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#### Program: xargs_k93
#### Description: Execute a command once using each line of standard
#### input as command line arguments
#### Author: Dana French (dfrench@mtxia.com)
#### Date: 07/22/2004
function usagemsg_xargs_k93 {
  print "
Program: xargs_k93

Reads items from the standard input, delimited by blanks
or newlines, and executes the command (default is
\"print\") one or more times with any initial-arguments
followed by items read from standard input. Blank lines
on the standard input are ignored.

Usage: ${1##*/} [-?vV] [-a file] [-E|e eof-str] [-i replace-str]
                [-L|l max-lines] [-n max-args] [-s max-chars]
                [-p] [-r] [-t] [-x]

    -v = Verbose mode

    -V = Very Verbose Mode

    -a file
       Read items from file instead of standard input.  If you use this
       option, stdin remains unchanged when commands are  run.   Other‐
       wise, stdin is redirected from /dev/null.

    -E [eof-str], -e [eof-str]
       Set  the  end  of  file  string  to eof-str.  If the end of file
       string occurs as a line of input,  the  rest  of  the  input  is
       ignored.  If eof-str is omitted, there is no end of file string.
       If this option is not given, no end of file string is used.
    -i [replace-str]
       Replace occurences of replace-str in the initial-arguments  with
       names  read  from  standard input.  Also, unquoted blanks do not
       terminate input items; instead  the  separator  is  the  newline
       character.  If replace-str is omitted, it defaults to \"{}\" (like
       for 'find -exec').  Implies -x and -l 1.
    -L [max-lines], -l [max-lines]
       Use at most max-lines nonblank input  lines  per  command  line;
       max-lines  defaults  to  1 if omitted.  Trailing blanks cause an
       input line to be logically continued on  the  next  input  line.
       Implies -x.
    -n max-args
       Use  at  most  max-args  arguments per command line.  Fewer than
       max-args arguments will be used if the size (see the -s  option)
       is  exceeded, unless the -x option is given, in which case xargs
       will exit.
       Prompt the user about whether to run each command line and  read
       a  line  from  the  terminal.   Only run the command line if the
       response starts with 'y' or 'Y'.  Implies -t.
       If the standard input does not contain any nonblanks, do not run
       the command.  Normally, the command is run once even if there is
       no input.
    -s max-chars
       Use at most max-chars characters per command line, including the
       command  and  initial-arguments and the terminating nulls at the
       ends of the argument strings.  The default is 131072 characters,
       not  including  the size of the environment variables (which are
       provided for separately so that it doesn't matter if your  envi‐
       ronment  variables take up more than 131072 bytes).  The operat‐
       ing system places limits on the values  that  you  can  usefully
       specify,  and  if  you exceed these a warning message is printed
       and the value actually used is set to the appropriate  upper  or
       lower limit.
       Print  the command line on the standard error output before exe‐
       cuting it.
       Exit if the size (see the -s option) is exceeded.

Author: Dana French (dfrench@mtxia.com) Copyright 2005
\"AutoContent\" enabled
function xargs_k93 {
  typeset TRUE="0"
  typeset FALSE="1"
  typeset VERBOSE="${FALSE}"
  typeset VERYVERB="${FALSE}"
  typeset USEINFILE="${FALSE}"
  typeset INPUTFILE=""
  typeset EOFSTR=""
  typeset RPLSTR=""
  typeset MAXLINES=""
  typeset MAXARGS=""
  typeset PROMPTUSER="${FALSE}"
  typeset DONOTRUN="${FALSE}"
  typeset MAXCHARS=""
  typeset PRINTCMD="${FALSE}"
  typeset EXITSIZE="${FALSE}"
  typeset CMDRUN=""
  typeset CMDOK="${TRUE}"
  while getopts ":vVa:E:e:i:Llnprstx" OPTION
    case "${OPTION}" in
        'v')   VERBOSE="${TRUE}";;
        'V')   VERYVERB="${TRUE}";;
        'a')   USEINFILE="${TRUE}"
        'E')   EOFSTR="${OPTARG}";;
        'e')   EOFSTR="${OPTARG}";;
        'i')   RPLSTR="${OPTARG}";;
        'L')   MAXLINES="${OPTARG}";;
        'l')   MAXLINES="${OPTARG}";;
        'n')   MAXARGS="${OPTARG}";;
        'p')   PROMPTUSER="${TRUE}";;
        'r')   DONOTRUN="${TRUE}";;
        's')   MAXCHARS="${OPTARG}";;
        't')   PRINTCMD="${TRUE}";;
        'x')   EXITSIZE="${TRUE}";;
        '?')   usagemsg_xargs_k93 "${0}" && exit 1;;
  shift $(( ${OPTIND} - 1 ))

  typeset CMD="${@:-print -r --}"

  trap "usagemsg_xargs_k93 ${0}" EXIT

  if (( USEINFILE == TRUE )) && [[ ! -s "${INPUTFILE}" ]]
    print -u 2 "# ERROR: Input file does not exist"
    return 2

  trap "-" EXIT

  (( VERYVERB == TRUE )) && set -x


  (( USEINFILE == TRUE )) && exec 0<"${INPUTFILE}"

  while read -r -- CMDARGS

#### If the "-r" option was specified on the command line, check
#### each line read from standard input and check to see if it contains
#### any non-blank characters, if not, skip this input line.

     if (( DONOTRUN == TRUE ))
         [[ "_${CMDARGS}" = _*([$' \t\n']) ]] && continue

#### If the -E or -e option was specified on the command line,
#### then check the line read from standard input to see if it matches
#### the EOF string specified on the command line.  If it matches,
#### then break out of the while loop and return from this function.

     [[ "_${EOFSTR}" != "_" && "_${EOFSTR}" = "_${CMDARGS}" ]] && break

#### Build the command to run using the remaining command line arguments
#### followed by the line read from standard input.  If the "-i" option
#### was specified on the command line, then replace the occurances of
#### the replacement string specified on the command line in the 
#### remaining command line arguments, with the line read from standard 
#### input.

     if [[ "_${RPLSTR}" != "_" ]]

#### If the "-t" option was specified on the command line and 
#### the "-p" option was not, then print the command to be executed 
#### to standard output.

     (( PRINTCMD == TRUE )) &&
         (( PROMPTUSER == FALSE )) &&
         print "${CMDRUN}"

#### If the "-p" option was specified on the command line, then prompt
#### the user with each command and ask whether or not to execute
#### the command.  Any response other than "Y" or "y" is regarded as
#### a negative response.

     if (( PROMPTUSER == TRUE ))
         print -n "${CMDRUN} ?..."
         read REPLY < /dev/tty     
         [[ "_${REPLY}" != _@(Y|y)* ]] && CMDOK="${FALSE}"

#### Execute the command if the "-p" option was not specified on the 
#### command line, or if the "-p" option was specified, execute the
#### command if the user replied that this command should be executed.

     (( CMDOK == TRUE )) && ${CMDRUN}


  return 0

xargs_k93 "${@}"


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