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- Korn Shell Script Template - Mt Xia: Technical Consulting Group

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function usagemsg_your_function {
  print "
Program: your_function

Place a brief description ( < 255 chars ) of your shell
function here.

Usage: ${1##*/} [-?vV] 

    -v = Verbose mode - displays your_function function info
    -V = Very Verbose Mode - debug output displayed
    -? = Help - display this message

Author: Your Name (YourEmail@address.com)
\"AutoContent\" enabled
#### Description:
#### Place a full text description of your shell function here.
#### Assumptions:
#### Provide a list of assumptions your shell function makes,
#### with a description of each assumption.
#### Dependencies:
#### Provide a list of dependencies your shell function has,
#### with a description of each dependency.
#### Products:
#### Provide a list of output your shell function produces,
#### with a description of each product.
#### Configured Usage:
#### Describe how your shell function should be used.
#### Details:
#### Place nothing here, the details are your shell function.
function your_function {
  typeset VERSION="1.0"
  typeset TRUE="1"
  typeset FALSE="0"
  typeset VERBOSE="${FALSE}"
  typeset VERYVERB="${FALSE}"

  while getopts ":vV" OPTION
      case "${OPTION}" in
          'v') VERBOSE="${TRUE}";;
          'V') VERYVERB="${TRUE}";;
          '?') usagemsg_your_function "${0}" && return 1 ;;
          ':') usagemsg_your_function "${0}" && return 1 ;;
          '#') usagemsg_your_function "${0}" && return 1 ;;
  shift $(( ${OPTIND} - 1 ))
  trap "usagemsg_your_function ${0}" EXIT

#### Place any command line option error checking statements
#### here.  If an error is detected, print a message to
#### standard error, and return from this function with a
#### non-zero return code.  The "trap" statement will cause
#### the "usagemsg" to be displayed.

  trap "-" EXIT
  (( VERYVERB == TRUE )) && set -x
  (( VERBOSE  == TRUE )) && print -u 2 "# Version........: ${VERSION}"


#### Your shell function should perform it's specfic work here.
#### All work performed by your shell function should be coded
#### within this section of the function.  This does not mean that
#### your function should be called from here, it means the shell
#### code that performs the work of your function should be 
#### incorporated into the body of this function.  This should
#### become your function.

  return 0

your_function "${@}"


For information regarding this page, contact Dana French ( dfrench@mtxia.com )
Copyright 2008 by Mt Xia Inc, All Rights Reserved