- "${LOC}"


    Start Time: 12:00
    Duration: 1m
    cd /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin
    lspv | grep dlmfdrv | grep -v dlmfdrvio |
    while read -- HDISK PVID VGNAME STATE
      ls -l /dev/${VGNAME} 2>/dev/null |
      print -- "\n${HDISK}  ${PVID}  ${VGNAME}  ${STATE}  ${MAJOR:+VGmajor#:${MAJOR}}"
      /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin/dlnkmgr view -drv |
          grep " ${HDISK} " |
      while read -r -- LINE
        print -r -- "${LINE}"
        print -r -- "${LINE}" | read -r -- DNBR DLMDISK DDISK LDEV
        LOC="${LOC}$( lscfg -l ${DDISK} | awk '{ print $2, $1 }' )\\n"
      print -- "${LOC}"

  • Wait for database shutdown


    Start Time: 12:01
    Duration: 20m


    Start Time: 12:01
    Duration: 20m

  • Shutdown HACMP on EGATE database POC Power5/6/7 machines and varyoff all non-"rootvg" volume groups


    Start Time: 12:20
    Duration: 2m
    smitty clstop
    umount all
    for VG in $( lsvg -o )
        [[ ${VG} = "rootvg" ]] && continue
        varyoffvg ${VG}


    Start Time: 12:20
    Duration: 2m
    smitty clstop
    umount all
    for VG in $( lsvg -o )
        [[ ${VG} = "rootvg" ]] && continue
        varyoffvg ${VG}

  • Shutdown EGATE database POC Power5/6/7 machines


    Start Time: 12:25
    Duration: 5m
    shutdown -Fh


    Start Time: 12:25
    Duration: 5m
    shutdown -Fh

  • Contact Doug Lemons to make DNS changes

    Start Time: 12:26
    Duration: 10m
    CNAME: point mxdaaega01 to the power 4 architecture machine
    CNAME: point mxdaaega02 to the power 4 architecture machine

  • Start Power 4 systems


    Start Time: 12:28
    Duration: 5m
    shutdown -Fh


    Start Time: 12:30
    Duration: 5m
    shutdown -Fh

Phase 2

- Restart the EGATE database pre-production environment on the Power 4 architecture.

Phase 2 Start Time: 12:30
Phase 2 Duration: 55m

  • Clear Hitachi persistant reservations


    Start Time: 12:35
    Duration: 15m
    cd /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin
    for i in $( lspv | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep "^hdisk" )
        print y | ./dlmpr -c ${i}

    mxdaaega02: 12:35

    Start Time: 12:35
    Duration: 15m
    cd /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin
    for i in $( lspv | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep "^hdisk" )
        print y | ./dlmpr -c ${i}

  • All disks should already be visible and no configuration changes should be necessary. Restart HACMP on each power 4 node, one node at a time.


    Start Time: 12:52
    Duration: 5m
    smitty clstart


    Start Time: 12:57
    Duration: 5m
    smitty clstart

  • Turnover pre-production power 4 systems to database team to complete the startup process


    Start Time: 13:03
    Duration: 25m


    Start Time: 13:03
    Duration: 25m

Phase 3

- Shutdown the EGATE Pre-Prod environment on the Power 4 architecture, modify the Power5/6/7 systems to EXACTLY replicate the Power 4 systems.

Phase 3 Start Time: 13:25
Phase 3 Duration: 170m (2h 50m)

  • Verify the Tru-Copy mirroring of the production EGATE database drives is off-line


    Start Time: 13:07
    Duration: 5m


    Start Time: 13:07
    Duration: 5m

  • Shutdown EGATE pre-prod database on power 4 systems


    Start Time: 13:25
    Duration: 7m


    Start Time: 13:25
    Duration: 7m

  • Shutdown HACMP on EGATE pre-prod power 4 systems


    Start Time: 13:32
    Duration: 5m
    smitty clstop


    Start Time: 13:37
    Duration: 5m
    smitty clstop

  • Varyoff any remaining non-rootvg volume groups on the Power 4 systems


    Start Time: 13:38
    Duration: 1m


    Start Time: 13:38
    Duration: 1m

  • Shutdown EGATE database POC power 4 machines


    Start Time: 13:39
    Duration: 5m
    shutdown -Fh


    Start Time: 13:39
    Duration: 5m
    shutdown -Fh

  • Change IP addresses of the Power5/6/7 systems to be the original IP's from the Power 4 system.


    Start Time: 13:12
    Duration: 48m


    Start Time: 13:12
    Duration: 48m

  • Change the host names of the Power5/6/7 systems to be the original names from the Power 4 systems.


    Start Time: 14:01
    Duration: 1m
    chdev -l inet0 -a hostname=mxdaaega01


    Start Time: 14:02
    Duration: 1m
    chdev -l inet0 -a hostname=mxdaaega02

  • The hostnames referenced by this document will now change to reflect the new hostnames of the Power 5 systems.
  • Restore the /etc/hosts and /.rhosts files from the original Power 4 system from the DR files


    Start Time: 14:04
    Duration: 1m


    Start Time: 14:05
    Duration: 1m

  • Run configuration manager to pull in all SAN disks


    Start Time: 14:21
    Duration: 3m


    Start Time: 14:24
    Duration: 3m

  • Clear persistant reserves on all SAN disks


    Start Time: 14:24
    Duration: 9m
    cd /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin
    for i in $( lspv | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep "^hdisk" )
        print y | ./dlmpr -c ${i}


    Start Time: 14:26
    Duration: 9m
    cd /usr/DynamicLinkManager/bin
    for i in $( lspv | awk '{ print $1 }' | grep "^hdisk" )
        print y | ./dlmpr -c ${i}

  • Remove all SAN disks and rediscover to obtain PVID's


    Start Time: 14:33
    Duration: 5m
    for i in $( lspv | awk '{ print $1 }' )
        rmdev -Rdl ${i}


    Start Time: 14:35
    Duration: 5m
    for i in $( lspv | awk '{ print $1 }' )
        rmdev -Rdl ${i}

  • Check SAN disks against list of PVID's then import VG's using OCIDR.


    Start Time: 14:40
    Duration: 15m
    cd /usr/lpp/dr/mxdaaega01
    ./OCIDR -I config


    Start Time: 14:40
    Duration: 15m
    cd /usr/lpp/dr/mxdaaega02
    ./OCIDR -I config

  • Reconfigure HACMP to use the original node names, resource group names, and application server names. Then verify and synchronize.


    Start Time: 14:41
    Duration: 55m
    Node Name: mxdaaega01
    Node Name: mxdaaega02
    Resource Group: orcon1
    Resource Group: mxdaaega01_ip
    Resource Group: mxdaaega02_ip
    Application Server: dpcheck_01
    Application Start Script: /usr/local/scripts/start_dpcheck_01.ksh
    Application Start Script: /usr/local/scripts/stop_dpcheck_01.ksh
    Application Server: dpcheck_02
    Application Start Script: /usr/local/scripts/start_dpcheck_02.ksh
    Application Start Script: /usr/local/scripts/stop_dpcheck_02.ksh
    Application Server: mxdaaega01_tsm
    Application Start Script: /usr/local/hascripts/start_tsm.ksh
    Application Start Script: /usr/local/hascripts/stop_tsm.ksh
    Application Server: mxdaaega02_tsm
    Application Start Script: /usr/local/hascripts/start_tsm.ksh
    Application Start Script: /usr/local/hascripts/stop_tsm.ksh

  • Varyon the non-concurrent volume groups and set to automatically varyon at boot time.


    Start Time: 15:31
    Duration: 1m
    varyonvg oradb01vg01
    chvg -a y oradb01vg01
    varyonvg oradb01vg02
    chvg -a y oradb01vg02


    Start Time: 15:33
    Duration: 1m
    varyonvg oradb02vg01
    chvg -a y oradb02vg01
    varyonvg oradb02vg02
    chvg -a y oradb02vg02

  • Set the database filesystems to automatically mount at boot time.


    Start Time: 15:33
    Duration: 1m
    chfs -A y /u01001
    chfs -A y /u01002
    chfs -A y /backup


    Start Time: 15:34
    Duration: 1m
    chfs -A y /u01001
    chfs -A y /u01002
    chfs -A y /backup

  • Modify the /etc/hosts file to reflect the new hostnames


    Start Time: 15:35
    Duration: 1m
    vi /etc/hosts


    Start Time: 15:36
    Duration: 1m
    vi /etc/hosts

  • Sync and verify, then start the HACMP configuration.


    Start Time: 15:30
    Duration: 5m
    smitty clstart


    Start Time: 15:35
    Duration: 5m
    smitty clstart

  • Change ownership of oracle LV's


    Start Time: 15:40
    Duration: 1m
    chown oracle:dba /dev/*orarp*


    Start Time: 15:41
    Duration: 1m
    chown oracle:dba /dev/*orarp*

  • Change the number of processes per user to 3000


    Start Time: 15:42
    Duration: 1m
    chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=3000


    Start Time: 15:43
    Duration: 1m
    chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=3000

  • Mount the first Oracle CD from the NIM server and run the "rootpre.sh" script to set permissions and such.


    Start Time: 15:44
    Duration: 1m
    exportfs -i -o 'root=*' /export/cdimages/Oracle8.1.7_Disk1


    Start Time: 15:45
    Duration: 1m
    mount mxfapnim01:/export/cdimages/Oracle8.1.7_Disk1 /mnt
    cd /mnt
    cd /tmp
    umount /mnt


    Start Time: 15:46
    Duration: 1m
    mount mxfapnim01:/export/cdimages/Oracle8.1.7_Disk1 /mnt
    cd /mnt
    cd /tmp
    umount /mnt


    Start Time: 15:47
    Duration: 1m
    exportfs -u /export/cdimages/Oracle8.1.7_Disk1

  • Notify database and application group the machines are ready

    Start Time: 15:48
    Duration: 25m

  • Contact Doug Lemons to make DNS changes

    Start Time: 15:48
    Duration: 25m
    CNAME: point mxdaaega01 to the Power5/6/7 architecture machine
    CNAME: point mxdaaega02 to the Power5/6/7 architecture machine

  • Phase 4

    - Perform Disaster Recovery test of the production EGATE database servers

    Phase 4 Start Time: 16:15 - 18:55
    Phase 4 Duration: 160m (2h 40m)

    1. Login to mxdaaega01 on the console as root. You will need to install and run the Hardware Management Console (HMC) client to be able to access the console of these machines. The HMC client can be downloaded from the following url:
    2. Notify Users the DR is about to occur

      $ wall
      A disaster has occurred and the pre-production environment is
      being reconfigured as production NOW. Please LOG OFF.

    3. Change to the DR scripts directory for the target server:

      $ cd /usr/lpp/dr/mxfmtxdb85

    4. Execute the deconfiguration phase of the DR. The options shown indicate the deconfiguration should kill all processes (k), varyoff and export VGs (e), unmount filesystems (m), deconfigure the network adapters (n), delete any existing IQ directories (d), and to do it all in verbose mode (v).

      Start Time: 16:18
      Duration: 77m

      $ ./OCIDR -hkemndv deconfig

    5. Check to see that HACMP is down, user processes were killed, all non-rootvg file systems were unmounted, all non-static volume groups were varied off and exported. The remaining volume groups may include one or more of the following: rootvg, altinst_rootvg, egate1[0-9][0-9]vg_dr.
    6. Execute the configuration phase of the DR and import the volume groups. The options shown indicate the configuration should import the VGs, LVs, and FSs (i), mount the filesystems (m), configure the network adapters in HACMP mode (N), install the configuration files (r), start the applications (a), create the home directories (o), create the IQ directories (d), change the hostname (u), and to do it all in verbose mode (v).

      Start Time: 17:35
      Duration: 1m

      $ ./OCIDR -IGmNraoduv config

    7. Check to see that all volume groups were imported and varied on, all file systems were mounted, network addresses were changed, IQ directories were created, configuration scripts were installed, and background daemons were refreshed.
    8. The Oracle parallel server requires the disks and logical volumes be owned by the oracle user. Execute the following script to change the disk ownerships:

      Start Time: 17:36
      Duration: 1m

      $ /usr/lpp/dr/helpers/fixForOracle.sh

    9. After HACMP startup is complete, initialize the Oracle environment by running the following script:

      Start Time: 17:36
      Duration: 1m

      $ mount mxdapnim01:/export/cdimages /mnt
      $ cd /mnt/Oracle8i/CD1 # DO NOT SKIP
      $ ./rootpre.sh

    10. After the OCIDR script has completed on ALL Oracle Parallel Server nodes, start HACMP on this node:

      Start Time: 17:44
      Duration: 30m

      $ smitty hacmp -> Cluster Services -> Start Cluster Services

    11. Login to mxdaaega02 on the console as root. You will need to install and run the Hardware Management Console (HMC) client to be able to access the console of these machines. The HMC client can be downloaded from the following url:
    12. Notify Users the DR is about to occur

      $ wall
      A disaster has occurred and the pre-production environment is
      being reconfigured as production NOW. Please LOG OFF.

    13. Change to the DR scripts directory for the target server:

      $ cd /usr/lpp/dr/mxfmtxdb86

    14. Execute the deconfiguration phase of the DR. The options shown indicate the deconfiguration should kill all processes (k), varyoff and export VGs (e), unmount filesystems (m), deconfigure the network adapters (n), delete any existing IQ directories (d), and to do it all in verbose mode (v).

      Start Time: 16:18
      Duration: 61m

      $ ./OCIDR -hkemndv deconfig

    15. Check to see that HACMP is down, user processes were killed, all non-rootvg file systems were unmounted, all non-static volume groups were varied off and exported. The remaining volume groups may include one or more of the following: rootvg, altinst_rootvg, egate1[0-9][0-9]vg_dr.
    16. Execute the configuration phase of the DR and import the volume groups. The options shown indicate the configuration should import the VGs, LVs, and FSs (i), mount the filesystems (m), configure the network adapters in HACMP mode (N), install the configuration files (r), start the applications (a), create the home directories (o), create the IQ directories (d), change the hostname (u), and to do it all in verbose mode (v).

      $ ./OCIDR -IGmNraoduv config

    17. Check to see that all volume groups were imported and varied on, all file systems were mounted, network addresses were changed, IQ directories were created, configuration scripts were installed, and background daemons were refreshed.
    18. The Oracle parallel server requires the disks and logical volumes be owned by the oracle user. Execute the following script to change the disk ownerships:

      Start Time: 17:19
      Duration: 2m

      $ /usr/lpp/dr/helpers/fixForOracle.sh

    19. After HACMP startup is complete, initialize the Oracle environment by running the following script:

      Start Time: 17:21
      Duration: 2m

      $ mount mxdapnim01:/export/cdimages /mnt
      $ cd /mnt/Oracle8i/CD1 # DO NOT SKIP
      $ ./rootpre.sh

    20. After the OCIDR script has completed on ALL Oracle Parallel Server nodes, start HACMP on this node:

      Start Time: 17:47
      Duration: 30m

      $ smitty hacmp -> Cluster Services -> Start Cluster Services

    21. Notify the Oracle database team the server is ready.

      Start Time: 18:17
      Duration: 40m

    Phase 5

    - Deconfigure the Production EGATE database environment from the Power5/6/7 systems and restore the Pre-Production EGATE database environment.

    Phase 5 Start Time: 18:55
    Phase 5 Duration: 30m

    1. Login to mxdaaega01 on the console as root. You will need to install and run the Hardware Management Console (HMC) client to be able to access the console of these machines. The HMC client can be downloaded from the following url:
    2. Change to the DR scripts directory for the target server:

      $ cd /usr/lpp/dr/mxdaaega01

    3. Execute the deconfiguration phase of the DR. The options shown indicate the deconfiguration should kill all processes (k), varyoff and export VGs (e), unmount filesystems (m), deconfigure the network adapters (n), delete any existing IQ directories (d), and to do it all in verbose mode (v).

      Start Time: 18:57
      Duration: 5m

      $ ./OCIDR -hkemndv deconfig

    4. Check to see that HACMP is down, user processes were killed, all non-rootvg file systems were unmounted, all non-static volume groups were varied off and exported. The remaining volume groups may include one or more of the following: rootvg, altinst_rootvg, egate1[0-9][0-9]vg_dr.
    5. Execute the configuration phase of the DR and import the volume groups. The options shown indicate the configuration should import the VGs, LVs, and FSs (i), mount the filesystems (m), configure the network adapters in HACMP mode (N), install the configuration files (r), start the applications (a), create the home directories (o), create the IQ directories (d), change the hostname (u), and to do it all in verbose mode (v).

      Start Time: 19:02
      Duration: 1m

      $ ./OCIDR -IGmNraoduv config

    6. Check to see that all volume groups were imported and varied on, all file systems were mounted, network addresses were changed, IQ directories were created, configuration scripts were installed, and background daemons were refreshed.
    7. The Oracle parallel server requires the disks and logical volumes be owned by the oracle user. Execute the following script to change the disk ownerships:

      Start Time: 19:03
      Duration: 1m

      $ /usr/lpp/dr/helpers/fixForOracle.sh

    8. After the OCIDR script has completed on ALL Oracle Parallel Server nodes, start HACMP on this node:

      Start Time: 19:04
      Duration: 4m

      $ smitty hacmp -> Cluster Services -> Start Cluster Services

    9. After HACMP startup is complete, initialize the Oracle environment by running the following script:

      Start Time: This step not executed
      Duration: 0m

      $ mount mxdapnim01:/export/cdimages /mnt
      $ cd /mnt/Oracle8i/CD1 # DO NOT SKIP
      $ ./rootpre.sh

    10. Login to mxdaaega01 on the console as root. You will need to install and run the Hardware Management Console (HMC) client to be able to access the console of these machines. The HMC client can be downloaded from the following url:
    11. Change to the DR scripts directory for the target server:

      $ cd /usr/lpp/dr/mxdaaega02

    12. Execute the deconfiguration phase of the DR. The options shown indicate the deconfiguration should kill all processes (k), varyoff and export VGs (e), unmount filesystems (m), deconfigure the network adapters (n), delete any existing IQ directories (d), and to do it all in verbose mode (v).

      Start Time: 18:57
      Duration: 3m

      $ ./OCIDR -hkemndv deconfig

    13. Check to see that HACMP is down, user processes were killed, all non-rootvg file systems were unmounted, all non-static volume groups were varied off and exported. The remaining volume groups may include one or more of the following: rootvg, altinst_rootvg, egate1[0-9][0-9]vg_dr.
    14. Execute the configuration phase of the DR and import the volume groups. The options shown indicate the configuration should import the VGs, LVs, and FSs (i), mount the filesystems (m), configure the network adapters in HACMP mode (N), install the configuration files (r), start the applications (a), create the home directories (o), create the IQ directories (d), change the hostname (u), and to do it all in verbose mode (v).

      Start Time: 19:00
      Duration: 2m

      $ ./OCIDR -IGmNraoduv config

    15. Check to see that all volume groups were imported and varied on, all file systems were mounted, network addresses were changed, IQ directories were created, configuration scripts were installed, and background daemons were refreshed.
    16. The Oracle parallel server requires the disks and logical volumes be owned by the oracle user. Execute the following script to change the disk ownerships:

      Start Time: 19:02
      Duration: 1m

      $ /usr/lpp/dr/helpers/fixForOracle.sh

    17. After the OCIDR script has completed on ALL Oracle Parallel Server nodes, start HACMP on this node:

      Start Time: 19:08
      Duration: 4m

      $ smitty hacmp -> Cluster Services -> Start Cluster Services

    18. After HACMP startup is complete, initialize the Oracle environment by running the following script:

      Start Time: This step not executed
      Duration: 0m

      $ mount mxdapnim01:/export/cdimages /mnt
      $ cd /mnt/Oracle8i/CD1 # DO NOT SKIP
      $ ./rootpre.sh

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